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Expat & Property Owners Q and A Forum / Re: Rental permit
« Last post by Steve A on March 13, 2024, 14:11:45 PM »
You need a licence to rent and permits for guests.No one in the Fethiye area has one yet,we’ve had our application in around 6 weeks.Iam told on the one hand that letters are going out soon with property inspection dates prior to issue (or not) of licences and on the other it could be at least June before anyone gets a licence.We have cancelled our 2024 guests
Calis Beach Questions and Information / Re: Advent Calendar Fundraiser 2023
« Last post by Dennis Vint on March 09, 2024, 13:31:18 PM »
Hi John

Thank you for your recent post regarding the Advent Calendar Fundraiser.  The autistic children along with their parents and teachers must be so grateful that the fundraising has been allocated to help improve their

A big thank you also to yourself for all you do for the children in is really outstanding.   :)
Calis Beach Questions and Information / Re: Advent Calendar Fundraiser 2023
« Last post by Highlander on March 05, 2024, 20:18:06 PM »
Advent Calendar Fundraiser Update:
I thought folks would like to know what their hard earned pennies were used for.

Donations converted to 34,400 tl.

The money was spent on a special needs school.

The school needed chairs that they could use to wash the children when they had an "accident".

The 3Cs met the parents and saw the kitchen and lounge area where the autistic children learn how to do normal every day things like eat, wash pots  wash clothes etc. When the kids first come to the school they can do nothing for themselves, some cannot even go to the toilet.

So, if you were kind enough to take part, rest assure that you helped improve the lives of kids who needed it.

On their behalf THANK YOU.
Expat & Property Owners Q and A Forum / Rental permit
« Last post by Georgie Girl on March 01, 2024, 17:02:19 PM »
Anyone managed to obtain a short term rental permit yet?  Asking as the season starts soon and we have an apartment booked but not sure we'll be able to go as the owner is waiting for the permit. Thanks

Sent from my SM-A326B using Tapatalk

There are several articles on Google about the growth of Turkish Barbers in the UK.
Calis Beach Questions and Information / Re: Is beach cleaner this year?
« Last post by cally on February 20, 2024, 13:23:55 PM »
How hard is it to find a bin???

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk

The reason I ask is that  thousands of "Turkish barbers" have sprung up all over uk in last few years. Or if this not a reciprocal arrangement but a one way street, reinforcing UK open door policies.

We have quite a few "Turkish Barbers" in my area...not a single barber is Turkish...they are all Kurdish which perhaps originally came here under refugee status due to the troubles in Eastern Turkiye, Iraq, Iran and Syria.
The reason I ask is that  thousands of "Turkish barbers" have sprung up all over uk in last few years. Or if this not a reciprocal arrangement but a one way street, reinforcing UK open door policies.
Many thanks for the reply - sounds very draconian - let's hope they don't police it too actively.  Goodness knows how you are supposed to comply.
Thanks for the info on using the forum via Facebook, but I do not use Facebook and have no desire to do so.  I think there is a maximum age limit and I am probably over it  ;D.
Let's hope that enough people continue to use this great site.
Yes there are new rules now, effectively saying the the only people allowed to stay at your villa, are the people named on the Tapu. family can stay there but only whilst you are there otherwise they are liable for a fine.
You can follow Calis beach forum on Facebook now under the same name. all the information you need is available there,

Its an absolute minefield and many people are thinking of selling up as calis is no longer the little gem it once was

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