Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Information and Services in Turkey Section => Good (or Bad) Shop Guide => Topic started by: tytots on March 15, 2004, 11:40:21 AM

Title: cycles
Post by: tytots on March 15, 2004, 11:40:21 AM
We are buying some cycles when we arrive in Calis for our big spend out in May, any idea of prices & where the bicycle shops are situated please?
Title: cycles
Post by: legless on March 15, 2004, 12:55:26 PM
I am taking my bike over in May as the ones for sale out there are quite cheap only meant for leisure riding.

You should pick one up for about £40.00 check out Migros and spot shop

Title: cycles
Post by: philrose on March 15, 2004, 16:31:54 PM
As the man said they are mainly cheap leisure only cycles, a lot of the "white goods" type shops also seem to stock a selwetion of bycycles as well. I'd take a few bits and pieces out with you, such as a puncture repair kit, a pump and maybe a few basic tools as they seem quite hard to get hold of out there. There may be a specialist cycle shop somewhere but I hav'nt found one yet 8)
Title: cycles
Post by: tytots on March 15, 2004, 23:04:33 PM
Thanks alot for your info. These bikes will be for leisure, up the tracks where you don't see anyone (it's brilliant) on our bird watching jaunts, bearing in mind us 2 SKI...ers will not be chasing a yellow jersey. Good advise re tools etc. thanks.
Title: cycles
Post by: wallace on March 15, 2004, 23:26:07 PM
Is that SKI as in Spending the Kids Inheritance????
Title: cycles
Post by: tytots on March 15, 2004, 23:48:20 PM
Title: cycles
Post by: lindacarl on March 29, 2004, 11:27:09 AM
On the subject of bikes - anyone know where you can get those 3 wheeler bikes for adults - the ones with the huge carrier on the back.
Having been really accident prone as a child (every photo we have of me has me bandaged or plastered around the legs) my parents decided in their wisdom that cycling for me was just asking for trouble. I got in enough scrapes with my super scooter :-).
Hence I'm one of the few that never learnt to ride a bike. My sense of balance is still abysmal - I rarely manage to stay upright in the snow & ice. Saw someone riding round on one of these & thought YES!
Looked great for carting home provisions & might mean I get a bit of exercise - greatly needed.
Anyone help?
Title: cycles
Post by: farmer on March 29, 2004, 13:14:50 PM
Could the inability to balance be anything to do with you always being plastered?

Title: cycles
Post by: lindacarl on March 29, 2004, 22:12:18 PM
Me LOL - I'm virtually teetotal! Not everyone on here drinks.
Seriously I do rarely drink. Not totally teetotal but often prefer a coffee to a drink.
Used to drink a fair bit when I was younger but have maybe grown older & wiser now & realise you don;t need to get blotto to have a good time.
I will have the occasional Efes & have been known to help my other half drink the good part of a bottle of whisky but we only do that 2-3 times a year.
Would still love to know where I can get one of those bikes though.
Title: cycles
Post by: Scunner on March 29, 2004, 22:19:30 PM
I've only met you once and you had polished off the best part of a bottle of whisky then - "2 or 3 times a year" - yeah right!

I do enjoy the occasional Efes myself. Steph sometimes implies that I'm a hopeless alcoholic - she is wrong - I'm a bloody good one.

Can't help you with the bikes, people who want to cycle in that heat are either bonkers or on the run.


Title: cycles
Post by: Partygirl on March 29, 2004, 22:37:20 PM
Hi Linda

I have seen thoses bicycles for sale and I must say I have been on about getting one.  They look really practical. I saw them for sale in the same street that Yildez the furniture store is in.  Scunner will know where that is.  So if you are reading tell Linda how to get there.  I am also in the position to agree with Scunner that he is a bloody good alcoholic.

We hope to take possession of our property  early June and we are really looking forward to it.

good luck with the bicycle hunt.

Title: cycles
Post by: Scunner on March 29, 2004, 22:41:23 PM

To get to that shop, I'd suggest cycling there.

Title: cycles
Post by: lindacarl on March 30, 2004, 08:22:17 AM
Scunner OK you are right. But you accused me then of being a lightweight in the drinking stakes. Must admit we did drink far more than normal in the 2 weeks we were there. We didn't want to be party poopers.
Not sure I could keep up with you - in my younger days I could probably have easily drunk you under the table. Then again they say with age comes wisdom. Well that's what they say.
I now am addicted to coffee - drink far too many. Looking forward to getting to Turkey & changing to apple tea - got to be much better for you.
Come on - tell me - where is that shop?
PS. Will they deliver? :-)
Title: cycles
Post by: Carpete on April 11, 2004, 21:26:54 PM
Beko shop next to Eron spot had 3 wheelers. He quoted me £110 for the cheapest one which had a lovely big shooping basket on it. NB that was before I did any haggling!
Title: cycles
Post by: n/a on May 02, 2004, 14:18:47 PM
We are taking my 6yr old grandson to Calis in July, we shall have bikes, anyone know of bike seats, trailers etc & where we can purchase or hire from? Thanks
Title: cycles
Post by: tytots on May 31, 2004, 15:47:20 PM
We have bought our bikes, 2 mountain bikes, 21 gears, £58 each, literaly off the back of a lorry. Found lovely little shop for repairs/maintenance etc. It's a little old 1946 type shop, very helpfull owner, speaks no english but you manage, everything there hanging from the roof etc. At top of Baris Manco Bulvari turn right it's on the right hand side about 200mtrs down, has mopeds repaired there as well. Elaine & Dave
Title: cycles
Post by: lindacarl on July 31, 2004, 09:15:32 AM
Finally got the 3 wheelers - after weeks of looking - every time we went out.
Couldn't get the bloke under £110 each even by buying 2. We finally saw them 100yds up from Pasa Kebab - he'd just had a shipment in.

We were looking forward to using the 2nd week we were in Calis but my seat kept falling down & Carls' handlebars were ultra flexible. As we had no tools to fix it will have to wait until next time.

So if you see a gold & a blue 3 wheeler side by side with 2 large people on them give us a wave.

They appeared to be resurfacing most of the roads when we were out there, had already done Yerguzlar to the market & the day we left there we went to the barbie at Camelia (at top of our road) & had to climb over mounds of chippings which had miraculously appeared, so hopefully cycling might be a bit safer.

Linda & Carl
Title: cycles
Post by: siemli on September 08, 2004, 17:35:38 PM
Dont forget good old Migros.
I got two adult mountain bikes with the large oval frame fo £28 each and a kids one for £24.
They have all the gears etc but are obviously not top of the range but are ideal for the beach or riding to Fethiye.

On that note anyone know where to get baskets for bike from....
Title: cycles
Post by: Rimms on September 08, 2004, 19:15:02 PM
Or bells, so you can warn all those bloody pedestrians who insist on strolling down the prom !!

Title: cycles
Post by: tytots on September 09, 2004, 13:57:16 PM
If you go to the junction at the end of Baris Manco Bulivari, turn right, cycle shop on right about 100mtrs. or so, opposite Police station & school. It's a small/old shop, every thing hangs from the ceiling, the guy there doesn't speak english but you get by, he fixed our 2 bikes up with baskets, racks, spare inner tubes, even serviced them, excellent value & service. You can go up the back roads to the shop, no traffic! Didn't buy bell but would think he would have them. Elaine
Title: cycles
Post by: Rimms on September 09, 2004, 16:25:13 PM
Hi Elaine, yes I went to the shop twice, once for locks and once for a PUMPA as he called it, I have never seen two blokes covered in so much oil in in my life ! but the place is an alladins cave and will get the bikes serviced there when we are back in November.
Title: cycles
Post by: canalman on February 13, 2005, 08:06:40 AM
As Sue and I will be in Calis next week I am going to the shop mentioned to get a cycle for myself. We are lucky that our house is 5 mins walk down the road from the shops in Gunlukbasi and sometimes it makes us lazy as it is so easy to go for a cooked chicken rather than do our own cooking !
Title: cycles
Post by: lindacarl on February 13, 2005, 13:26:43 PM
Lazy? That's being pretty sensible especially during the summer months when it's too hot to have the oven on.
Must admit that sometimes you wonder if it's worth cooking when you can live on smoothies, pop along to the Pide place for a 40p Turkish Pide or down the road for a 1/2 bread chicken kebab for £1.
My mouth is watering as I type.
Take some tools for your bike, they seem difficult to find - we picked some up for a couple of pounds at Aldi or Lidl - but don't bother carting over a pump as they are easily bought from various places.
Envy you being there next week, hopefully it won't be too much longer before we get out there.
Title: cycles
Post by: canalman on February 13, 2005, 16:56:23 PM
Linda, Thanks for the suggestion about cycle tools. I agree that it is too easy to buy something nice to eat especially as we will have had to walk up to Gunlukbasi where there are so many places!.
We will love every minute that we are in Calis and hope to see you out there soon.
Pete and Sue :P[:X]
Title: cycles
Post by: kanga on February 15, 2005, 15:59:31 PM
Like everything else we own we bought our kids 3 mountain bikes from EREN SPOT a great price and they were all delivered and built for free cannot ask for better than that.