Well, 15th came and went.
Absolutely no chance of moving in, still waaay too much to be done.
Had a meeting with D, our architect, whos English is excellent. We came to the conclusion that a) yes, everyone had underestimated the sheer scale of the project, b) changing tack midway (from concentrating on the rentals to our apartment upstairs) had been a mistake, we should have concentrated on upstairs from day one and c) we are actually fairly relaxed about it, as in we're not jumping up and down and spraying blame in all directions.
I think the fact that we are c) has helped. Our architect and builder have come up with a plan to get us in by 2nd March - they could have simply said "tough", it'll be done when its done.
We aren't actually that far away, most rooms upstairs are finished and all we're waiting for is the sockets and switches to go in and the tiling to be finished in the bathrooms. The kitchen is done, the living room is done and all the plumbing is in place for both bathrooms. All we need is a day or so from the sparky and the effin windows to go in!
Soooo, fast forward to yesterday

Check out all the plant pots on the right, there are roughly thirty or so of them - nothing in them bar weeds that could inspire a John Wyndham novel.
OH started chucking them in the bin 50m or so down the street, and all of a sudden we had a visit!

Spanish neighbours are just as bad as Turkish neighbours
Someone called the Police because they decided we were chucking building materials in the communal bin, plus you're not allowed (in Andalucia anyway) to do building work on a Saturday or Sunday.
The two cops were good - pointed out it was macetas (plant pots) and earth and they both said crack on.
We dealt with the whole incident in Spanish, until they were leaving and they both turned round, and in perfect English, said have a good day and don't worry about anyone phoning us again. Lucky there hadn't been any snippy wee comments in English between us!
Anyway, onwards and upwards...