Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum => Topic started by: lance on August 10, 2006, 14:43:03 PM

Title: Fish Market
Post by: lance on August 10, 2006, 14:43:03 PM
Hi can anyone tell how things work in the fish /meat  market in fethiye, i have been told you just buy what you want from the stall or shop and they cook it ,what do they charge and how come I've not seen on here about it ,is there a best cafe to go to or are they all much the same .

                           Lance :)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Fran on August 10, 2006, 14:51:22 PM
Hi Lance.
The fish Market is great. You buy your fish from the fish counter and then take it to the restaurant of your choice and they will cook it for you. Most places charge 5ytl per person, for this you get bread and salad. We usually eat in the Can Cigar, ask them for prawns, cooked in spicy sauce. yummy..
Title: Fish Market
Post by: stoop on August 10, 2006, 15:23:36 PM
Ask the restaurants first how much they will charge you for the cooking and salad etc. You will be surprised how they will barter with you for your custom. Some will also barter for you for the fish. I would also ask to check the toilets first. The one we ate at had awful ones - up some rickety stairs, past the kitchen and then it was bend over double at the loo (no standing room -lol).

Fish was great though.

Title: Fish Market
Post by: glennat on August 10, 2006, 15:35:18 PM
Hi Lance,

Just wander toward the fish counters looking lost.  You will be quickly greated by a waiter/fishmonger/small boy with a dog on a piece of string who will sell you your fish and guide you to a table of their choice!

So, just relax and let them take the lead (on your first visit).  When you next visit you can be a bit more fussy - that's what I did. You're on holiday after all.

Title: Fish Market
Post by: maybe on August 10, 2006, 16:01:11 PM
I've never tried buying the fish and getting it cooked next door but I hear it's easy and worth doing.  I loved the market itself - fantastic fish.  But we used to take it back and cook it at the villa.   The prawns are so good.  Cook in seconds - same for the squid.  And they'll prep it for you.  Very helpful and friendly.  

Title: Fish Market
Post by: KKOB on August 10, 2006, 18:06:09 PM
If you go from the fishmarket into the fruit and veg market there is a little restaurant on the left called the Oztoklu.

Rukiye ( pronounced Roo-Kee-ya ) will go with you into the fishmarket, help you buy your fish, prawns, seafood etc. You can then have it cooked at her restaurant for quite a bit less than in the fishmarket restaurants.

You'll also find that beer, spirits and wine cost a lot less than in the fishmarket. For instance, she'll charge about 10 - 12 YTL for a bottle of wine that will cost you upwards of 35 YTL in the fishmarket restaurants.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: wickwilly on August 10, 2006, 19:08:22 PM
To add to KKOB's info she also seems to be able to get the fish from the market cheaper than the other restaurants do!!!. A great little restaurant.

Title: Fish Market
Post by: katespot on August 10, 2006, 21:03:51 PM
I agree KKOB & Wickwilly, Rukiye and her family are so nice, the food is great- definately my favourite place to eat!


Title: Fish Market
Post by: Rimms on August 10, 2006, 22:04:34 PM
"Ask First" Good advice Stoop, Ashamed to say we got ripped off wicked last year, a guy picked us up as soon as we went in, we accepted his offer of "apertisers" which was probably a big mistake. Will give Oztoklu a try this year.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: philrose on August 11, 2006, 06:03:19 AM
It's a great fun night out but as a number of others have said, do check the restaurant prices first. A modest charge to cook your selection of fish can become quite expensive when the cost of drinks, starters and various extras are added. ;)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: stoop on August 11, 2006, 09:59:33 AM
Phil - you just reminded me that our night out there (after bartering for the cheapest cover charge) was the most expensive meal we have eaten in Turkey up to date (and that includes Bella Mamas fillet steak!)

.. and the toilets were disgusting.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Cavfan on August 11, 2006, 12:44:18 PM
Having been on a few occasions can recommend it highly if the following criteria apply like fresh fish/shellfish the novelty of the market place setting the ambience of a market with plenty of hustle bustle
4.enjoy simply, but expertly cooked wholesome food ice cold beer and wine to accompany your food.
If your're looking for a cheap meal and I'm not sure that you are- this isnt it. Its not why we go.We go for all of the above and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  I dare say if we could do it in Leeds we might not enjoy the novelty aspect so much but we cant, regardless of how good our Leeds Fish Market is,  I cant imagine it being quite the same experience.
Fish and Shellfish is an expensive commodity all over the world so I wouldnt expect that just because I'm in Turkey it will be cheap. Cheap- er maybe but not cheap!
Oh and by the way the place we go has very clean loos! Think it might be called Reis, though I've usually enjoyed number 5 above too much to take notice!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: KKOB on August 11, 2006, 14:25:02 PM
Don't be put off by it being known as "The Fishmarket" There are also 3 butchers on the fishmarket. So, for those not keen on seafood, there's plenty of other choice.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Neisha on August 12, 2006, 17:46:25 PM
Fish market is definately worth a visit - lots of nice frsh produce - theres a veg market next door to. Ive eaten there - have to agree with the comments that i prefer the scenery in Calis - but the food is good and not expensive.

They weer even showing footbal when i was there - so got to be good!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: june on August 13, 2006, 11:11:55 AM
Stu and I have been to the Fishmarket a couple of times but each time did were not the ones that paid....lucky eh! :)

So the question is when we are over in September and eat there again how much should we be paying for our fish, there is always a lot of bartering going usual......last time we had approx 8 - 12 huge prawns and we both had Sea Bream, between us, how much do you think we should be paying for that Alan[?]

Also we will definately try your recommendation of Oztoklu Alan, and the wine is a lot cheaper but which dry white is best Alan, there are not many  :)

We may pop to see you at Kaya in September Alan, I know we have threatened a few times but now you are settled in.

Best wishes

Title: Fish Market
Post by: nigesam on August 13, 2006, 12:09:33 PM
Totally agree with Cavfan, We did the fish market yesterday. A geat experience. Lots of fun. Great for people watching, just sit back and watch the world go by.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: KKOB on August 13, 2006, 12:21:38 PM

Prices for fish will be dependant on what the market is like at the time. To be honest, I'm not a great fan of fish, so I don't really know the prices. I do know however, that Rukiye will get you the best price possible, and, unlike many of the waiters in the other restaurants, she doesn't take a commission from any of the fishmongers.

Everyone's got their favourite wine. So the best thing for you is to try them all!!

Look forward to seeing you in September. Inshallah!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Patty on August 13, 2006, 12:45:21 PM
We used to visit Ruykie in the fruit market for our kebabs, we got talking as you do and arranged to come for an evening meal at her parents place, two doors down.
Fish was on the menu so decided i would try it. Starters was prawns, not for me, i'll just have salmon as a main.
Anyway, after a couple of efes, got brave and decided to try these prawns, fab....
All four had a lovely meal and most enjoyable evening here. We also went back in July as it was so nice.
For those of you who like to eat fish but not too good with the smell in the fish market just go into the fruit market to Ruyike who'll prepare and cook a lovely meal with parents.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: june on August 14, 2006, 07:30:13 AM
Okay thanks Alan we will go to Ruykie and let her do a deal for us.

I have a number of favourite wines but just never found one in Calis!! will have to carry on drinking I guess :)

Will e mail you before we arrive end of Sept.

Title: Fish Market
Post by: Joxx on August 14, 2006, 11:21:45 AM

Hi Lance,
KKOB is right to add the info about there being other sections there. The butchers are excellent.
We have eaten at the fish market restaraunts a number of times usually with visiting friends and family as it is a bit special.
For us we can recommend Regips Plaice  (yes plaice!!). He will also guide you in the choices. Another whose name escapes me is on the extreme left hand corner as you pass from the vegetable market into the fish. Their chilli prawns are to die for.
I have never seen anyone charge 35  YTL anywhere for a bottle of wine, but the advice about how the bill grows as the alcohol flows is worth remembering.
Enjoy Lance
Title: Fish Market
Post by: davewalsh on August 14, 2006, 17:00:19 PM
I haggled for prawns im May, started at 50 per kilo, finished at 30. Not sure whether it was a Turkish bargain but it certainly was an English one. Also haggled for Sea Bass /bream ( can't remember which). It had a sticker price of 15 YTL per kilo, got it for 10.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: KKOB on August 14, 2006, 18:56:26 PM
The "local" price for prawns at the moment is 20 YTL per kilo. However, May is early season so I think 30 YTL was reasonable.

Sea Bass is currently selling at around 20 YTL per kilo.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: june on August 18, 2006, 07:25:24 AM
Thanks for that Alan I appreciate it, will bear it in mind for September, see you then.


Title: Fish Market
Post by: rowanis on August 18, 2006, 11:18:34 AM
Recep is a great person - I'm biased because I've known him for years.  His father was a butcher and the tables and stools beside the fish market stalls where you often see locals gutting and dealing with their fish or having a glass of cay whilst waiting are made out of a tree his father planted that grew too big for the market.  Recep was also a butcher and is well placed to help those who do not like fish enjoy the experience.  Also, if you are into it, having excellent knife skills he will happily do sashimi for those that like it, we spend a lot of time there in the winter when the Bonito tuna is in season, you have to bring your own wasabi, ginger and soy though!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: tribalelder on August 28, 2006, 09:26:35 AM
Tried the Oztoklu last night thanks to your recomendation KKOB......Rukiye says you are sometimes her Boyfriend and sometimes her Father.[?][?]:D.  Seriously a brilliant place which we have passed by so many times and barely noticed usually when shopping for veg. The sauces prepared by her father Rahim are just mouthwatering. sadly it was so quiet we were the only customers last night and a mere dozen or so people passed by while we were eating.  Rukiye was saying that already a couple of places in the market had closed down due to poor trade. So get down there and make sure we don't lose this one! Although our first visit we were made to feel like old friends and after the meal were joined  by Rukiye and her father and chatted for ages. :)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: katespot on August 30, 2006, 15:10:26 PM
4 weeks 4 days and i'll be there!!! my fav place to eat!  :) :) :)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: n/a on August 30, 2006, 15:16:37 PM
Great place to eat,fish is fantastic and the prawns can be so fresh they are still alive.!!!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: noebar on August 30, 2006, 16:32:30 PM
Oztoklu we allways call in for coffee when we are in town allways go and have fish dinners would'
nt go anywhere else they sit and talk everytime we go there treat you like friend's of the family
Title: Fish Market
Post by: KKOB on August 31, 2006, 18:48:36 PM
"Rukiye says you are sometimes her Boyfriend and sometimes her Father.."

Lucky for me I've got a very understanding wife!  :)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Moon on January 10, 2007, 14:22:36 PM
I went there with my family and it was so bad it was funny.

My dad asked fora sea bass and they said the would pick it out for him, my partner order chupra (dont know how to spell or pronounce it) and as me and my mam dont dont like fish we ordered a plain cheese and tomato pizza each.

First comes the fish 2 chupra not sea bass in sight, we giggled a bit didnt complain just got on with it, then  the pizzas arrived, imagine a pizza divided into 6 then take 3 pieces and put them on a separate place and put half a tomato in each of the gaps! and they/it was a meat pizza not a plain one like we ordered. The reason we found it so funny as because we had already discussed the fact the the guy was running around and clearly wasnt listening to use when we asked him anything. By this time luckily we all found it really amusing my partner (turkish) then ordered a diet coke for my mam stating clearly DIET coke, the guy reached into the fridge beside our table and plonked a normal coke on our table. I found I hilarious!! we reached in the the fridge ourselves and replaced for a diet coke.
There seemed to be flies every where and it was over run with street cats and dogs it also smelt really bad.
It was a bit disappointing as my parents where only hear for a week and I didnt want to take them anywhere like that. Maybe it was just a really bad one off day. hopefully!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: sue mac on January 10, 2007, 20:43:05 PM
I also went to this restaurant. We met Rukiyes brother selling slush drinks down on Olu Deniz beach. He told us all about his families restaurant and we went the following night. We paid 5 lira for soup salad and bread, and she took us to choose our fish. We chose a huge piece of tuna, which was then cut into four large steaks, at a cost of 30 lira.  We loved it there. It was so "turkish" and I assume its the same restaurant that was spoken about earlier, as I was crying with laughter at our trip to the toilet.  You have to climb up a set of steep metal steps (almost like a ladder) at the back of the kitchen, only to then have to crawl into a space where the toilet is. I can imagine that some would find this quite alarming, however I found it all part of the fun. The food was good - the service was great and at the end of the night, "Dad" took us all home in his minibus.  We will certainly go there again.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: young at heart on January 16, 2007, 22:37:33 PM
the first time we visited the fish market.  I bought some steak from the butchers.  It was very tasty and he was very friendly.  When we went a few months later.  The butcher told us we could only sell the steak in bulk.  I said you sold us four steaks last time and was told it was not up to him it was his boss's rule.  
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Scunner on January 17, 2007, 07:58:17 AM
His loss  :)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: sunlover on January 17, 2007, 14:16:54 PM
We visited the fish market for the first time last August and never tried anything there, you know what it,s like first time to turkey and all that, you never know what to do at those places, but we will certainly be trying Oztoklu after reading about it here when we go back to Calis in september.  My mouth is watering already!!!

Title: Fish Market
Post by: june on January 18, 2007, 07:26:29 AM
We could never go to Fethiye and not eat at the fishmarket its just amazing, can't wait until we are over next.

Title: Fish Market
Post by: Highlander on October 27, 2007, 18:16:53 PM
Mrs H eat there last week and reports that it was fabulous. Had the only dry table in the house apparently. Dry as in from the rain that is.
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Rimms on October 27, 2007, 20:02:18 PM
Just a quick thank you to KKOB for telling me about the Oztoklu restaurant which is just inside the fruit & vegetable market next to the fish market. Rukiye ( pronounced Roo-Kee-ya )is fantastic, her Dad Rahim is a great cook and makes the most wonderful sauces I have ever tasted. It is really, really, good value for money here, the food is wonderful. Go There !


Title: Fish Market
Post by: laffa on October 27, 2007, 20:50:48 PM
 :)Will have to remember that name next time, I think we were well over charged last time we went, as were others who went to the same one, but I would like to go again, so that suggestion has helped,  ;)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Brandi on November 10, 2007, 14:12:26 PM
We have been twice for lunch buying at the fish market and eating in one of the surrounding restaurants.  Went for the third time in July this year but decided to try the evening atmosphere as I had seen lights in the trees and thought how pretty it would look.  However, in July/August of course, as I am sure everyone realises, except me... the heat builds up and it was probably cooler to eat at lunchtime before the heat of the day built to 'unbearable' in the evening. As a result my daughter passed out.  As she lay on the floor, I realised I too was about to pass out so made for an exit -   where I passed out.  The local people were just fantastic helping my husband to rush from one fainter to the next.  You could see how sympathetic they all were  - with my husband -  poor man, fancy having two females in his family passing out and in different place, at the same time.  Anyway they kept the meal warm for us and the drinks cool.  Plenty of the lemon water and drinking water and sound advice (didn't realise how many turkish people were medically qualified!!)  Can't praise the fish market highly enough.  Super food, and lovely people.  They really did look after us.  I think we'll go at lunchtime in future though..
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Tiff on November 13, 2007, 13:31:18 PM
Lance i recommend Recep's Plaice he also does wonderful marinades so you can buy straight from him , try the jack fish and his calamari is out of this world
Title: Fish Market
Post by: bikerchickblonde on December 08, 2007, 21:06:19 PM
I used to eat in the fish market at Reis Restaurant a few years ago and it was very cheap, but last year felt it had gone up a lot in price and they did not display the 5 lira sign outside!  Check the fish prices, check the cooking prices and my advice is not to buy anything of the menu eg. starters etc. as even chips are quite expensive on the menu.  With the fish, bread and salad you will be full - if you have the starters you will find you leave your fish - at least we do!!!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: wickwilly on December 09, 2007, 19:15:32 PM
Went to Rukiye's place on Friday. Its hamsi balik time so between us we had 1 kilo,large salad,garlic bread and 2 beers. 21 YTl. What can I say? Going again on Wednesday!!!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: Melek abli on March 25, 2008, 22:26:36 PM
I took a friend of mine to the fish market and whilst the experience and atmosphere was lovely we were charged an awful lot for what we had! Will be a bit more careful with the meze next time!! It flippin expensive. little buggers
Title: Fish Market
Post by: amanda bullock on March 25, 2008, 23:09:26 PM
I think you have to be careful which resteraunt you take your fish to!!!!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: tinkerman on March 25, 2008, 23:16:37 PM
are you really that lonely Amanda?
Title: Fish Market
Post by: amanda bullock on March 25, 2008, 23:39:41 PM
sod off you!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: amanda bullock on March 25, 2008, 23:41:53 PM
sod off you!i'll go to bed then
Title: Fish Market
Post by: tinkerman on March 25, 2008, 23:44:20 PM
Goodnight, and say hi to the fish for me:D ;)
Title: Fish Market
Post by: amanda bullock on March 25, 2008, 23:45:15 PM
Title: Fish Market
Post by: amanda bullock on March 26, 2008, 11:07:21 AM
he doesn't mind as long as i take him to a nice plaice anyway!!!
Title: Fish Market
Post by: tinkerman on March 26, 2008, 15:41:14 PM
Thank cod for that!