Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Uzumlu Discussion Forum => Topic started by: saoirse on May 29, 2007, 15:17:16 PM

Title: Security cameras!
Post by: saoirse on May 29, 2007, 15:17:16 PM
I was out for the past 3 weeks, shuttling between Fethiye and Uzumlu where I plan to build a place and live. I was horrified to overhear that some British ex pats are considering the erection of security cameras in the village! Someone please tell me this madcap, ill thought out , "solution to a problem that doesnt exist" nonesense is just not true!
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: jsp51 on May 29, 2007, 16:20:20 PM
Please please tell me this is a wind up!!
If ex-pats miss security cameras so much may I suggest they get themselves back to the UK, we have plenty here, they will be wanting traffic wardens and wheel clampers next!!!
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: saoirse on May 29, 2007, 16:25:57 PM
apparently it is some  English ex policeman who lives in the village who is something to do with the residents committee. it is in my opinion a ridiculous idea on so many levels not least the resentment it could cause with local people
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: jsp51 on May 30, 2007, 16:05:20 PM
Suppose you have to have sympathy for anyone who thinks like this, but i'm afraid the old saing "once a copper always a copper" comes to mind. Lets hope the idea is treaed with the contempt it deserves and is binned. I for one would'nt like to see any form of spying equipment on the sreets of the village. My advice to this person would be, if you feel unsafe in the villge , then move, do not spoil it for the rest of us.
It would be nice if this person lived up to his convictions and came on here with his reasons for such a ludicrous idea.
I look forward to hearing from him.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Firo on May 30, 2007, 16:58:50 PM
6 or 7 houses broken into in one night last week (and our was one of them)
Idea came from the head of Jandarma in Uzumlu (not an UK ex policeman, get your facts straight please)for cameras to be placed at exits/entrances on main roads to record vehicles that enter the village as a deterrent as well as being able to record any vehicles that enter the village.
Jandarma have been magnificent throughout but had no idea who had commited the break ins.
Luckily they got stopped by traffic polce for speeding,4 days later, 4 hours away and some of the stolen goods recovered.
Let the residents decide what they want as its not us suggesting it but it is up to those that live in Uzumlu to decide one way or the other.
Fi & Eric
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: jsp51 on May 31, 2007, 18:55:50 PM
Not good news, were you in Turkey when this happened or was your house empty?
Hope you did not sustain much damage and your losses were not much. We all never wanted to hear of this sort of thing going on in the village, does anyone think that this was a one off opertunist adventure or do residents think this may be the new "norm".
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: tribalelder on June 01, 2007, 06:08:34 AM
It will happen in any area where a large number of properties are unoccupied and intruders are not likely to be disturbed.:(
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: jo b on June 01, 2007, 09:31:11 AM
Friends of ours have a place in of their neighbours had their house stripped last year.

Apparently drove up in a lorry and loaded everything in including the carpets-police reckon they would used to refurbish the same design of house-how cheeky is that!

I guess with all the new builds in the Uzumlu area new furniture, electrical goods etc could be sweet pickings...
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: pookie on June 01, 2007, 10:06:49 AM
We have a home in Uzumlu - and yes security is a concern for us.  However I have to say that I believe that security should be down to the individual.  To erect security cameras in public places in such a 'traditional' village is outrageous.  Please please please bear in mind the thoughts, values and culture of the locals, and when I say locals I don't mean the ex-pat community, I mean the REAL locals.  It is they that are kind enough to share their village with us, and they that have welcomed us so generously.  Ok, so we have bought money into the village, but if we are not careful, we could ruin the very thing that we all found so attractive in Uzumlu - the peace, tranquility and traditional culture.   (excuse me while I climb off my soapbox !!). :-\
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: saoirse on June 01, 2007, 10:09:11 AM
VERY well said Pookie. Couldnt agree with you more.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Eric on June 01, 2007, 11:08:18 AM
JSP 51, Yes we were in the house, we moved here permanently 4 weeks ago, the dog barked and we think that frightened them into grabbing what they could in the kitchen and then running.  Another couple had their mobile phones taken off the bedside table next to them whilst they were asleep.  They have caught the thieves, 4 men and 2 women, in Didem which is 4 hours away.  They were from Eastern Turkey and were on their way back there when the local Polis stopped them for speeding and found bags of 'goodies' in the car.  As for the camera's, it is NOT the ex-pats who are asking for them, it is the local head of the Jandarma who wants them to protect ALL residents of Uzumlu, at least one of the houses broken into was a Turkish resident.  The head of the Jandarma explained that if he had cameras on the main roads into and out of Uzumlu (there are only 3 roads) he could have seen any cars leaving at the dead of night and ran a trace on them and then if he had found the car was stolen or from another part of Turkey he could have acted on that.  He knows who everyone is in the village, he has a file on everyone, I know because I have seen ours, and he knows who is out and about.  If he see's a stranger or strange car in the area he can keep an eye on it.  I for one am not afraid of 'big brother' how many heads of police in the UK can say that they know all their residents?  The file on us is reassuring not worrying as we know he has the safety of ALL residents of Uzumlu in mind.

Eric and Fi
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: lynx on June 01, 2007, 13:25:48 PM
We are British residents and have been living in Turkey for 4 years. These last 6 burglaries were not the first here in Uzumlu and were not a 'one off'. There have been several other buglaries here. Unfortunately there will be more and more, especially with so many foreigners moving to Uzumlu in droves. It is mainly due to so many of us living here that the village has been experiencing the problem and bringing the thieves onto the 'locals' doorstep for them to suffer too. So for those of you who don't feel that the problem exists or won't worsen then you are living in a dream world. For everyone's information the intruders do not just target us Brits but also Turkish families - that's why so many Turkish people have bars on their windows and doors. Neither do they target just empty properties. In fact they prefer properties with owners/guests in residence. This way they have access to more useful items like jewellery, cameras, mobile phones, money and passports. Many burglars use a spray which keeps sleeping owners asleep whilst they go through your bedroom. It is definitely up to owners to help secure their own properties and make it more difficult for 'would be' intruders. However the idea of cameras on the entry/exit roads does not worry us as we have nothing to hide and would not feel 'spied upon'. The Jandarma do a very good job but have very limited resources here in Uzumlu and have 6 other villages to police. If a couple of cameras help the Jandarma in their fight against crime and keep this village 'burglary free' then what are you all worrying about? If you were burgled yourselves and the thieves were caught and your items (possibly sentimental items)recovered, due to security cameras, surely you would all be delighted that the cameras were in place! We too would prefer to live in an 'ideal world' without the need for security cameras, however this is no longer an 'ideal world'
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: norfolk N chance on June 03, 2007, 17:26:22 PM

#304; have been visiting üzümlü for many years, and in that time i have met many of the british people who now reside there.
Most of them are realy nice people, while some are out to make money at every opportunity. #304; bet the person who will fit the cameras is an ex pat(3 guesses who boyo).

The suggestion was not made by any of the ex policemen living in üzümlü, and there is no and never was a residence association, the monthly get togethers were for social reasons only.
You may be sitting in the wine bar chatting and having a drink or two,but remember walls have ears.
CCTV has its uses but they are unnessesary in this small village.
Dont spoil it.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Eric on June 04, 2007, 18:16:08 PM
Why oh why do people come on this forum to bad mouth other people, especially when it is their first post.  Peoples opinions on subject matters differ but should be valued.  "I may not agree with your opinion but I will defend with my life your right to say it"  Oscar Wilde I believe, it should still hold true today but libelous statements should not.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: norfolk N chance on June 04, 2007, 20:24:49 PM
how sad if the cap fits:(
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: nicko on June 04, 2007, 20:27:33 PM
Eric, thankyou for echoing my thoughts. Like you I understood the forum to be an opportunity for social interaction and sharing views, not an opportunity to take a verbal swipe at fellow residents. Following some of the statements on this topic I was tempted to remove myself from the forum, but your commonsense view has restored my faith.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Eric on June 04, 2007, 21:05:03 PM
norfolk N chance - I presume you are talking about yourself with your comment or is it another swipe at some one.  nicko - thank you very much, like you I was thinking about removing myself but then thought no, it is a very informative site, if people treat it right, and we have gained loads of very good advice from people on here.  Thanks to all those who have helped, and we will be staying.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Firo on June 04, 2007, 21:38:13 PM
Norfolk n chance....who are you?
You come on this thread without even having the courtesy to go to members introductions and then start having a libelous dig at "boyo".
As a Welsh person living in Uzumlu (one of a few I hasten to add) I find your accusations condesending and rude. If you are unwilling or unable to name the "boyo" you are refering to then please keep your comments to yourself. Comments like those are insulting to all the Welsh who are happy living in Uzumlu.

Scunner are the moderators watching this and reminding new members to introduce themselves because new members who start their membership by accusations are not welcome in my view to what otherwise is an excellent forum.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: tinkerman on June 04, 2007, 21:40:04 PM
eric and firo, sorry to hear about your burglary so early into your new venture, my sister had the same treatment, it is a shame to need cameras to make you feel safe but it is a reality with the growing number of people moving out there and the riches to be had by these people, good luck and best wishes for the future.
Norfolk, try and introduce yourself before putting your views across in the manner you have done so, it might give your arguement more credibility if we knew more about you.

Title: Security cameras!
Post by: tinkerman on June 04, 2007, 21:43:00 PM
Evidently I cant type as fast as you Fiona:D
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: commando on June 11, 2007, 21:37:23 PM
Cameras in Uzumulu :( Please tell me someones having a laugh :D
I'm looking to buy property there sometime in the near future but i'm not happy with the thought of being part of "Big Brother ".
Nice to join the forum, thanks for the warm welcome and look forward to hearing from you all.
P.s the weathers been awful in Cardiff just lately so i'm looking forward to some sunshine  8)
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: crossie on July 01, 2007, 14:40:39 PM
You have,nt let any scousers move in there,have you? Just a thought!
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Twin Bee on July 01, 2007, 18:25:03 PM
I would like 'Norfolk N Chance' cautioned or yellow carded because they have caused offence and have not followed the rules and when this has been pointed out they have not expressed any regret.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Scunner on July 01, 2007, 22:59:36 PM
Firstly, please accept my apologies. I simply can't read every post in every thread (although I do spend endless hours doing my best [:o]])

I totally agree with Twin Bee, the post is offensive, compassion free and totally out of sync with what I (we) are trying to do here.

If one member leaves CBF due to offence caused by another, especially a new member, I will come and find you and bring you back  ;)

I suffered many an attack on my own forum from 'faceless' members and wow, it is so easy to do when you are hiding behind a PC - very brave.

I know I bang on and on about the etiquette of introducing yourself before 'wading in' with opinions, but it is fundamentally important in our community.

Twin Bee's comment is further reinforced by the fact that not only did they not expressed any regret for the offence caused, but actually check this very thread regularly - it is quite an old thread but they were here even today.

To me, that is good old fashioned 'flaming' - posting to inflame ill feeling, and it has no place here.

My sincere sympathy goes to the charming Fi & Eric for their sad experience. Also to the other 5 victims of this. To leave CBF because of one member out of 3,600 is wrong, I am pleased you didn't.

"Norfolk N Chance" is a member that flagged up as 'irregular' from their own day 1, I can't remember quite why, but I have a number of interesting gadgets that alert me.

Let them have their Uzumlu where they leave their keys in their car all night and all their windows open when they are out. For the rest of us, we'll protect our little world.

Norfolk N Chance, yellow card is shown. Please choose between friendliness or staying away. After 15 years on forums, I have a feeling I know you will choose a third option, and then we can rid ourselves of you.
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: crossie on July 02, 2007, 16:58:42 PM
Scunner, does this include your posting on scoucers pinching laptops
Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Scunner on July 02, 2007, 17:15:59 PM

No it doesn't as I had the good manners to introduce myself prior to starting posting on CBF.

It also differs as it was "tongue in cheek" (and I never even mentioned a laptop).

Title: Security cameras!
Post by: Scunner on July 02, 2007, 17:34:12 PM
Decided this is probably the best time to lock this.