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Offline DonM

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Esnaf Hospital
« on: November 29, 2014, 15:19:31 PM »
We were very impressed by the standard of service at the Esnaf hospital.

My wife had been severely constipated for a number of days and was worried about the cause. Within an hour she had seen the doctor, had an ultrasound, xray and a further consultation with the doctor who confirmed there were no nasties.

It cost 70 lira the see the doctor and 213 lira for the ultrasound and xray. She was very impressed with the speed and efficient service she received.

Offline IanK

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 15:27:29 PM »
I agree the service is  spectacular.

In September my wife had to go to hospital after a cycling accident - we first went to the Letoon but it was suggested we went to the Esnaf for a 2nd opinion the next day.

The standards were poles apart - and I'd recommend Esnaf every time.


Offline Lotty

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 18:16:16 PM »
We agree, M had to have a time specific injection which fell halfway through our holiday. We took the prescribed drug with us from UK and he was treated with total professionalism and care. We were out within 10 mins at an incredible cost of only 1½ TL. Unbelievable   :)

Offline Karennina

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2014, 22:59:07 PM »
It certainly is a lovely hospital...a while back my friend and I had the VIP tests there..
It was an interesting day to say the least...most of the results were ok but one of mine was not which I have followed up in the uk and am waiting for a hospital appointment for a procedure which I have been terrified I am calmer I am glad I had the test as if it is anything ,nasty' fingers crossed it will have been caught in time..
My friend also had a few things that she has followed up in the uk, and the uk tests have said totally different to the Esnaf results so the mind boggles...
On the other hand for £140 all we had done you just would not get in the uk hell you would not even get half an hour privately with a consultant in the uk..
I did like the way at Esnaf if you needed follow up tests there was no faffing or waiting we went on the Friday and I could have gone back on the Tuesday for the procedure, part of me wishes I had as the waiting for the letter to drop through the door is playing havoc with my nerves>:(

Offline Marggie

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2014, 10:08:49 AM »
Karen, hope you get your appointment soon and all goes well withe the procedure and results.

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2014, 16:05:02 PM »
Karenina, as one who has been to hell and back health wise and after experiencing all the destructive procedures which accompany some of our most serious conditions, I absolutely feel for you at the moment and understand the torture you are going through. Just be positive and keep that positivity with you. Accepting the diagnosis, if it is bad, is the hardest part, and until you get a diagnosis, your fears may be all unnecessary. Sending positive and healing thoughts.  :)

Offline Karennina

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2014, 21:57:41 PM »
Forgot to say on my first post I am so pleased Don that your wife is ok and nothing horrible for her...Thank you Marggie and Sadler...I am calmer now, shall I say what mine was, hell we don't seem to talk about bowel movements in this country yet we all do them! Don has posted without embarrassment about his wifes constipation  ;) if any one finds my post offensive then please don't read it but surely ignorance is not bliss where health is concerned...
It was my last test as I could not do the "necessary" on demand! Most other things were quite good for my age and being a smoker(always trying to quit) the chest xray was my main concern but that was fine...
When the translator told me I had blood in my "stool" test I was not expecting it and because they said to book a colonoscopy up I asked when they said very soon it sent me into complete panic, I am ashamed now but I cried all the way to the dolmus and all the way home on the dolmus lord knows what the locals thought :-[
I do admit I have a tendency to go into extreme panic mode where health matters are concerned, so I did manage to calm my self down with the aid of a sleeping tablet that night and it did not ruin the rest of my holiday...I did a home test when home and that was clear so I was not going to bother with the doctor but during the time I was in Turkey the lovely Lynda Bellingham passed away I saw something about her saying about colonoscopies on TV and her stool tests being totally clear, so that got me into action and I contacted the gp, I really thought they may say a test in Turkey would  not count but I was listened to and had to redo the test, two out of three came back showing a trace of blood so the gp has referred me for a colonoscopy I am not looking forward to one bit and the waiting is pretty bad but hell I just have to deal with it and if it does happen to be something sinister at least by having that first test in Turkey will have alerted me to there being a problem, otherwise I would be still going about my life blissfully unaware of anything going on, I can understand now why on the list of tests from the Esnaf they call some tests "internal medicine" as you don't know what is going on inside...
I would say also if any one else found themselves in this situation please do not ignore it or be embarrassed my gp has been great and I hope I get a nice person when I go for the procedure... And do not necessarily take the results of a home test as being correct, when I say correct I do not mean anything about diagonosing anything I mean as in there could still be blood present that personally I think needs to be picked up in a laboratory...
Sadler you are quite right my fears hopefully will all be unnecessary and in fact from today I am being a lot more braver about it all...Thank you re the positive and healing thoughts hope all is well for you health wise now  :) 

Offline scorcher

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2014, 22:10:57 PM »
Thank you - very brave of you and I sincerely hope that things improve asap.

Offline Menthol

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2014, 22:46:48 PM »
Oh Karennina, please don't be embarrassed - you are right we tend to put a lot of conditions into the 'taboo' section. If we spoke about them more, then perhaps we would all feel a lot less embarrassed and more likely to approach and talk to a health professional.

Hope your colonoscopy goes well and your results are clear. Be strong and stay positive and all the very best.

My personal experience of the Esnaf has been excellent. The most recent was a late night emergency visit with my daughter 3 weeks ago. My daughter reacted very badly to banana (or so we believe) and went into full anaphylactic shock, something that has never happened to her before. Got her to hospital just in time and she received immediate treatment. We stayed in for 3 hours whilst they watched all her symptoms slowly subside and then she was discharged. As I was completing forms at the desk to pay, my daughter collapsed with plummeting blood pressure and immediately had 8 health professionals around her.

We left after a further 2 hours at 5am, my daughter looking recognisable again and full of praise for the hospital and the staff. It cost us 153 Lira (£43) and they asked her to return later in the day for allergy testing. Our only regret was that we didn't in fact return that day simply because my daughter was so exhausted and she flew back to the UK the following morning. She has been told by her GP that allergy testing in her region has a minimum 6 week wait but it will probably be 12 weeks. Now she has a GP referral letter and can go privately - the initial consultation will cost £250 and the testing has been estimated at around £500......

Offline Karennina

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Re: Esnaf Hospital
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2014, 09:15:34 AM »
Thank you very much Menthol, if it comes back clear and nothing horrible I will literally dance my way out of the hospital!
Wow thank goodness your daughter is ok what a shock for you all though especially if she has never had a reaction to anything before...
What a difference in the price as well I expect to what the cost would have been at Esnaf for the allergy testing and I bet no where near as long as the UK wait... Makes me tempted to book my procedure up at Esnaf now and get it done with...
We had a lovely girl to do our translating though I think she was glad when we left the poor girl looked tired out probably because of all our endless questions...
I did not actually feel like I was at a hospital when we walked in it felt more like a hotel   :)

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