I know this is not a shop but feel like the husband and wife team at Kents vets deserve a huge amount of prsise from me...
I had to take one of our two cats who have been on our complex for nine years and I loved dearly to the vet as when i arrived a month ago dear Jonsey was in a dreadful state, i took him on the dolmus as i had no idea of the cost once i woukd get to the vet so thought getting the bus would mean i could put taxi fare to vet bill, wasnt sure if this would be ok but noone batted an eyelid!
Anyway the vet gave him a good exam gave him an antiobitic injectuon and a drip as he was very deyhrated as was not hardly eating or drinking...
This defo helped as Jonsey bucked up for a short while but as the weeks went on he lost more and more weight and started stumbling as well it was really pitiful and upsetting to see, so we took him back to Kents two weeks ago today and sadly the vet said he now had a spinal condituon ( hence the stumbling) his intestines werent working properly he could not do his toilet business properly and quute frankly it would have been cruel to try and keep him alive...
Whilst it was totally heartbreaking it was the right thing to do for our boy and we took him back and buried him by our balcony and what was his home of nine years...( in 40 plus degree heat)
He was treated with dignity and respect by the vet and every one was soo kind...
A big thank you also to the lady from CBF who was there with her dog Milly who was also really kind and took the trouble to email me after to see if i was feeling better afew days later...
It was also really moving to see all the other owners ( the males) who were over take a turn in the digging of Jonseys grave and how we all pulled together whilst all us girlies were blubbing our eyes out...restored my faith in humanity