It happens Don, I don't disagree. I have heard (and read on forums) of folks being refused who, on the surface appear to be good candidates, but despite multiple applications have not been successful.
All I'm saying is that no-one I know personally (e.g. friends, friends partners etc) has been refused. One particular person surprised me a bit when I found out he had a 10 year visa, he hasn't 50tl to his name and doesn't own property or a business, but still got the visa - incidentally, it wasn't his first 10 year visa either. What also concerned me was the statement that he was coming to visit us next time he was over!
Going back a few years, there was a particular consular officer in Istanbul who (allegedly) had a reputation of being the worst person to see for the interview. He was (allegedly) a bit of a drinker and (allegedly) a bit of a Turkophobe. He was (allegedly) often heard when out drinking in the company of other consular workers boasting about his refusal rate. In those days (allegedly) it was very much down to one person and if he didn't like you, or the look of you, then you'd no chance... allegedly! His name was well known within the ex pat community and the great irony is that he wasn't born in Britain, he was originally from Dublin!