Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Turkey Related Subjects => Turkey Discussion Forum (Not Calis specifically) => Topic started by: loz on August 21, 2007, 19:37:46 PM

Title: For Women who Leave a Larger Footprint.
Post by: loz on August 21, 2007, 19:37:46 PM
Not sure which section this should be under, Not really Turkey, not Calis. However, Ladies like myself who have large feet will know how frustrating it is to locate shoes, beit Turkey, UK or anywhere.

It is so annoying when here we are the land of ladies shoe heaven and not a pair to fit.  I nearly end in tears when I go into a shop and ask for a size 44 (10uk) for a ladies evening wear, to be met be "Yes come, we have" I get all hoped up when they present me with something looking like a heavy black transformer boot! "unisex"! they exclaim, this is usually the cue for Gordon to grab me and throw me bodily out of the shop before I throttle the assistant!

I FRET NO MORE, deep with in the bowels of the computer hidden away I had a link for the designer shoe co.

I ordered 3 pairs of shoes beginning of August, first pair were shipped 7th August and arrived in Turkey 15th August, I received an email of apology that another pair were out of stock and not to be re issued, but would i take the 10$coupon off my next pair (YOU BET!) the second pair have now been shipped and should be here this week.  I am now off to look what I can get for my 10$ off coupon.

So for all you ladies out there making do with clumpy or ill fitting shoes, Get Shopping. is the largest women's shoe retailer in the world specializing exclusively in hard to find sizes for women who leave a larger footprint.