Author Topic: ominous black pipes appear  (Read 3910 times)

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Offline miaspyro

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ominous black pipes appear
« on: April 24, 2007, 17:44:56 PM »
Please can someone tell me why new black pipes have appeared on the side of the roads again, don't tell me they are digging them up for a 3rd time.  Are they going for a world record, i know we will get there in the end, but green valley is getting worse than the UK for holes in the roads.  (hello Steve)

Offline Steve D

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ominous black pipes appear
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 14:33:58 PM »
Hi Maria, sounds like a nightmare! I don't know what to expect when we arrive on 23rd May - will the minibus be able to get up the road?! I guess everything will sort itself out in the end, it seems like we will be going from roadworks in the UK to roadworks in Turkey!! Hope the garden is going ok.

Offline Kirby

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ominous black pipes appear
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2007, 18:33:05 PM »
Certainly does sound like a nightmare!  Our friend lives out there 24/7 and has a villa just behind us.  I was on the phone to her not long ago - and I could hear all the noise from all the building work and the roads being dug up!  She said it has been horendous!  There is no Dolmus Steve where we are.   Apparently they are waiting for plans to be passed!  So we have to hire a car every time we go out - as do all our friends and neighbours out there.  Alternatively - there are taksis - which can prove very expensive! It is far cheaper in the long run to hire a car - as you can go where you want - when you want.  Really handy for shopping too!  You have to learn to drive like a turk also - Steve has it off to a fine art now - horn bibbing too!  that is ssssoooo important!!!! hahahahaha

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