Author Topic: Dear Mr Chris Tippett  (Read 5217 times)

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Offline kismetbar

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Dear Mr Chris Tippett
« on: May 25, 2009, 20:17:07 PM »
Dear Chris

98% of me wants to send you this Email personally but as you seem to thrive on writing a vendetta of abuse to the forum why should I not defend myself and others.

1. Constructive Critisizm In none of your postings did you say anything constructive at all...go back and read them and call me a liar if you dare.

If you had taken the trouble to ask why somethings had gone wrong before putting finger to keyboard in this terrade of abuse then you would have been told.

This concert was arranged by the committee and Nigel was charged with being lead and co compare for the evening.

Weeks no months of preparation have gone into this event. Chris do you think it just happened!!!!!

The committee have been begging and borrowing from all sources to make sure that everything was in place for the night.
Veli gave us a superb sound system and provided us with a team of experts who had been around most of the day

Most of the acts gave their precious time willingly enthusiastically and at no cost whatsoever....

Meetings more meetings.... banging ones head against a brick wall....learning to deal with compex Turkish rules and regulations...trying not to upset anyone...thinking of ways to make things better....thinking of how we can raise more money...shouting and screaming privately at our partners in order to releave frustration.....putting our own lives on hold for a couple of months.
I could go on and on......

So Chris going back to your so called constructive critisizm.

The Concert was a Shambles

Carnival week itself was dogged by bad weather. Any one who has lived here for a few years have never experienced a May like it.

On Carnival Day itself the weather started out great. Nigel was at the concert site at noon to ensure the wonderful backdrops were put in place. These marvelous works of art were painted and designed over several days at no charge to anyone by our friend Chrisse and didnt they look magnificent. She also gave her time and effort with love.
The Sound and Lighting arrived and so did the clouds. Quite rightly they wernt prepared for this expensive equipment to be ruined so they held off installing the systems until sure that the rain had stopped.
Every act came for their sound check at the alotted time and of course couldnt do it. No one had a paddy no one had a tantrum we all just agreed to come back later.

Chris's Constructive critisizm 2. The Concert Started Late.
Yes the concert started just over an hour late..for the above mentioned reasons. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE

Most of the acts including myself went on without a sound check again without argument. We just wanted to get the show on the road.
The crowd just kept arriving and all were in good humour throughout
The number of people far exceeded last year by 3 or 4 times. How was anyone to know how many would turn up...there was no ticket was amazing.

All of us would have liked the opportunity to run through our numbers..request the lighting to be in a certain way et know sort of like Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones would like...but then again they would have had a huge team of support workers doing it for a living and claiming a huge fee. And the audience would have been charged a 50 pound entrance fee.


Nigel had painstakingly worked out the rota to give eveyone their time on stage and everyone knew what they were doing
The concert was a fusion of Turkish and English Culture.
The extremely talented Performance Dance who also gave their time for free were the only act who we couldnt tie down to a time...and it was agreed we would slot them in as and problem..we just move the remaining acts down one.
Then it seemed that the 2 Turkish Groups had a gig elsewhere and must go on there and then. We had to and wanted the Turkish acts to perform..that was the whole point of the concert.... and so the Guitar Club...Myself... and Pavorotti...were to be put on after the group to close the first half. Sure we had all been hanging around for ages.. Poor old Pavorotti in his suit and padding was sweltering.(incidently the stage that had been set up for the guitar club had to be re-arranged for the groups) I volunteered to go on before the Guitar club in order that they could re-arrange the stage whilst I was performing..this was agreed) Unfortunately as one of the groups decided they would do 45 minutes...including their warm up instead of the allotted 25 min put everything back even more.
The Guitar Club decided that they had had enough and regretfully they decided not to go on.

Chris Constructive Critisizm 3 The audience walked out.

At 11.00 the place was buzzing.. a few people regretfully left to catch transport back to their homes. There was still far more people left as attended last years concert. The general opinion was that dispite the weather...dispite the hick ups what a great time everyone was having....if that was not true why did most of them stay....despite having to pay 1 tl for a pee......was that our fault too.

Nigel having taken all of the flack and insults back stage went on to do a blinding job as co-compare with his wonderful Turkish Host..totally unrehurst and kept the show running magnificently...and I am not just saying that because he has been my partner for 13 years..I am saying it as he is a true professional truely dedicated to what he does and he did it brilliantly.



So Chris if we offended you so much we are truely sorry

Chris I am much more a man than you are I would have said this to your face or as I said earlier in a private email to you..but as you seem to get off on this terrade of insults and abuse then why shouldnt the world know about it

Please forgive the spelling mistakes..temper makes my fingers go all over the place. and to close.....whisst presumably Chris you were tucked up in bed..certain parties were dismantling the equipment in order to getting the site back to being a car park.



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