Author Topic: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.  (Read 20923 times)

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Offline JohnF

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Re: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2015, 13:20:06 PM »
You could get two passports and two 90/180 visas then you would be able to be there 180/180 days. Or 178/180 to allow you to leave and return. And just do that forever. Or maybe not. I haven't given this much thought but can't see why not    :)

Hello Scunner,
What a good idea.
It's possible to be done  exactly as you explained 20 years ago.
Now European police has a lost passport and ID network system.
No body can have more than one passports.
If you lost your passport and get a new one, Old one will alarm on the EU and Turkish borders as LOST PASSPORT.
We must work harder to solve 90/180 problem :-)

So Scunner can stay in Turkey for 360 days in a row! Unfortunately he would be staying in one of its prisons.

You could get two passports and two 90/180 visas then you would be able to be there 180/180 days. Or 178/180 to allow you to leave and return. And just do that forever. Or maybe not. I haven't given this much thought but can't see why not    :)

Watching far to many Jams Bond films weeee thinks....    :)  :)

He's really reeled you lot in...   :)

As long as you are eligible, it can be done - truth be told I'd forgotten about this.  Several folks on here are eligible to do it.

I wont tell all right now, maybe you want to have a think about it and see if anyone gets it right.


Offline Colwyn

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Re: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2015, 13:50:27 PM »
Since Scunner claims to be half Scottish, half English and half Irish he could probably stay in Turkey for 450 days on 90/180 visa (when Scotland leaves UK)..

Offline Scunner

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Re: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2015, 14:01:16 PM »
I have cracked it already. I have full UK passport and full Irish passport  :)

Offline ovacik2

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Re: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2015, 10:57:26 AM »
As tor the Authers of this thred ...

They now have had the answer to the original queston, Thanks to the Inspector and others, Thank you all. Always enjoy the banter associated with most posts...  :)  :) Then this ia the Calis Forum we would expect nothing less. A big and sincere "Thank you" to  The Calis Forum....

We look forward to our 2016 visa adventure. Heyy! just to hedge our bets flights booked to Bangkok for the first five weeks, Qatar worlds best Airline 2015 £379 Rerurn. Thanks to Daughter and Hubby living/working there for past 12 years freeish accommodation Bankgkok and Hua Hin...  :)

Peace Health and Happiness to all.....

Offline illuyas

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Re: Half Timers and visa for 2x90 days.
« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2015, 17:52:59 PM »
This is good to know would we need to have the health insurance does anyone know if we had w residency permit for say four months?

Just a quick update
I had to buy a full 12 mths health insurance but I only needed a 4 month residence permit, permit came through no problem, left Turkey in November and returned to the UK.
I emailed insurance company to say that my residency had run out, and was given a refund of the remaining 8 mths the same day
Hope that makes sense

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