Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => Other Sports (Not Football) => Topic started by: Highlander on February 11, 2007, 13:02:05 PM

Title: The Olympics
Post by: Highlander on February 11, 2007, 13:02:05 PM
There is no question that cost of the Olympics will continue to spiral completely out of control until 2012. And all the while Seb Coe and his cronies will continue to maintain that it has nothing to do with them.

The people, especially Londoners, are going to suffer a terrible financial burden for this folly.

And whilst it will be the people of the South East who benefit from the legacy of the regeneration (as did the people of Edinburgh in 1970) the rest of the country will suffer.

The lottery will be expected to pump in increasing obscene amounts of money to the total detriment of other worthwhile projects in other parts of the country.

It is the same old story - politicians spending our money without a care in the world because it'd not theirs.

The question is if these people had asked a builder to build a house for 200k of their money at which point would they call a halt when costs increased. When the cost tripled, quadrupled, reached ten times (don't know the term for x ten)

The Scottish people got their Parliament at extortionate cost because they did nothing to stop it.

My question would be... just how can the general public successfully put a stop to hugely expensive Government projects
Title: The Olympics
Post by: c1 on February 11, 2007, 17:42:03 PM
we can't unless we march on the street is mass demonstration's. I for one don't want the olympics or any other grandstanding by any politicians. I would like to see a report on carbon reduction, because I believe that deforestation has had a larger effect than carbon produced by cars, and if that is the case wouldn't be cheaper to buy up vase chunks of the rain forest and do nothing with it just like the deputy chairman of the Conservatives has done. I know slightly of the piste
Title: The Olympics
Post by: Highlander on April 22, 2008, 13:16:19 PM
Well I never....:(
Title: The Olympics
Post by: c1 on April 22, 2008, 16:58:41 PM
H you saving your pennies for the rail fare down to see this in 2012, I reckon rail fare will be £300 -£500 return at least by then, cos none of us will be able to afford or be allowed to drive or own a only hope is that the 10p tax rate will force an election and the londers tax biil for 2012 will get ken thrown out.
Title: The Olympics
Post by: John H on April 22, 2008, 19:17:26 PM
Highlander and others,

Have you tried making your objections known to your MP?

It might just make a difference if more of us took up our objections or reservation on government decisions with our elected representatives.

Years ago I wrote to my MP,Bill Tynan(Labour now retired) outlining reservations I had on the then European Constitution.

His response was,as far I was concerned, a load of waffle accompanied by the comment that no one had ever brought up these concerns with him before.

I know that I was not alone in my reservations but,apparently, was the only one to bring them to his attention.

I followed this up with correspondence with his replacement,Jim Hood(Labour)on the substitute European Treaty.

This man ignored me for months during which time I did not even receive the courtesy of an acknowledgement of receipt of my correspondence.

I persisted by sending e mails and letters to him personally at Westminster and at his Constituency Office and eventually I received a very abrupt and rude letter from him which did not answer my questions.

As the population of a democratic country we complain too much among ourselves and not enough to our elected representatives and possibly because of this they feel that they are free to do as they like or when required simply follow the party line.

Politicians now seem to have forgotten that they are paid from the public purse and as such are answerable to the public,if we care to question them.

On my 'High Horse' and in full critic mode.