Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Beach Questions and Information => Topic started by: Pi55y on November 04, 2007, 15:28:30 PM

Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Pi55y on November 04, 2007, 15:28:30 PM
The Calis Carnival Committee are holding a traditional Christmas Market and Craft Fair at the Orient Express and Nil Restaurants on Calis seafront on Sunday December 9 from 11.00 am - 5 pm.

There will be gifts, Christmas cards and decorations, framed Calis photographs, various crafts, Christmas produce, books, bric-a-brac, mince pies, mulled wine, roast chestnuts and much, much more.

We have also written to St. Nicholas to ask him if he is able to take the time to visit Calis that day at what is a very busy time of the year for him. - more on this later!

The Calis Carnival official mascot, Tommy Turtle, the Carnival Caretta will also be making an appearance.

If you would like to book a stall at this event please contact the committee through the updated carnival website "contact us" page. Stalls will cost 10 ytl each  :)
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: baklavalover on November 05, 2007, 08:53:20 AM
Great idea !  Can someone sing ?  We could do some carols !
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: MagicalGarden on November 05, 2007, 16:05:45 PM
Sounds like a great day, we will be there.
If St Nicholas needs a red suit for the day because his is in the wash i have one at the nursery, its an adult one but i will have a look at the size.
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Pi55y on November 06, 2007, 20:23:06 PM
Thanks MG we think we have one but it may be missing the long white facial hair so may call on you!

Baklavalover, local singer Kenny has kindly agreed to lead the singing but they will be Christmas songs not carols :D
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Anne on November 06, 2007, 23:15:02 PM
Sounds like another great idea.  Wish I was over then I'd have a stall.
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Stressed Eric on November 09, 2007, 15:58:55 PM
Fantastic !!!! Can't wait, I luuuuvvvvv Christmas !!!
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: KKOB on November 16, 2007, 11:20:04 AM
What kind of stalls will there be at the craft fair?    Mrs KKOB is wondering whether her beaded charm bracelets etc would be of interest?



Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: KKOB on November 16, 2007, 11:25:46 AM
Oop's, sorry about that last pic, have no idea why it came out that big
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: lollypop on November 16, 2007, 11:31:34 AM
wow her bracelets are lovely :-)
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: heather07 on November 16, 2007, 11:59:19 AM
I am sure they would go down well at a craft sale KKOB.
Does she sell them during the rest of the year and if so where??
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: laffa on November 16, 2007, 11:59:46 AM
 :)There lovely, get down there Kaya. ;)
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: KKOB on November 16, 2007, 14:13:29 PM
Yes, she sells them throughout the year on Ebay and through her own website. Email me for her details.
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Pi55y on November 17, 2007, 08:34:31 AM
KKOB - thanks for the information - tell your wife they are lovely. I have sent you an e-mail regarding the fair.  :)
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Cavfan on November 17, 2007, 14:48:12 PM
Ooh I like them!
Where on e-bay? Will be on like a shot!
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Pi55y on November 22, 2007, 19:52:09 PM
Just a reminder - it is still not too late to book a stall at the Calis carnival traditional Christmas Market and Craft Fair. This festive event is being held at the Orient restaurant and the Nil Bar on Calis seafront on Sunday 9 December from 11.00 am to 5 pm and if we get a lot of stalls we may even extend it to the Berk restaurant. Stalls cost 10 ytl each.

So far we have about 14 stalls selling all kinds of jewellery, gifts, cards, Christmas decorations, pictures, craft items, cakes, preserves and pickles, bric-a-brac and books. Micasa the lovely gift shop opposite the Yakamoz Restaurant will be there selling all kinds of lovely things and there will be tombola, guess the weight of the Christmas cake, mince pies, hot chestnuts and lots of mulled wine .

Father Christmas will be arriving in style at 2.00 pm and will be meeting children in his grotto and Tommy Turtle will be there to shake flippers with his many fans. Local singer Kenny will also be there to lead the singing of popular Christmas songs.

It should be a really good day and a great place to pick up some Christmas presents. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Any stall bookings or enquiries please by e-mail through this forum or via the "contact us" page of the Calis Carnival website. Also should any of you not be able to make it but have any items/gifts to donate to the committee stalls or tombola stall please contact us :D.


Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: Highlander on November 22, 2007, 20:01:47 PM
Mrs H loves them and asks that you tell Mrs KKOB that they are lovely.
Title: Calis Christmas Market And Craft Fair
Post by: tanseyj on November 23, 2007, 15:12:29 PM
Hi.  Where on e-bay??  I am unable to send an e-mail because i do not have enough posts yet.  Would love to look at what else your wife makes.  
Thank you