Author Topic: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.  (Read 5021 times)

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Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« on: August 09, 2019, 09:09:56 AM »
Martin Brown and Lindsey Brown claimed that they had been poisoned by meals two days before the end of their holidays and that they wanted a doctor and would complain about the facility, did not attend any tours, and did not consume food and drinks outside the facility.

Offline puma

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2019, 20:57:02 PM »
what does the rest say

Offline Highlander

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2019, 21:46:36 PM »
puma - when I click on the link a Translate button pops up   :)

Offline davybill

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2019, 07:23:12 AM »
No Translate for ME?

Offline Rana

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2019, 08:17:23 AM »
Davybill when I click the link it's my phone's translate from Google that comes up, don't think it's the actual page that has translate.

Offline KKOB

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2019, 08:57:36 AM »

Hotels in British tourists with compensation cases this time in the opposite direction of the development took place.

Emre Hotel, operating in Marmaris, on holiday, claiming to get sick from the hotel claiming to get sick, even though the sick was sentenced to a fine of 30 thousand pounds British tourists 

The event in May 2016 was as follows:

They told other tourists

Jet2 Holidays passenger Martin Brown and his wife Lindsey Brown staying at Emre Hotels in Marmaris; He told another British guest who was staying at the facility that they would demand money by claiming that they were poisoned from the meals at the facility.

When the British guest told the public relations manager about the situation, the responsible agency was contacted immediately and the situation was shared with the agency official; The necessary documents and images are prepared for submission of a possible complaint.

2 days before the end of the holiday 'poisoned' they said

Martin Brown and Lindsey Brown claimed that they had been poisoned by meals two days before the end of their holidays and that they wanted a doctor and would complain about the facility, did not attend any tours, and did not consume food and drinks outside the facility. As a result of the research made by the hotel, people participated in the boat tour during the holidays and went to the restaurant outside the facility to take pictures there were published on social media.

The law firm withdrew from the case

When the British couple gave the agency and hotel law firm and demanded 20 pounds of compensation from them, the hotel management sent the documents to the attorney's office that they had prepared before and showed that they made false statements. The law firm also withdrew from the case, finding the hotel and the agency justified.

On top of that, the British couple contacted the hotel several times and regretted their unfounded complaint and apologized, but the hotel management did not forgive the vigilant couple.

Sentenced to 30,000 pounds

The agency and the hotel filed a lawsuit against the couple in the UK court regarding this fraudulent complaint. In the case in Manchester, the court examining the documents submitted by the hotel and the agency sentenced Martin Brown and Lindsey Brown to pay a full 30,000 pounds compensation. The awake couple will be sentenced if they don't pay the fine.

The news was widely published in the British media and shared on the main page of the newspapers.

The management of the hotel shared this message with the readers of TurizmGüncel and wanted to warn the hoteliers and agencies about how to act.

Offline davybill

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Re: Britsh tourists caught trying to scam Marmaris hotel.
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2019, 15:55:19 PM »
Cheers KKOB.

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