Its too early to say Nichola. I remember when Hola appeared on the scene and it all looked kosher (

) until the server security sites started to look more closely at it.
I think what we have to remember is that there is no such thing as a free lunch (pun also intended). Someone, somewhere along the line has to pay for the servers, the bandwidth, the IP addresses, the software, the advertising and the wages of the small geeky guy who makes the coffee and orders pizza.
Their business model, like Hola, is to offer a paid for "Premium Service", which according to them will allow the free element to survive.
Will they do a "Hola"? I don't know so it's probably a case of give it a try but be aware of potential security issues. Only install it on one browser and use a different browser for things like banking and email - the ideal would be to use a different machine for important internet stuff (banking etc) and have a dedicated one for general browsing using these type of networks - that might sound a bit paranoid but bear in mind you are trusting these folks with your internet traffic in its rawest form...