Author Topic: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!  (Read 54068 times)

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Offline JohnF

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #90 on: May 05, 2018, 11:41:22 AM »
It's May and the rain has finally stopped - the sun is shining, the beer is cold and we indulged ourselves with a shiney new BBQ.  A quick trip to the market later we have the makings of a couple of salads and a kilo or so of secreto de iberica, a Spanish cut of pork from behind the shoulder blade close to the loin.  In the UK, this stuff sells for £30-40 per kilo, I paid €7.  You can also buy secreto de cerdo which is from everyday white duroc pigs for €4-5 per kilo.

Secreto is special due to the marbling of fat throughout the cut, similar to the much hyped and over priced Wagyu beef.  All it needs is a very hot griddle or BBQ and cooked for a couple of minutes (until the outside is crispy) each side.  The inside will remain moist and be cooked "medium", which is something a lot of folks in UK would be wary about - a lot of Spanish pork is served pink, as opposed to the UK way of cooking it "well done".

Anyway, lots been happening on the house front - but to be frank I'm a bit "housed" out just now so will do an update in a bit.

May brings us two major events locally, the Feria de Caballo and the Moto GP at the Circuito de Jerez.  For some strange reason the local council decided that the first day of the Feria (today) would happen over the Moto GP weekend.  Madness.  Accomodation wise the town is virtually sold out - we had hoped to up and running for this weekend, but realised a good few weeks ago that it would have been pushing it and would have put us under a lot of pressure to get things done right.  We've probably lost about €3,000 in revenue, but given the stresses of the past few months we're OKish with it all.

The Moto GP attracts bikers from all over Europe and, unfortunately, a small proportion of them think they are Mike Hailwood or Giancarlo Agostini and treat our nice wide boulevards like a race track. This month we have traded the booming of Semana Santa drums for the high pitched whine of numerous two stroke rice rockets until the wee small hours.  That said, the vast majority of folks who are in town for the MotoGP are just here to have a good time, drink some sherry, eat some tapa and watch the races.  As I've moaned before  :) the joys of living in the historic centre.

Pic from:

The first week in May is the traditional date for the Feria in Jerez which is held in a large park (50,000m2) 5-10mins walk from our house.  Originally a simple livestock market, dating from 1294, its one of the major events in this province.

As it's Jerez, the main focus is horses, flamenco and sherry.  Throughout the week there are various equine competitions, show jumping, dressage, carrriage parades and most importantly to some, auctions.  There are over two hundred casetas (stalls) withing the main park area and a similar amount round the periphery.  Food, drink, sweets, horsey stuff, toys, local produce and probably a few kitchens sinks as well.  Adjacent to the Feria ground there is an enormous funfair, when I passed by the other day they were getting set up and I reckon its on a similar scale to the one at the Oktoberfest.

There are also music concerts and bull fights scheduled for this week - Thursday evening will be a first for us, we've got tickets for one of the major bull fights.  I may, or may not, comment on it later.

One of the main differences between the Sevilla feria and Jerez's is that the food and drink casetas in Sevilla are mainly private, you need a ticket - in Jerez, it's all public.  All you need to do is get yourself there (and back....!). Easy for us  :)

The central avenues within the Feria ground are covered in lights, I think it's 10pm tonight is the switch on time.  Well, I hope it is as that's when we're planning to go!  Once the lights are on, the casetas stay open as long as they have customers.  Personally, I think this is a dangerous policy  ;)

None of these pics are mine, they're all from the public domain unless credited otherwise.


Offline Anne

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #91 on: May 05, 2018, 18:04:51 PM »
Sounds like your all settled and right at home now John

Offline JohnF

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #92 on: May 05, 2018, 19:16:42 PM »
I think we're getting there Anne, it's been a bit of a roller-coaster but the end station is now in sight.

Got the last few bits and bobs done upstairs last week so other than waiting for some kitchen end panels to arrive and a couple of small plaster repairs, we're done with builders up here.

Celebratory BBQ scheduled for next weekend  :)


Offline JohnF

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #93 on: June 22, 2018, 12:02:17 PM »
Apart from some electrical work in one apartment we will be waving good bye to our builders this afternoon.

On Tuesday our architect will be picking up our Certificado de Primero Ocupado (habitation certificate) which means we are legal. Totally.

Don't have any water downstairs, as we need the above to get a second water meter, but the bureaucratic dominoes are all now falling.

Only five months late, the GDP of a small country over budget but hey...  the sun is shining, the beer is good and cheap and we have a free concert in our local plaza this evening.

We're heading off for a week so will post some before and after pics when we get back.


Offline BernieTeyze

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #94 on: June 22, 2018, 12:37:50 PM »
Just catching up on all this JF, Glad to hear that the certificate is finally being sought and the builders are leaving. You have been very lucky with them,they have done a splendid job from what we have seen so far. So what is going to happen when this new water meter gets fitted?
You never did mention the bull fight,did you go? Im so pleased that you're happy with the finished result,enjoy your week away x

Offline JohnF

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Re: But Daaaad, you said you weren't going to buy another "project"!
« Reply #95 on: June 22, 2018, 13:11:37 PM »
It means we have two separate water supplies to the building, one of them a larger size pipe.  There isn't the water pressure to have three households (so to speak) all using the one domestic supply.

Yeah... the bull fight.  I think I'll keep my opinion on that one to myself just now.


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