These constant changes/uncertanies etc appear to happen year after year. It seems little wonder, compared to say 5-10 years ago, when on this forum there were never ending topic/posts of buying property and the best shop, place or whatever, for this, that, who to use and so on, as I/we can't wait to move there. I'm sure Keith has facts and figures about this, as there does appear to be less and less Brits and possibly others, not wanting to purchase property or move to Turkey. More so, the amount of people who have either sold up, going to sell up or simply just return on a tourist visa for holidays, myself included, as I returned to near full time to the uk last year. Unfortunate to say (no doubt!) with the exchange rate as it is, many losses will be/have been made on selling up, but very good for just a tourist. Will we now see fewer flights to Turkey this year and costing more, or lucky enough that so many seats on planes will not be sold and end up at a good price!
However, I don't think too many people will actually be advising and promoting Turkey to be the wonderful country it once was, to move/retire to.