Author Topic: Partitions  (Read 2500 times)

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Offline alixandria

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« on: February 09, 2016, 09:44:32 AM »
My daughter was given a laptop by a friend which works ok. It is running on win7 but she wants to upgrade to win10. When we went to upgrade it
a message came up about it needs 10Gb of free space so could not upgrade. We looked at the Drive and saw that there was only 1.95GB left of the 10GB on the disc partition that win7 was loaded on.Also on the laptop in Computer is a (C) Drive which reads 11.9 GB free of 31.9GB.
There is also another Drive which reads 1.42GB free of 1.46GB.
My question is can we make the drive that win7 is on bigger by the 10GB it need to be to upgrade to win10. If we can how?
Thanks Alixandria.

Offline rik

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Re: Partitions
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 21:38:55 PM »
First of all. Why Windows 10? If she is happy with Win 7 why change?
Secondly, do you live in Fethiye? If you do I can probably help, but over long distance it becomes more difficult.
By the sounds of the present partition set up, it may have had XP on originally, so there could be other issues which can't be discussed here. A likely 40GB drive is quite small for an original Win 7 machine.
Normally Windows (which may still be XP, Vista etc) is installed on drive C: by default. You say Windows is installed on another unnamed 10GB drive. The other drive may contain system files.
Click on (start) then right click on (computer) left click on (manage) when next box appears left click on (disk management) you will then see all partitions including their drive letters and names on the hard drive of the computer, including any hidden ones.
It is possible to resize partitions here, but great care is needed. It really is best left to an expert.
To be honest, if you are not local, there is not much else I can do.
If in doubt, start on line one again. My own opinion is stick with 7.


Offline alixandria

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Re: Partitions
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 09:33:14 AM »
 Thanks for replying.We have now sorted it out. A friend suggested doing a complete hard drive clean which he did for us. We ended up with a hard drive with 100GB of free space. He then installed Win7 and then upgraded it to Win10 after getting a working product key off a friend and bingo Win10 was installed to my daughters delight.
The only problem we did have was that we downloaded Google Chrome and installed it.But instead of getting Google search we ended up with Yahoo search.Tried everything to get rid of it but to no avail.Once again our friend came to the rescue and the search engine is Google and not Yahoo.My daughter the 13 year old  one said that Win7 kept crashing which is why she wanted Win10. Kids eh.

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