Author Topic: Fethiye Hairdressers  (Read 2775 times)

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Offline honeycombe

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Fethiye Hairdressers
« on: October 16, 2012, 15:39:11 PM »
Last night just before 8pm walking back from Fethiye after finding my ususal hairdresser was unable to fit me in at short notice l spotted a ahop on the one way system which was still open.  Asked if they could do wash and blow dry and was told yes.   The girl who washed my hair although having no english was reasonbly cheerful but the wash so rough it made my eyes water.   She then sat me in the chair and rubbed my hair uncomfortably enthusiastically until it was virtually dry then sprayed it with fine mist before trying to drag a comb through it.   The stylist then took over without a word or a smile throughout the whole process.   She just held her hands open as if to say how do you want it styled.   Obviously not communicated well as she dried it straight and plastered flat to my head.

The hairspray can was being opened when l said please no,  (makes it easier to brush out when l get home if its not sprayed).   

Then to payment ..... 5ytl !

l paid and scuttled out into the night,  hoping and praying l would'nt bump into someone l knew,   straight home and washed it myself before going out today.

Am laughing now at the cheap wash and blo dry and guess the moral of the tale is "You don't get what you don't pay for"  ;)

Offline Linda

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Re: Fethiye Hairdressers
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2012, 16:08:54 PM »
So which hairdressers was it?

Offline honeycombe

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Re: Fethiye Hairdressers
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 16:17:32 PM »
Coming out of Fethiye on one way system,  on left futher along than HSBC but not as far as Holiday Image.   Not the big new one,  and you have to go upstairs to it,   left too quickly to notice the name but if helpful will look in the next few days and repost

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