Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Introduce Yourself => New Member Introductions => Topic started by: smudge on March 08, 2004, 21:09:04 PM

Title: member introductions
Post by: smudge on March 08, 2004, 21:09:04 PM
Hi there,
finally got round to joining this site after moving over for good last september.As an introduction we are from London,and have been coming here for many years before making the move permanent,having become disillusioned with the way things have been going in UK over past few years,more red tape,taxes etc etc,and we want somewhere safe and fun to bring up a family(still practising at the moment).
I have been a professional musician for many years graduating to owning my own recording studio(which has come with us,causing raised eyebrows at customs)and also a motorcycle sales and repair business which has been sold along with our house enabling us to retire before 50-just,in my case but the wife is still of child bearing age!
My wife is an NNEB trained nursery nurse and Nanny,so if anyone requires advice or discipline  she can deliver(under 10's only need apply).
We also brought our two cats with us,so if anyone is planning to move with animals or problem loads we might be able to offer some advice.
Look forward to meeting some of you at the May party.
Title: member introductions
Post by: Crabbit on March 08, 2004, 21:16:12 PM
Hi John
Welcome to the site.
Pearl & i will be moving out to Calis as soon as the sale of our house here is finalised.
Whereabouts are you living ? (i need to know where to come to borrow an Efes or 6).

Title: member introductions
Post by: CMC on March 08, 2004, 22:36:23 PM
Welcome to the site John.
Well done on your recent move. I really do admire those of you who go ahead and follow your dreams, I just can't quite bring myself to be so brave.
Hope you keep posting with real life experience advice!
Christine and Keith
Title: member introductions
Post by: PeteM on March 09, 2004, 09:42:57 AM
Hi Smudge - welcome to the forum, we hope to complete on property at Serenkent, any day now would be good!!!  I was interested in you being a musician as I was about to put up a topic to see if there were any other musicians (I play guitar with more enthusiasm than technique)out there who might fancy putting together some form of group for occasional party nights or just having fun.  Anyway I'll get in contact when I'm coming over and we can always meet up over a few Efes!
Title: member introductions
Post by: Bradley on March 09, 2004, 10:05:21 AM
Hi Smudge,

I'm also a musician, I play a mean triangle.

OK serious now. I do have a computer based studio here in the UK that I use to make CDs, if you've heard of people like Francisco Lopez or Nurse With Wound you'll know where I'm coming from. I'll transfer my little studio to Turkey in the form of a Laptop and various bits whenever I'm over so I can continue to produce music. Main instrument is guitar, I have a few CDs out.
What type of music are you interested in? Where is your studio/is it just for you or do you record local bands?

Title: member introductions
Post by: Marly on March 09, 2004, 15:34:46 PM

 So envious of you Smudge, making the move to Turkey just bidding time till we can do the same !!!!!  As you must now be conversant into the Turkish lifestyle, maybe you can answer some questions on living in Turkey, the main one being without being to impertanant, how much money do you need to get by on for monthly outgoings[?] for an average lifestyle.
Title: member introductions
Post by: farmer on March 09, 2004, 18:27:48 PM
Hi Smudge and all the other Musicians
Pauline and I are just waiting for the sale of ou UK house before we come to live in Calis. The sooner the better. We will look around and buy as soon as is possible.
I am a "retired" musician nowadays. Classical, that is. Talk of computer-aided studios is a foreign language to me, but I'm willing to learn!
I have had to give up the Violin as the old arthritis has kicked in, but I still play the Trumpet (a little) and teach it (a lot more).
It looks like there may be enough talent out in Calis to form a "Site" band...who knows.

Regards to al

Title: member introductions
Post by: cenk on March 09, 2004, 19:03:07 PM
Hi Farmer
Welcome , my wife is also musician and we will be happy to meet you in future
Title: member introductions
Post by: cenk on March 09, 2004, 19:04:40 PM
Excuse me
It should be Smudge instead of Farmer
Title: member introductions
Post by: haino on March 09, 2004, 23:09:45 PM

Think this lot should be "band"
Title: member introductions
Post by: farmer on March 09, 2004, 23:16:57 PM
Hi cenk
Ok so you don't mean me. Hope you won't mind us meeting though!


Title: member introductions
Post by: smudge on March 10, 2004, 15:58:20 PM
Hi everyone,nice to hear there are some musical people around,who will be at the may party?Answering some of the questions,guitar is my main instrument,mainly blues and rock but I am influenced by all types from classical to country,Thin Lizzy,Free through the 80's/90's metal to Sum 41,A etc.My setup is all digital but with a lot of hardware outboard equipment,can't fit my guitars,amp, keys into a laptop yet.Owing to work regulations here unable to work with local bands ,although this may change the nearer we get to the EU.
For Marley, you can live quite comfortably here with about £75-£100 a week including bills,with this amount we go to cinema once a week,eat out at least once a week,and have a few drinks here and there.We do eat at the Local's places rather than those aimed at tourists which are twice as expensive,and we make good use of the markets.If you have anymore questions I can start a new thread.
Look forward to meeting you all,
Title: member introductions
Post by: Crabbit on March 10, 2004, 16:12:47 PM
Hi Smudge
I have set up a "Cost of living" forum.
Can you post the last bit of your post in there.
Title: member introductions
Post by: Marly on March 10, 2004, 20:57:50 PM

 Thanks for the info Smudge :) that,s great.

   Good Idea Dave, having a cost of living in Turkey Forum
Title: member introductions
Post by: kim on March 10, 2004, 21:08:16 PM
i have been asking this question a few times ,cost of living is a great idea !

its good to know ,what its like.     kim
Title: member introductions
Post by: cenk on March 14, 2004, 08:21:41 AM
Hi Farmer
Of course we will be happy to meet you and your family also.
Maybe some raki or Efes somewhere ?  :)
Title: member introductions
Post by: Doug and Lynne on June 03, 2004, 22:53:26 PM
Hi Smudge,
We are looking to move permanently to Turkey in November and have 2 cats to bring along. How easy/hard was this, also did you have to have residency first? By the way Doug is a mean drummer from the eighties and looooves Thin Lizzy, so maybe a live gig could be arranged for our house warming!!![ we havent even bought it yet,but heh Im optomistic].
Doug and Lynne