Author Topic: Saklikent Resturant  (Read 1249 times)

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Offline Hamlet

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Saklikent Resturant
« on: August 08, 2015, 20:10:47 PM »
Quite often we go to either a Saturday or Sunday market where we usually have either brunch or lunch, dependant on the time.

Nothing heavy at this time of year, usually Mrs Hamlet & I will each have a Gozleme & Ayran or cay.
The combined total cost is always 14/15tl.

The Ayran arrives in a 500ml bardak & the karasik Gozleme more than fills a large oval plate.

Today, as we have not been there for 2 years, we decided to go to Saklikent instead.
Because of the number of visitors there we drove over the metal bridge & went to the first resturant on the right, the one with the small waterwheel.

We both ordered karasik Gozleme & Ayran.
Well, when they arrived the Gozleme were each cut into 8 small slices, barely covered the base of the small round plate, they were so thin that they were almost transparent, one had just a small pinch of filling that you really had to hunt for it, I think they missed the other one completely.

By the time we saw the waitress again we had nibbled part way through them but decided we were not happy at all & asked for the owner. He sent a message back saying that he was too busy but they would give us replacement Gozleme.

This we refused & I said we would only pay for the Ayran.

Here's the best part, the prices:
295ml pot of Ayran, 5tl Each.
Karasik Gozleme, 18tl EACH

So if we had just paid up like good tourists our hesap would have been 46tl for what was a poor excuse for a light meal, so be warned!  >:(

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