I'm really new to this type of thing, and not really sure how it works, however here goes.
I'm moving to Uzumlu in October, I'm a single mature woman, and its all a bit daunting, I'm hoping to make new friends and not look back ! I've been to turkey loads of times on holiday, and often dreamt about retiring there, but this year have plucked up courage to do it. I've given notice at work, and found a place to stay for my first 6 months, and will take it from there. I would like to start chatting to people before I make the move, and I don't think it will feel quite so scary, knowing there are others like me.
Any hints and tips would be more than welcome, I've already discovered that the transfer buses don't run to Uzumlu so the trip from the airport is going to be a bit of a trek, (either that or very expensive by taxi)
Hope to hear from somebody, Anybody.
