Author Topic: Electricity Meter Counter  (Read 1724 times)

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Offline Kirby

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Electricity Meter Counter
« on: November 26, 2007, 21:21:29 PM »
We have had problems trying to arrange for our names to be put on the electric bill!  At long last we now have the correct name on the bill - and the correct Abone No (as the builder registered our name on the neighbours Meter!!) So in theory at one point we had two meters for two different duplexes........ but that is another story!

Anyway - back to the point of enquiry - we have just received an email from the management team of the construction company to advise us that the counter on our electric meter has BROKEN and we need to contact TEDAS to arrange for a new counter @ 35YTL and re-registration fee of 15YTL.

We were told that the meter reader could not take a reading - and that we need to arrange BEFORE 18/12/07 (3 weeks) for a new counter to be fitted at a cost of 35YTL - and a re-registration cost of 15YTL - to enable them to produce a new bill.

Given that we left Turkey late September - there should be very little or no electricity used.

That is not the problem - £20.00 is neither here nor there - BUT how the hell can we arrange for TEDAS to replace the counter on the meter and re-register it - when we are here in the UK - and they are in Turkey!!!!!???????  We have also been told that - having been given the telephone number of TEDAS to arrange for this to be done - the staff there cannot speak english!!!!!

So we are already off to a bad start!

Now I find out from a Turkish friend (who lives in Fethiye) that it may be that the builder allowed an old counter to be used which has now failed - and that TEDAS may have asked 'the builder' to replace the counter - but they are passing the charges on to us - as they cannot be bothered to sort it out.  Given that we have had a nightmare already to get the names and the meter numbers correct!!!!

We have been told by the office (builder) that basically it is our meter - our problem!  They have been extrememly rude about it!

Can someone please advise us if this is the case - Are we solely responsible for the meter or is the builder responsible.  We bought off plan in 2004 and have used the meter 2 weeks in 2005 and 4 weeks of the year in 2006 and 2007.  We think that 8-10 weeks useage of electricity put through the meter does not justify a new counter.

Can anyone please advise me and my very stressed out husband ??????????


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