Author Topic: Calis Resturants  (Read 3208 times)

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Offline lance

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Calis Resturants
« on: October 06, 2007, 12:06:48 PM »
Hi just got back after spending 18 days eating out 16 of them ,i hate to say it but the food we had this time was the worst ever and when you have four strangers with you its just not on i don't think they bother with calis again or even turkey and i don't blame them I'm not going to name them it will take far to long .
But what i will say is instead of the owners coming on here saying how good they are they want to get there act together try and find out what things taste like and make sure the so called chef knows.
just one example yesterday running around to get flight home went somewhere and had full English breakfast.
two broken eggs on top three inch thick slices tomato four garlic mushrooms with cheese one rasher bacon cut in 1 inch slices 1 boiled red sausage sliced up over the top hand full old chips 2 spoons cold baked beans four slices cold tom 6 slices of cuecumber.yes it was a big plate full and it was crap ,i did ask what part of England this sort  of breakfast was from but they couldn't speak any English then.
no tip no return there loss.. oh i forgot no toast just a huge garlic bread dear o dear o dear what shambles.


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