Author Topic: Short term visa  (Read 9122 times)

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2014, 17:28:48 PM »
Wouldn't you get caught out anyway because the first visa wasn't expired yet?

So many questions...

Offline Marggie

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2014, 18:35:34 PM »
Hope this link works.  If it does, it shows the new eVisa.  It shows a valid from and valid to date along with duration but makes no reference to Shengen rules.  For anybody coming on holiday for a few weeks several times a year there is no problem but how do others who come for longer periods but do not stay here on a permanent basis go on?

Offline charlste

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2014, 19:19:04 PM »
That's if they do the counting backwards Ian.
Do you have to travel on the start date of the e-visa?

Offline Ian

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2014, 19:45:15 PM »
I don't think you do - I believe you can travel when you choose - but recent articles have said they will count your dates on exit and I read that as if you have had say 80 days at the end of your first 180 day visa - then 90 at the front of your second 180 day visa then when you leave the country they will count back and say you have been here 170 days in the past 180 days?


Offline charlste

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2014, 11:34:37 AM »
This is a reply I got today from:


Unfortunately, an applicant who stays 90 days continuously within last 180 days in Turkey can not enter Turkey by using a fresh e-Visa valid for 180 days (6 months) starting from the date when he/she leaves Turkey.

Best wishes,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
Your question:
if I get my visa from the 1-3-14 to 27-8-14 and stay my 90 days can I return on another visa that starts 1-9-14 and stay another 90 days.


Offline Marggie

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2014, 12:53:28 PM »
Thought I had "got my head round this". 

Could be totally wrong but I think the relevant part in the reply is the last part of the first sentence which states "an applicant  can not enter Turkey by using a fresh e-visa valid for 180 days (6 months) starting from the date he/she leaves Turkey".

If you stayed 90 days from the 1 March 2014 you would leave on 19 May 2014.  If you then  came back in on a new Visa on 1 September 2014 and stayed 90 days until 29 November 2014, on your date of departure they would count back 180 days which would take you back to Tuesday 3 June 2014 so you would only have been in Turkey for 90 days out of the last 194 days.

Wouldn't like to be the first one to try it!  Surely the Turkish Government should publish how they are calculating the time spent in Turkey.  It was only because of something I read on the changes to Shengen Visas in Switzerland that I was even aware of the new ruling.

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2014, 14:04:31 PM »
My view agrees with Marggie, and simply put as long as you have a valid visa(s) the start date is not important, the key issue is on the day you leave turkey, you cannot exceed a total of 90 days of the last 180 days on Turkish soil, whether that is a single or multiple visits during the 180 days.

Offline Karennina

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Re: Short term visa
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2014, 20:18:18 PM »
Why oh why do they want to make things difficult for people who want to be in Turkey more or less when they want to be without applying for residency...I know there have to be rules but at the end of the day surely they want people who own properties out there spending money in their country, unless of course they have worked out by doing the counting back thing they are hoping to be able to make money out of fining people at departures... The old way round hubby and I bought far more visas and it cost us more but at least we knew where we were on arriving and departing, this is not going to make for a relaxing holiday for worry warts like me fretting over whether I am going to be banged up abroad, ok bit extreme!! getting slapped with a fine and a possible ban on entering for sometime, particularly as I am often travelling on my own... They just seem to be cutting of their noses yet again and I for one just do not understand why >:(

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