Author Topic: Since the earthquake what will you do differently?  (Read 4222 times)

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Re: Since the earthquake what will you do differently?
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2012, 13:34:04 PM »
earthquake bags are all well and good but when it comes to the crunch, will you think of it. Everyone reacts differently to when this actually happens. I had a video camera under my bed when I was getting thrown around the room but didnt think once to get it.
Water usually takes sometime before it is turned off so having containers handy is useful.
Phone charger would be no good unless you use the one in the car but like I said, after a big one you wont get a connection.
credit cards would be useless too as they would need a mobile connection (POS machine) or hardline to work. Cash is king in these circumstances. Credit card would come handy for when you get to the airport.
On my list, most important things to have is torch, water & water containers, blankets, a tent, portable radio, batteries, crow bar and even condoms (great for storing non drinking water) but anything that relies on a mobile signal or mains electric would be pretty useless for the first couple of days or longer.
As I said, this is just my opinion after living through a 7.8 in 99 that killed over 17000.

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