Author Topic: Zoning peace  (Read 1880 times)

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Offline Jayne56

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Zoning peace
« on: May 01, 2019, 05:57:01 AM »
Can anyone comment on the below in regard to properties that differ In someways to the plans held in Tapu office

A new law on procedures and principles of issuing building registration certificates for residential and non-residential buildings came into effect and was published in the Official Gazette on June 6, 2018.

Zoning peace is the process for which building registration certificates ("Certificate" or "Certificates" ;) will be issued for buildings which were built without licenses and which lack proprietorship certificates. Although the Certificates will not be equivalent to proprietorship certificates, citizens who acquire a Certificate will be able to connect to water, electricity and natural gas services.

The Certificate will be issued for buildings built before December 31, 2017. Applications can be made up until June 15, 2019 and the registration fee must be paid by June 15,2019. It is at the discretion of the Council of Ministers to extend the application and registration fee deadline by up to one year. Applications for the Certificate can be made electronically through e-Devlet (the "e- Government Gateway" which provides access to various public services electronically from a single point) as well as by submitting the relevant forms to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization ("Ministry" ;) through the institutions authorized by the Ministry in person. Only one Certificate will be issued for each building. The registration fee will be calculated based on the land's property tax value and the approximate building costs.

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Re: Zoning peace
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2019, 08:34:42 AM »
I am sure Cenk will help with this  8)

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