Author Topic: Buying in Calis - to buy or not to buy....  (Read 2236 times)

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Buying in Calis - to buy or not to buy....
« on: November 02, 2005, 00:04:16 AM »
We have just returned from our first ever visit to Turkey.  We have been to many places around the world so not exactly "green" as travelling goes.  To my total shock I totally fell in love with the place and it's people.  We stayed at Olu Deniz and got chatting about property to a Turkish guy that we met on one of the tours, he offered to show us some of his uncles properties (some which were built and some off plan) in Calis.   We readily agreed as I must admit that although I don't act on impulse often my heart was totally in it.   We went to Chalis, both this man and his uncle were courteous and polite and even took us into both their homes and we also met the uncles wife.   The end result is that we have fell in love with a plot of land that they are building apartments on right on Calis beach.   We agreed to buy, the uncle agreed to sell, unfortunately we did'nt have enough time to sign anything and had no means to hand over a deposit.   Now my problem is this, having returned to UK we have kept in touch with the man who initially told us about the property and he has agreed to handle the sale for us.   I spoke to him and his English girlfriend on MSN and they have asked me for £10,000 upfront as a deposit (which i had previously agreed too) and then they asked for £3000 commission which had not previously been discussed.   He said this is to cover him sorting out the Tapu (contract) arranging utilities for us, organising a bank account, and for interpreting between us and his uncle who does not speak English.   My problem is trust, I found all the Turkish people I met to be genuine and honest and immediately felt I could trust this guy and his uncle but if I applied my usual "life" rules to the equation, as in the rules I would use in UK because a lot of people can't be trusted, then I would'nt trust this all at all.   But I want to trust it and to believe in it.  Am I being gullible?   I have told him I won't hand over anything until he sends me the Tapu signed by his uncle and the builder (it will be in English)   My question is....when the Tapu is prepared and signed by all is it legally binding in Turkey and have I got any comeback if they default in any way, because at the end of the day it will be a piece of paper.   Also does anyone know what happens with the notary?  Is he the guy that makes it all legally binding?   I would really be grateful for some answers because the time is getting closer for me to hand over the money and although I want this more than anything I don't want to lose my life savings.   Thanks to anyone that can help.  Julie x

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