Colwyn The week before the Election you said Ed Milliband was the leader who could reach the people,or places, other leaders
could not reach. I responded that Labour was spending 35 thousand pounds on consultants to teach Milliband leadership, in the
week before he wanted us to let him run the country. You seem to condone the slaughter of the Ambassador on camera on the
grounds that he was Russian. ISIL slaughter innocents on camera and justify it on the grounds that they are American, or English,
or Christian. Iv'e always viewed you as a non violent and peace loving person so i'm shocked but it is a Forum for members to
express their views so we differ.
SteveJ Show me the the personal attack.!! I described Colwyns viewpoint on the slaughter as disgusting. Thats not an attack
on him as a person, in fact iv'e got fond of the old s?d, even if we don't always agree.
If Keith takes issue with anything I print on here i am sure he will let me know without taking instruction from you