Author Topic: Why Turkey: Pros and cons  (Read 9781 times)

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Offline WordBird

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Re: Why Turkey: Pros and cons
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2013, 14:20:57 PM »
Getting back on topic, I also think that one person's pro (or indeed con) might be another's con (or indeed pro). Of course one main reason is the weather, in fact one of ours - but I grew slowly to dislike the weather more and more. There were no surprises, I had been in Calis in each and every month prior to moving there so I knew how hot/cold/wet it could get but over the years the punishing summers and wet days with absolutely nothing to do with the kids grated me.

loiner is right about the council tax being cheap (although mine was nothing remotely close to 60 TL a year) but everything imported is outrageously expensive. Things even out in my opinion. Low council tax, outrageous car or petrol prices. Water rates stupidly small but spend hours of your life in queues trying to pay it. Or selling a moped. Or having the cheek to want your money from the bank. It was amusing once, I'm sure of that. I think.

So the point was that people's pros and cons can be completely opposite. But also that people's personal pros and cons don't necessarily stay constant over time.

Very intelligent argument, not that I've come to expect anything else from you.   :)

I know it won't all be moonlight and roses and I think anyone that does is fooling themselves. I'm told I will come to miss UK weather in time, and that may be true....

I agree with you, people's ideals don't stay constant, but I for one have always been the type that goes for what feels right at the time. (Got me in no end of trouble, that has.  ;D ;D)

Offline angela

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Re: Why Turkey: Pros and cons
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2013, 14:49:03 PM »
Getting back on topic, I also think that one person's pro (or indeed con) might be another's con (or indeed pro). Of course one main reason is the weather, in fact one of ours - but I grew slowly to dislike the weather more and more. There were no surprises, I had been in Calis in each and every month prior to moving there so I knew how hot/cold/wet it could get but over the years the punishing summers and wet days with absolutely nothing to do with the kids grated me.

constant over time.

Very intelligent argument, not that I've come to expect anything else from you.     :)

I know it won't all be moonlight and roses and I think anyone that does is fooling themselves. I'm told I will come to miss UK weather in time, and that may be true....

I agree with you, people's ideals don't stay constant, but I for one have always been the type that goes for what feels right at the time. (Got me in no end of trouble, that has.  ;D ;D)

Offline angela

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Re: Why Turkey: Pros and cons
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2013, 14:54:03 PM »
They are all very valid points, and bringing up small children when there are not the amenities that we take for granted at your disposal must have made for some long dismal winter days, but I like to think we will do our travelling and exploring other cities in the winter.
Yes even when I'm on holiday I think how nice it would be to get dressed without sweating on a boiling day,  but equally,  how many times on a UK break,  have I needed a winter coat in Summer

Offline janmack

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Re: Why Turkey: Pros and cons
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2013, 23:12:04 PM »
We moved here simply because we had enough of life in the UK and were more than ready to move on.  We happened to be in Turkey around this time and saw a couple of properties we fell in love with so we bought them.  We never intended to stay but 9 years later we are still here... mostly down to our pets...cannot just move on and forget about them!  Still feel lots of good things about Turkey however we will definitely leave when our pets are no longer with us...simply because we want to experience life elsewhere :P
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 07:15:49 AM by janmack »

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