Author Topic: blasting?  (Read 3548 times)

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Offline panick

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« on: October 19, 2012, 11:32:34 AM »
Yesterday a huge explosion occurred in Uzumlu, approx 6.00.p.m. did you hear it too? We suspect where it came from but as we live very close to the forest  the location of the sound can be disceptive. It felt like an earthquake, it rocked our house, the water cooler shook and it was so realistic it could have been an earthquake. (no earthequake activity was recorded yesterday). The scariest thing was that rocks began to fall down from the forest. Does anyone know what authorities to complain to as we don't fancy the forest falling down onto our villa.

Offline Firo

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Re: blasting?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 14:13:29 PM »
Go to the Belidiere and maybe the Jandarma and report your concerns and timings. The Quarry over towards Incirkoy usually has blasts about 5pm but certainly not house moving.

Offline panick

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Re: blasting?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 19:06:09 PM »
We went to the Gendarma earlier this evening, the police confirmed there had been an explosion at exactly the time we had heard it. They showed us the written permission that had been given to Urantas to blast in the quarry. They used 5kg of dynamite, we were assurred this is the normal amount used. We have been here seven years and never felt one of these blasts like we experienced yesterday. The police said if any damage ever occurs to a property it must be reported to them. What happens after that---- draw your own conclusions.

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