Author Topic: The Second Worst ...  (Read 900 times)

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Offline Colwyn

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The Second Worst ...
« on: February 20, 2009, 22:29:13 PM »
... Set of Executives in the World

By "executives" I mean those "leaders", "managers" "decisions-makers" and "politicians" and such-like that float so high above us, on such astronomical salaries and bonuses, that we don't know what they do - until they cock-up, big time. Obviously I am looking for the second worst since I assume 99.9% of sentient beings have already decided that the first worst are bankers. So, on with the list, in no particular order, the nominees are:

* the UK Government for its 2.5% cut in VAT and lets-give-all-the-tax-payers-money-to-banks-but-not-nationalize-them policy (actually I think HMG has done pretty well in this crisis but I don't expect majority support for this view)

* the England & Wales Cricket Board for selling our national summer sport to SKY TV for thirty pieces of silver so that over 90% of the next potential generation of cricket fans and players cannot watch it. Coupled with the audacity of then blaming the BBC for not offering them enough money so it is the BBC's fault nobody wants to play cricket. But this wasn't enough for them. They then did a tacky deal with Stanford in order to stop English players going to the IPL. They are going anyway and Stanford is on the run from US authorities. Anybody heard an apology from the executives yet?

* The George W Bush administration. Where can we start; where stop? Torturing prisoners. Ignoring victims of hurricane and flooding - "it's OK, they're only black folks, they don't vote for us anyway." Invading countries to grab their oil but forgetting to think about how to get out there. Saying that environmental controls are not for the US; we'll dump the problem on somebody else - because we are big and because we can.

Supply you own nominations. There are sure enough to pick from. Then we can discuss the worst of the worse.

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