Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Beach Questions and Information => Topic started by: lynne on April 18, 2008, 14:27:21 PM

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 18, 2008, 14:27:21 PM
Anyone remember this?

Well, we were the fools to let him our apartment.  He and his family moved in last November and like the trusting fool I am, I believed him when he said he would pop in the rent money to our Management Company. 

He seemed the ideal tenant - he replaced the solar system for us as ours wasn't any good (we did know this) and installed satelite dishes. 

And then nothing.  No emails, no contact and NO RENT!

He reassured us that our alcohol would be safe - he is tee total.  All our things would be fine.

Panic set in around January and our management company went and saw him.  He provided them with a phone number that didn't work and sent me a reassuring email - his wife's grandmother was ill and money was a little tight but don't panic "I'm going nowhere" he reassured us.

Indeed he wasn't going anywhere.  He continued to live rent free in our apartment. 

By March I thought, enough is enough.  Yet another visit from our management company (they have been fantastic!) and this time a correct phone number. Yet again reassurance that he would sort it out. 

And again, NOTHING.

We finally had enough and he departed on 11th April.  The whole apartment smelt of smoke throughout, curtains needed cleaning, the walls hadn't been cleaned and the whole place needs repainting. 

All our spirits had gone.  Until we go ourselves, we have no idea if everyting is there.

Then to rub salt in the wounds, today the man who installed the solar came round wanting paying!!!  He hadn't paid him either - despite reassurances that he had!!!

So should anyone see Lee Gibling of Somine Kebap fame, you may like to tell him he owes us a LOT OF MONEY.

And for all those who were going to rent him your apartment, count your blessings! 

NEVER EVER rent out an apartment to anyone without using your management company and doing everything properly.  A very bitter lesson learned.

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: stoop on April 18, 2008, 14:38:35 PM
Not much anyone can add to that other than heed the warnings!

I hope you get it sorted and he gets his just deserts.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: karaokemark on April 18, 2008, 14:50:54 PM
Sorry to hear that Lynn he seemed such a nice guy, had we not been selling our place we were going to offer it him.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 18, 2008, 14:54:53 PM
Believe it or not, I don't even know what he looks like so if anybody would care to post a photo, I would SO grateful!

Trust you are counting those blessings Mark!!!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lmaddy on April 18, 2008, 14:59:31 PM
So sorry to hear this, to take advantage of your good nature like that is pretty mean, it make you lose faith in human beings -  He is dishonourable and untrustworthy.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mac on April 18, 2008, 15:19:43 PM
sorry to hear about your trouble lynne ffom fellow brummie.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on April 18, 2008, 17:43:46 PM
 :)Oh dear, what a terrible ordeal, just shows how you can be duped,hope you get your money, a bitter lesson learnt, who'd have thought it. ;)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: puma on April 18, 2008, 18:05:49 PM
how awful for you i noticed there was other members who also offered their places,i thought sometning was amiss when the restaurant had taken bookings for xmas and then closed
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Mark G on April 18, 2008, 18:20:05 PM
Sorry to hear this Lynne.

Another disgusting snake praying on someone's good nature and trust. I guess anyone who wants to do winter lets will have to make sure they always get the money paid in full and all up front.

Anyone with a photo of this reptile care to post it so we can see who we are looking for?

Mark G
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 18, 2008, 18:41:27 PM
Lynn, so sorry to hear of your bad experience especially when most of us appreciate the Turkish values of trust and honesty. I'm sure that people like him are a very small minority.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Anne on April 18, 2008, 18:45:25 PM
What a bummer Lynne.  Hope you meet him in a dark lane sometime this season
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 18, 2008, 21:31:29 PM
Sounds like a red card to me or even a ban because he used this forum very dishonourable alledgedly.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: heather07 on April 18, 2008, 22:09:07 PM
What a pity, you assisted someone only to be ripped off.

He came across as a genuine person willing to help the forum members and was only out to help himself.

Is this internet grooming?????
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: ECHOSTAR on April 19, 2008, 04:45:18 AM
i don't think this is the right place if you are going to slag some one off, but it seems the norm here and i'll stand on my soap box. there are two side's of every coin i don't know the guy to look @ spoken to him a few times but i do think your part blame for not using a management company, because if you did we would not be reading this now, it take's two to tango.i could dig out some comments that some of you have made in the past and they don't sound like the same person so which way is the wind blowing to day
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: KKOB on April 19, 2008, 05:57:16 AM
Originally posted by ECHOSTAR

i don't think this is the right place if you are going to slag some one off

So where is the right place to slag someone like him off?

He's obviously conned Lynne out of a lot of money.

He is/was a member of this forum.

She's warning fellow members about him in case he tries the same con on another member.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on April 19, 2008, 06:25:56 AM
managment company or not - an honest person would pay - I am sure you would Echostar?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Ingol Angel on April 19, 2008, 07:18:37 AM
Lynne, I am appalled at the treatment you have received (as I am sure the majority of members will be).  I have no idea where your apartment is but I would be only too pleased to go (accompanied by your management company if you prefer) and take photos of each room so that you have an idea if anything is not as it should be, I will then email you the photos.  It's rats like this that give the genuine Turkish people a bad name.  I really hope that you receive your outstanding rent in the near future but have to add that I bet its unlikely.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on April 19, 2008, 07:34:28 AM
He's not Turkish
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: june on April 19, 2008, 08:11:13 AM
So sorry to hear that Lynne, you try to do someone a favour and end up so much worse off its digraceful behaviour.

As GB says embarrassingly for us he is NOT Turkish.

Hope you get everything sorted without too much cost.

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: ECHOSTAR on April 19, 2008, 08:46:00 AM
it seems that from what i read on the forum that you know a lot more about this than i do,and you know both sides of the story i am not taking sides i just think you cannot judge on hear say were you there and who in there right mind if this was the case would try it again with a cbf member,so you would let out your property from November to april with no payment and no contract, and i do not know where i come in to the topic of paying, i pay what i owe if that is what you may pick out what you like in this post. the famliy in question has do have another business from what i read on the forum if i remember right, would it not be best to find out more first or see the lanlord of the business here in fethiye.rather than being narrow minded,lucky for them hanging is no more otherwise they would have been hanged by now it seems that gone are the day's when you had a problem you go back to them to sort the problem out, now you have the forum you can back stab them with out being face to face, and like all of you iam intitled to my opinion wether you like it or not
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: ECHOSTAR on April 19, 2008, 09:00:55 AM
i don't belive it so you would expect it from a turkish person rather than someone from the uk,i think you have alot to learn its's principle
my sh*t dosent stink sort of thinking dosent not go down you tar everyone with the same brush.

I think Spain is Calling you

anyway i better go and do some work now
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 09:11:19 AM
Dear Echostar,
I would dearly love to hear the other side of the story.  I was led to believe by Lee that he in fact owned Somine Kebap.  All the way through he referred to "our chain of restaurants" etc.  He doesn't own them.

True, I was foolish not to use my management company - I hold my hands up to that which I did in my original post.

"gone are the day's when you had a problem you go back to them to sort the problem out" - Lee has conveniently ignored all my telephone messages and switches his phone off when I ring.  Believe me I tried for the last six months.  This post was a last resort.

I am stunned that you feel you cannot judge my post - it is "hear say".  They are facts.  As you say, from what you read on this forum, the family had other businesses etc.  I was under the impression that he owned the restaurant that was two minutes walk from our apartment.  I felt I had nothing to worry about, particularly after I had read all the nice comments about him on this forum.  I was wrong.  He was merely the manager from what I now know.  Unless you know differently?

So Echostar, I was not slagging anyone off or "hanging them".  I am telling the forum what happened in order that nobody on here is conned as I was.

Thank you everybody else for your best wishes.  This is what I love about this Forum - everybody does rally round in times of crisis!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: pookie on April 19, 2008, 09:30:11 AM
Lynn - really sorry to hear this, as you say, he did seem a geniune guy.  Lee was only managing the restaurant, to my knowledge he didn't have any financial stake in it.  Passing a couple of weeks ago, there were people in the restaurant cleaning, so i wonder if they intend to open again for the season ?   Fethiye is a small place and he'll probably pop up somewhere over the season running a restaurant somewhere.......:(
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Ingol Angel on April 19, 2008, 09:34:33 AM
I think that most people on this forum would agree that whatever his nationality his actions leave a lot to be desired.  However, as this is an open forum, I look forward to his reply and perhaps an explanation which hopefully will lead to all outstanding monies owed being paid.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: ECHOSTAR on April 19, 2008, 09:39:35 AM
Hi Lynne

all i am saying at the end of day put your shoes on his feet if some one done this to you would you be happy about it, as i said i am not taking sides as i do not know's all very well using the forum it's a powerful implement.we have all done stupid things here, your not the only one. and there will be many more
but i think you could have done a bit more research before your post in my opinion but i do see yours not that i agree with it
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Highlander on April 19, 2008, 09:44:33 AM
Originally posted by ECHOSTAR

but i do think your part blame for not using a management company it take's two to tango

Echostar - I apologise if this sounds rude but those two comments are possibilty the most unhelpful I have heard on here in a long time. The "two to tango" one is particularly inept.

PS "unhelpful" and "inept" are as polite as I could be

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lmaddy on April 19, 2008, 09:45:16 AM
Shoes on his feet - done what to him exactly? Lynne has stated the facts - he lived in her property said he would pay rent he didn't, said he would look after it he didn't, said he wouldn't drink their spirits he did! So you are talking a load of tosh!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 09:48:03 AM
And what "research" do you suggest?  THE MAN HAS CONNED ME!  If he turns up with even SOME of the money, I would happily come back on here and tell everyone that he was a nice guy after all and I was wrong.  But I think even you would agree the likelihood of that is NIL!

And putting my shoes on his feet, I couldn't live with myself if I had done this to I think I will stick to my own feet!

And yes, Ingol Angel, I look forward to his reply.  But I don't think he will!!!!

I think the Somine Kebap restaurant perhaps wouldn't be too happy that he used the restaurant name as a username and now this has happened.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on April 19, 2008, 09:50:12 AM
Echostart lets hope that you are never duped out of money, it will be happy conman that disappears whilst you research why he took your money! Lee let us know the "real story".
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 10:01:34 AM
Dear Echostar,

I have thought about what you said about two sides to every story and I agree with you.  I have gone through the emails he sent to me and now quote below from these:

"XXXX and I went round the apartment today and I must say it's very tastefully done. It's more than ideal
and we want to thank you again for your trust"

"Ah one thing I forgot - the distillery in the kitchen ;-)  We both don't drink so your stash is quite safe!
I used to drink quite a lot up until about 5 months ago."

"If the alcohol stash was Jack Daniels it might have been a tempter :-) "

"i havent paid anything to all aspects as of yet as i needed to get money to XXXX family to pay her grandmothers hospital bills lately. "
"i promise its not a problem though and will have more funds available circa 25th-28th this month so can sort out this month and next month rent no problem."

"i have no plans at present and am not sure what i will do this summer. i have had some interesting offers but will just have to wait and see. "
"i would like to stay if poss and rest assured i am not just going to up and leave one day without you knowing!"

So there you go!  Hope this helps you.

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: bee on April 19, 2008, 10:06:25 AM
These people make my blood boil, as said before this is not heresay these are facts, and Lynne has every right to post about it on the forum, in fact her post is informative and not in the least nasty and to be honest if it was me I would have said a lot more, lets hope nothing unfortunate happens to you, through no fault other than trusting somone because I'm sure you wouldn't want to read(there are two sides to every story) hope your home is not too much of a mess lynne. Bee
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 10:13:18 AM
Nobody likes to read negative topics about individuals and from the moderation side it is very complex and difficult to do the right thing. If we leave it we can be accused of failing to moderate competently, not protecting the individual, if we lock or remove it we can be accused of either looking after our own interests, preventing free speech, or even running a forum that ignores the negative in an effort to manipulate the forum into a contrived collection of posts where people can only discuss the good things about the area.

Actually what we are trying to do is provide a platform that accurately reflects life exactly as it is, and show the good and the bad equally.

In cases like this, if the poster has a criticism of another member it will not be removed if 1. The post is made in the real name of the writer (no "Truthsayer's" with made up hotmail email addresses) and 2. If the post is based  - or appears to be - on facts rather than speculation or personal attack.

In all such situations, both sides have equal right to put their view.

I would ask everyone to consider our position - we are trying to run a first class forum and not every post is about a great night out or a lovely new apartment purchase. If it was YOUR apartment would you have posted? I'm sure you would have.

Now to the truth about things after 4 years experience. Don't trust anyone you haven't known for a LONG time, don't assume anything and don't lend anyone money. Do those three and you may just survive. A friend in need is generally a long term enemy in disguise.

I further hope Lee will come and defend himself, that is fair.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cenk on April 19, 2008, 10:22:15 AM
Hi Lynne
Very sorry to hear your event . Hope it will be sorted quickly . Did u make a contract with him ?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Liz 101 on April 19, 2008, 10:32:08 AM

As you know I'm going over on Thursday, so if there is anything at all you think I can do, give me a ring (email's up the spout again!!)

Meantime, have a very happy birthday tomorrow

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 10:33:32 AM
Dear Cenk - no.  I know I was stupid.  But I have died my hair back to brunette now so I don't think it will happen again!

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 10:36:45 AM
Things like this can happen when you get to your age Lynne, us younger people make more rational decisions  ;)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 10:38:42 AM
What a difference a day makes!!!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 10:40:21 AM
See there you go again, it isn't a day, it's 3 days!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 11:01:45 AM
Is it?  stupid blonde moment again......
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: puma on April 19, 2008, 11:18:08 AM
i am glad lynne made this post because some of us tend to wear rose coloured specs and highlighting this on the forum helps some of us to take the specs off

thanks lynne for the wake up call
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: denniz on April 19, 2008, 12:40:18 PM
Scunner>>Don't trust anyone you haven't known for a LONG time, don't assume anything
Lynne>>>NEVER EVER rent out an apartment to anyone without using your management company and doing everything properly
echostar>>>>i do think your part blame for not using a management company, because if you did we would not be reading this now

hi lynne,i am so sorry to hear of your woes and worry,i'm sure that this is all very frustrating and a financial nightmare for you and your family, your right to post it all on this forum,just a note in the vain attempt that all us renters in calis/fethiye don't get tarred with the same brush,i'm probably blowing my own trumpet but hey! i rented my apartment here in calis well over a year ago,i had never met my landlord before,we never used a managment company,everything was done on trust and a handshake,i have never missed a rent payment and the place is looked after,regards and good wishes
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Anne on April 19, 2008, 12:51:50 PM
Denniz, you are most probably in the majority of renters in Calis or indeed anywhere but unfortunately there are scumbags the world over and it just so happens Lynne has been the vicitm on this occassion.
I'm sure no one is tarring all renters with the same brush but we do need to be aware of these people.  If Lynne had put up and shut up Lee would then be free to move on to his next prey.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: denniz on April 19, 2008, 13:08:49 PM
hi anne,point taken,as i said lynne is right to give everyone a heads up,i was just trying to balance the negativity a bit,you know,one bad apple and all that.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mike A on April 19, 2008, 13:09:31 PM
Lynne. Posting it on the Forum was the right thing to do, if only to warn others.
Sominekebap has the right of reply and I for one would like to hear it.

Echostar, if your soapbox was a little taller you might be able to see more clearly.:(
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Mark G on April 19, 2008, 13:40:27 PM
I agree that things like this must be put on the forum, just to show that they do happen from time to time and that there really are still people out there who would con people at the drop of a hat given an easy opportunity.

I also agree with scunner that from the moderator point of view it is a very difficult balancing act between allowing someone's name to be dragged throught the mud, and not publicising the negative as well as the positive.

This Lee chap now has every opportunity to come onto the forum and clear his name by proving that he has:

1. Paid Lynne the rent he promised he would pay when he took on the winter let.
2. Replaced all of the alcohol he and his family/friends drank which was not his.
3. Paid the solar heating company for the system that he had installed and agreed he would pay for.
4. Pays for the cleaning of the curtains and soft furnishings in Lynne's apartment that now smell of smoke since he and his friends/family obviously ignored the NO SMOKING requests while they stayed in the apartment.

Anything less than all of these points and Lynne is right to drag his name through the mud as he has indeed conned her and there is no easier way to put it.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 16:10:06 PM
No intention to suggest that there aren't good honest people like yourself Dennis, I too believe a handshake should be as good as a contract. My views are just my own, and based on my experience it is expensive to put trust in people as we strive to keep faith that are still people like you.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 19, 2008, 16:40:40 PM
Having had this situation explained by Lynne, it is obvious now that Lee (if he has access to the forum) should  explain himself for betraying someones trust so. If he is in a position to read this thread and does not reply, I then feel that he is admitting his guilt.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: incir on April 19, 2008, 17:09:17 PM
What a nasty thing to have happen Lynne. Hope everything's ok when you get over to see for yourself.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 19, 2008, 21:45:55 PM
As I see it either Lynne or Lee have inpuned another CBF member by using the forum to either exploit the other for money and services or by making false accusations about an honest person.
The one who is so far silent on this issue was always quick to use the forum to defend their business/workplace, while the other person appears open and willing to present facts. No doubt moderators have thought carefully about how best to respond, but it sits uncomfortably with me if the forum is used to exploit members for money and services in this way.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 22:17:18 PM
Knowing you as I do Stuart, I appreciate you are like me in that you too like healthy debate. So you won't mind me asking a fairly intellectual question. What does your post mean?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 19, 2008, 22:41:03 PM
It is trying to say that moderators (and/or you) will have considered the allegation about Lee and that I don't want to tell you what to do.  
However I hope that people known to have used CBF to exploit another CBF member (as alledged) will not be allowed to do so again. As I see it this is not one of those cases where someone gets careless or arrogant or rude or even obnoxious in the way they use CBF; it is much more serious than that. In football terms does this alledged incident it merit a yellow card, red card, extended ban or a ban for life?
After all would you want to accept an advert on CBF which was blatantly dishonest and exploitive of members.
However it is easy for me to say this because I am not the guardian of free speech and honest debate so I can understand if it is a difficult call to make!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 19, 2008, 23:08:37 PM

We can do one of three things. One, accept that the 'allegation' appears valid and allow it to stay - also allowing the other party to offer their side (as we did).


We can "red card" the accused and not allow their right of reply.

Or delete the topic and wait for the accusations that we are protecting our friend/interest/idyllic resort at the expense of free speech and true balance.

So, you tell me - what do you think is the best option?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 19, 2008, 23:21:31 PM
Can I just confirm a few things.  I am not asking anybody to get money for me.  I am not asking anybody to do anything for me at all.

If Lee was asking somebody from this forum if he could rent their apartment and I had kept quiet, would that be acceptable?

I was merely warning others what had happened to me and to warn in general the perils of renting out apartments without a contract.

However, PLEASE Lee, reply to this topic.  Or answer your phone (or switch it on!).  Or reply to my emails.  Or reply to my texts......

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: bee on April 19, 2008, 23:46:48 PM
Lynn you do not have to prove yourself to me.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mike A on April 20, 2008, 00:05:54 AM
We can do one of three things. One, accept that the 'allegation' appears valid and allow it to stay - also allowing the other party to offer their side (as we did).

You have done the right thing, let it stand as it is.  8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: ECHOSTAR on April 20, 2008, 04:35:37 AM
Most of you do not know me so it makes me laugh when I read some of the post yet you judge me on my opinion .I have lost a lot money here in turkey  more than I care to mention but I have had to put it down to experience, in other words my own bloody fault. I could not afford to lose it more than anyone else, I have been ripped off. But life is not a trial run.

From what I read in your original post you are implying that you were taken for a ride and that person who you trusted but did not know, (how can you trust some one you don't know) let you down on payment or payments, At least the people that fleeced me I knew.
Doesn't make it any better

You can not go around making slanderous accusations with out any proof yet you do. otherwise he would be in receipt of a summons, or you would have seeked legal advise and no mention on the forum other wise it would harm your case.i must say i am surprised that topic has been permitted to go this far,but mind you this is freedom of speech or is it.
You should not make these allegations whether you think he did or did not with out the back up and then again should not be made public
If this did happened as you say, do you think you really achieved any thing by putting it on the forum a warning you say to others, if this happened as your post implied do you think he will be back on the forum looking for the next victim,
What do you think?

At least you won't have to declare it for tax.

If he has to answer to anyone I don't think it is any of our business it's between the two people concerned.

But Lynne has made it everybody's business by putting it on the forum so there for it is open to debate not my choice but hers.

I believe if Lynne asked the where about's or if anyone new how to contact lee on the forum that's fair enough but as for making a allegation which is unfounded and using the forum as a lever to do that it is not on.

It seems that we have the judge and jury already sitting all rise.

And as for the Brown noses I am surprised they can see any day light, some of you need to get out and get a life welcome to reality.

This is the last I have to say on the matter from me Hooray i hear you shout.

Anyway there are more important things in life and this topic is not one of them but looking at how many people have read this topic in the last 24 hours you would not think so.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: KKOB on April 20, 2008, 06:24:24 AM
And your point is ? 'Cos I can't see it amongst all the waffle !
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lisac on April 20, 2008, 06:58:15 AM
Funny that echostar you reckon there are more important things in life than this topic strange how you keep coming back in to it
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 07:03:27 AM
As I and others have said, we have heard of Lynne's bad experince with renting her property to Lee. I do not know who Lee is but I do remember him posting quite regularly as 'Somine Kebap' when he workrd there. I assume that several forum members nust have been to Somine Kebap and got to know him so is there no one who knows of his whereabouts?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on April 20, 2008, 07:32:16 AM
If that is the last Echostar has to say on the matter I suggest the post be allowed to remain open, otherwise lock it and let Lee relpy as a new thread,not that I think he will.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 20, 2008, 07:33:11 AM
Hi Lynne, so sorry to hear you've been stung :( your post is exactly the right thing to do 'going public' is not an easy step to take....that takes courage [^]

Lee, are you silent because you can't defend the indefensible  8):(

Echostar, what planet are you on  :o your comments are crase beyond comprehension..... 8) Put up or Shut up [?]

I think I've now exercised My, Freedom of Speach  8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 20, 2008, 08:24:19 AM
"You can not go around making slanderous accusations with out any proof yet you do"

"At least you won't have to declare it for tax."

And you say I make slanderous accusations?  You are obviously saying I am lying!  I have no reason at all to lie.  I also have Lee's emails confirming what he has agreed to pay and where he was going to pay it.  I then have the further emails telling me his financial problems and why he he hadn't paid.

I obviously can't take him to court as I foolishly by my own admission did not make a contract.  In my defence, he did originally say it was only for a couple of months which you can see yourself in HIS post and I didn't think it was worth it.

Good job you aren't reading this Echostar!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 20, 2008, 08:34:55 AM
{A Link to an old CBF topic was here - no longer available}15334

Did you get your property?  I am beginning to wonder if perhaps you might know where Lee is Echostar and could be good pals with him!

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mike A on April 20, 2008, 09:03:20 AM
"Most of you do not know me"

And for that that I am eternally grateful.

Echostar. when you allowed yourself to be conned out of your money, did you just sit back and do nothing did you just put it down to your stupidity and let them get away with it, "A fool and his money are soon parted"

lynne did not trust some one she did not know, she knew Lee via this Forum and trusted him on the strength of it. a salutary lesson there for all Forum members I think.
Lynne has told us her story, and if its untrue Lee has every opportunity to redress the situation.  8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 09:10:34 AM
Cef, Echostar does not have to 'put up', Lee does!.
We are eagerly awaiting Lee's expaination of this betrayal of faith in a very well meaning person who tried to do a good turn, so if there is no response from Lee, this discussion is over imho
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 20, 2008, 09:23:09 AM
Keith-  because Lee has used the forum in a clever way to promote his interests and his business (or those employed by him) I think the minimum is that he is not allowed so much freedom in the future
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 20, 2008, 09:25:43 AM
Originally posted by canalman

Cef, Echostar does not have to 'put up', Lee does!.
We are eagerly awaiting Lee's expaination of this betrayal of faith in a very well meaning person who tried to do a good turn, so if there is no response from Lee, this discussion is over imho

 :) I was referring to Echostar's vitriol Peter, he seems to 'think' he knows so much....
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Highlander on April 20, 2008, 09:39:06 AM
The best thing we can do in respect of Echostar is not grace his posts with a response.

As for the options - leave it on and let Lee reply.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Rindaloo on April 20, 2008, 09:43:24 AM
Originally posted by ECHOSTAR

You can not go around making slanderous accusations with out any proof yet you do.

I think Lynne is right.  It sounds to me like Echostar knows Lee...
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 10:11:30 AM
Cef, if we forget Echostar, we still need to hear what Lee has to say for himself and if he is not prepared to explain his side of this matter then, as I have already said, his refusal to explain himself is an admission of guilt. I am sure that there are members of this forum who know Lee and are keeping quiet about this matter.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 20, 2008, 10:23:34 AM
Originally posted by canalman

Cef, if we forget Echostar, we still need to hear what Lee has to say for himself and if he is not prepared to explain his side of this matter then, as I have already said, his refusal to explain himself is an admission of guilt. I am sure that there are members of this forum who know Lee and are keeping quiet about this matter.

 :) LOL Pete you're making me work this morning :D have pity please, I have a hangover  ;)

(Lee, are you silent because you can't defend the indefensible :([?])
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 11:00:59 AM
Cef, no work required for this one! I find that the best antidote to a hangover is to sit on the balcony and savour the fresh air and lovely sunshine of a Turkish summer!
Pete :D 8)[^] ;)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 20, 2008, 12:29:08 PM
Originally posted by canalman

Cef, no work required for this one! I find that the best antidote to a hangover is to sit on the balcony and savour the fresh air and lovely sunshine of a Turkish summer!
Pete :D 8)[^] ;)

 :) Or even lounging by a pool :D ;)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: blindboybanal on April 20, 2008, 14:11:19 PM
does this 'lee' character remind you of anyone we know cef? funny how they never reply...
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on April 20, 2008, 15:58:54 PM
 :)I think the onesof us that have met lee, have only met him through the forum and the Somine ,which he plugged through the forum,that does not mean we are best mates, just a polite exchange, okay he did not appear to be a shyster (though Kenny thought otherwise)Its obvious that he is the wrongdoer here, so why not give him a set time to respond,(which is highly unlikely), failing that there is not much else you can do,giving him a red card wont effect him one iota, cos he's surely not going to come back on here.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Shamless2 on April 20, 2008, 16:04:34 PM
I am so glad that Lynne put this topic on the forum, last September while we were over a friend we met there asked us did we want to rent the apartment out over the winter this year, to a friend of her's; We were genuinly thinking about it, until now that is. If we decide to do it then it will be through our management company, who we trust 100% to do the right thing for us.

Don't forget this everyone, Lynne did us all a favour!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 17:47:14 PM
Laffa, so what is your impression of 'Lee', having seen him at the 'Somine'?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Jim Fraser on April 20, 2008, 17:48:45 PM
Firstly, I really sympathise with Lynn
Secondly, Thanks for posting it, thats why I keep an eye on this forum because of the information it passes on
Thirdly, Well done the moderators, for keeping it in and allowing further "discussions"
And finally fourthly, Hope Lynn gets it all sorted out.

I knew I could COUNT on the forum to be enjoyable....
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 17:58:30 PM
Jim, we all sympathize whith  Lynne's problem but we need a response from the 'other side'
Lee, Neredesin?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on April 20, 2008, 22:12:58 PM
Originally posted by canalman

Laffa, so what is your impression of 'Lee', having seen him at the 'Somine'?

I thought he was a nice fella, quite sociable, even introduced us to his kids, and said if there was anything we needed to give him a shout. I know this is'nt relevent to Lynns situation and does'nt help her any, but I am hoping he is in a position to come on the forum and sort this all out,though I cant justify leaving someones home in a mess and owing them money.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 20, 2008, 22:52:11 PM
Thanks Laffa, yes!; we are all awaiting some word from Lee.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 21, 2008, 00:35:13 AM
I would not bet on him doing so - it raises the question of how much, if any, the restaurant is implicated in this.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 21, 2008, 05:29:21 AM
Without some input from 'Lee' I now feel (imho) that this thread has run its course. I am sure that there are some members of this forum who do actually know 'Lee' Prove!!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: pookie on April 21, 2008, 07:27:50 AM
Originally posted by canalman

Without some input from 'Lee' I now feel (imho) that this thread has run its course. I am sure that there are some members of this forum who do actually know 'Lee' Prove!!

You are absolutely right Canalman.  Fethiye is a very small place, everyone knows everyone (well almost !), surely someone knows where Lee is - unless of course he has returned to the UK ?
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on April 21, 2008, 17:45:13 PM
It is possible that he has gone to his wife's home, which is apparently a long way away.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Crabbit on April 21, 2008, 18:09:54 PM
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: telsoo on April 21, 2008, 18:26:30 PM
Originally posted by pookie

Originally posted by canalman

Without some input from 'Lee' I now feel (imho) that this thread has run its course. I am sure that there are some members of this forum who do actually know 'Lee' Prove!!

You are absolutely right Canalman.  Fethiye is a very small place, everyone knows everyone (well almost !), surely someone knows where Lee is - unless of course he has returned to the UK ?

People often say Fethiye is a small town but to us its huge and isnt it trying for "City" status soon.
Mind you our UK home town is small so perhaps its all relative but Fethiye seems too large to us for people to know about each other and trace anyone
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: pookie on April 21, 2008, 19:07:54 PM
telsoo, it does seem huge sometimes !!! But believe me, if Lee tried to find another job managing a restaurant in or around Fethiye, it wouldn't be long before he was spotted !  You see the same faces popping up from place to place !! :)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Crabbit on April 21, 2008, 19:38:28 PM
Originally posted by telsoo

Fethiye seems too large to us for people to know about each other and trace anyone

You don`t know Fethiye very well then.  sneeze (wow, that was polite)  and everybody knows about it : :)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on April 21, 2008, 22:13:39 PM
As a well known local Turkish man once "explained me": Fart in Hisaronu and by the time you get back to Fethiye you **** yourself.

Well known, and wise.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: telsoo on April 23, 2008, 10:34:04 AM
Originally posted by Scunner

As a well known local Turkish man once "explained me": Fart in Hisaronu and by the time you get back to Fethiye you **** yourself.

Well known, and wise.

Cheers Keith and Crabbit
I consider myself enlightened
Thanks for the wise advice
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: bigfellow on April 28, 2008, 20:02:01 PM
am sitting here remembering the fantastic holiday we have just had in calis. the nice honest and helpful people that made it so special and then to read what happened to lynn. they were not the actions of an honest man regardless of his situation. dont let this stop you from being the helpful person you seem to be.  if you do, then he has won. not being as nice a person as you lynn could i suggest that that waffler echostar take his opinion and stick it where the sun dont shine. he's doing my head in.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 28, 2008, 21:12:54 PM
[^] Well said Bigfellow  :) Takes a bigger person, Not to let the wrongs others do, effect how the victims live their lives after such bad disappointments  8)

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on April 28, 2008, 22:09:15 PM
I wasn't going to bother posting this but just discovered that he didn't pay the electric bill due by the 25th of this month.  A little bit more to rub salt in the wounds.......
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: canalman on April 28, 2008, 23:30:27 PM
Still no explanation from Lee? he must be well away by now! :(
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Twin Bee on April 29, 2008, 09:11:22 AM
No but the restaurant isn't and presumably some one owns it and manages it. Maybe they could flush him out. It is in their business interests to do so.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: AndyLin on April 29, 2008, 10:02:47 AM
The restaurant is still all closed up, and have not seen anyone there so no idea when it's going to open
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on April 29, 2008, 10:17:22 AM
I seem to remember the Owner of Somine Kebab is named I think 'Tahir'. I was checking each time I passed by & they were still closed at the end of last week :(
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on April 29, 2008, 12:51:42 PM
 :)Says it all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.~Looks like he's well gone. 8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Jukebox on April 29, 2008, 13:06:23 PM
Originally posted by laffa

 :)Says it all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.~Looks like he's well gone. 8)

I would doubt very much that  he has left a forwarding address with his former employees
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on May 05, 2008, 13:47:31 PM
It's open now!!!!
Gordy. 8) 8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on May 05, 2008, 15:20:57 PM
Thanks for that!  Have booked a table for when we get there - will tell them to send the bill to Lee!!!!

Seriously, any information anyone can get would be REALLY appreciated.  He has not been in contact at all, the phone is switched off and nothing.  

The more people who tell them what Lee has done, the happier I will be!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on May 05, 2008, 18:03:08 PM
:DWonder if they have any cutlery left.:P
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: AndyLin on May 06, 2008, 05:58:06 AM
Am going over to Tansas later, will call in to Somine and see if anyone knows where he is.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on May 06, 2008, 06:24:04 AM
Thank you!
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on May 06, 2008, 08:21:23 AM
I doubt I'll be visiting Somine at all this year. Not so much because of Lynne's events, but because as things turned out, it became a crap restaurant in so many different ways.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: laffa on May 06, 2008, 11:27:06 AM
 :)Yeh, me too, I just thought they filed you up with mountains of bread underneath the meat,(filled),the actual food is nothing like the menu describes. ;)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on May 06, 2008, 11:55:46 AM
...and the menu rarely bears any resemblance to what you can actually have when you make your choice.

It's funny you noted that "the actual food is nothing like the menu describes", this is true but also true is "the bill is nothing like what you actually ordered" - very fast, very sad decline from quite impressive to dire and dodgy.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: sunlover on May 06, 2008, 12:05:47 PM
Totally agree Scunner the times we have used the restaurant we have been deeply dissapointed and have decided we are done with it now..

Plenty more lovely places to eat, certainly with better service and more honest people we can all trust.....

Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: cef on May 06, 2008, 12:06:27 PM
Sadly I have to agree :(  The ONE meal I had there was a 'Meagre' portion, unlike it's price  8)  They even 'tried' to charge me for a 'drink' (Fanta  :-\:P ;)) lee had 'offered' me on arrival  :o  

Once bitten  8)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on May 06, 2008, 12:24:25 PM
It is a shame because this restaurant is so handy for us but I was never impressed with the food we had.  However, I promise them my undying custom if they tell me where Lee is (or more importantly, where his money is!!!)
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: AndyLin on May 06, 2008, 12:42:19 PM
Hi Lynne
Have just been over to S K,They said that they don't know where Lee is or if he is coming back. Will keep an eye on the place incase he surfaces.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: barry44544 on May 06, 2008, 12:48:12 PM
i've lived here long enough to see many a resturant come and go, as i've said before you vote with your feet! we eat there lots of times.. never had a bad meal or any problems with the staff.. so untill I do.. i'll go again.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on May 06, 2008, 12:49:24 PM
Thanks Lin so much for that.  Not really a surprise I suppose.....
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: JohnF on June 29, 2012, 00:59:52 AM
Is this the topic you meant Anne?

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: stoop on June 29, 2012, 13:42:02 PM
Has he paid his debt yet?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Anne on June 29, 2012, 16:46:23 PM
yes this is the one John
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: JohnF on June 29, 2012, 17:12:30 PM
Oh good.  I wouldn't want to be accused of bumping a topic thereby "abusing my position", would I...   ;)

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on June 29, 2012, 17:36:12 PM
Has he paid his debt yet?

No.  We did track down Lee the following year and he paid us a small amount of money towards his debt with reassurances that he would continue to pay.  We never saw him again.

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Anne on June 29, 2012, 18:07:13 PM
Wonder if all his FB buddies know of his criminal past?
How anyone has the gall to open a group to help support victims of crime when he's guilty of this is beyond me
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: apollo on June 29, 2012, 18:59:41 PM
Wonder if all his FB buddies know of his criminal past?
How anyone has the gall to open a group to help support victims of crime when he's guilty of this is beyond me

It has taken some time to unravel the hidden meanings behind recent posts on this subject.

As a member, who keeps himself to himself ,who has no idea of the background and stories  with the people associated with this discussions. Would it not have been easier to tell this story at the outset.

Nichola, I assume was acting in all innocence, informed us about this Facebook initiative. Which on the face of it (no pun intended) is an idea worth considering. It has taken several days to find out and to understand the possible issues with this Facebook group.     

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Anne on June 29, 2012, 19:14:07 PM
I'm sorry, this was not meant to confuse anyone and I agree Nicola posted in good faith but the truth needs to be known about this person before anyone else is taken in by him.
His silence on the forum since this was brought back to the fore says it all
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: patrice on June 29, 2012, 21:15:32 PM
I'm  still confused read and read the thread and still don't get it  ???
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on June 29, 2012, 22:08:03 PM
I suspect I am the one who confused things.  I was the victim originally of Lee, the full story of which is in the other thread.  Lee never ever responded to the situation.  For the last four years, since the end of the post, with the exception of the small payment we received from Lee a year later after we found him in Calis, we heard nothing more from him and to be honest, I never expected to.

However, I have been looking on the forum and saw a new member, Merlin.  Still I never realised that this was Lee back on the forum using a different username.  It wasn't until I saw the Facebook page and saw Lee was a leading force behind it that I worked it all out.   

I had to sit and think very seriously about whether I really wanted to bring this back up again.  But I have thought about it and felt that it all needed being brought back up again just in case anybody else could find themselves in the position we found ourselves in.

I could even have lived with Lee getting in touch with us and even after this length of time, paying back the money he owes us.  But he has chosen not to.  If he had, I NEVER would have mentioned this again, indeed may well have come back on the forum to say how HONEST he was!  But he hasn't.

I find it bizarre that he can advise others about crime and sympathise with victims knowing that he himself has done this to us.

Again, I invite Merlin to come on here and tell us his side of the story. 

So I am sorry if I have confused people - it wasn't meant to confuse.  Please feel free to ask any questions - I will be more than happy to answer them. 
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: patrice on June 30, 2012, 07:04:35 AM
Thanks Lynne for explaining
and exposing  the likes of him  : :)
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: stoop on June 30, 2012, 07:44:02 AM
I'm surprised nobody has outed him on his Facebook crime page. Now that would interesting.

 I'm not making light of the posts on there though! Some of the info is pretty worrying.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: kayakebab on June 30, 2012, 07:57:01 AM
I'm surprised about that too.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: apollo on June 30, 2012, 08:18:26 AM
In summary, as I understand the position.

This guy Lee is an Englishman who has caused Lynne , and maybe others, a financial loss and pain.

He has now re-emerged as Merlin.

Merlin has started two  groups on Facebook. One being the "thieves and scoundrels" and the other one "bargains in the Fethiye area".

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on June 30, 2012, 08:21:38 AM
In summary, as I understand the position.

This guy Lee is an Englishman who has caused Lynne , and maybe others, a financial loss and pain.

He has now re-emerged as Merlin.

Merlin has started two  groups on Facebook. One being the "thieves and scoundrels" and the other one "bargains in the Fethiye area".

Spot on.
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: kayakebab on June 30, 2012, 08:25:18 AM
And he does the computer help group on FB too. He's easily contactable, that's why I'm confused, he hasn't vanished, why not contact him through the forum or fb?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: sandgrounder on June 30, 2012, 10:32:11 AM
There was a BBC Panorama programme aired in March of this year. Have a look at this link: (

I'm just wondering if Lee Gibling is Lee from Somine Kebab in Fethiye? The face looks very familier and he is in hiding in Turkey!

Another link here to the BBC story: (
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: lynne on June 30, 2012, 14:22:10 PM
And he does the computer help group on FB too. He's easily contactable, that's why I'm confused, he hasn't vanished, why not contact him through the forum or fb?

It's not a case of contacting him.  According to Panorama (yes, I believe it to be the same person), he had an income during his residence in our apartment.  He chose not to pay.  We saw him the next year and he paid a very small amount to us with promises and reassurances that he would continue to pay.

He didn't.

I don't expect for one minute he will ever pay.  I simply wanted to draw people's attention to what has happened whilst he is giving out information and advice to those who have been wronged.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on June 30, 2012, 16:22:56 PM
Wow,  Lee Gibling (merlin) you naughty boy!   Definitely him unless he has a double. 

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on June 30, 2012, 21:18:45 PM
You have got to love the power of this forum.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: janmack on June 30, 2012, 22:36:37 PM
Jeez....really unpleasant reading.  Thanks for all the info though...very, very much appreciated.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: puma on June 30, 2012, 23:17:49 PM
good one cbf ,named and shamed this will help people to avoid  con men like lee gibling/merlin
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Karennina on June 30, 2012, 23:29:19 PM
I must admit I feel a little like I have been "duped" joining a group that I  thought was to help people that has been set up by a criminal but well done CBF for exposing this person.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on July 01, 2012, 00:27:10 AM
I think we are all agreed that Lee has done wrong by Lynne,  however the Thoic news article is leaving me feeling a little guilty too, I wonder if other members of CBF feel the same. 
Do you own DVD's purchased locally in resort, ok not the same scale but "Hacked" DVD from originals none the less,
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mercury on July 01, 2012, 08:38:54 AM
Only difference is that you know u are buying a fake DVD. This guy conned and persistently lied and left the apartment in a hell of a state and caused untold emotional stress to Lynne and her family and is happily continuing with his life here like it never happened.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mary62 on July 01, 2012, 09:19:23 AM
I am a bit confused. Was this Lee/Merlin chap copying DVD's or was he copying Digital cards for tv? :-[ ???
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Daffodil on July 01, 2012, 09:59:12 AM
There is a Lee Gibling renting a villa to people in Famagusta Cyprus on Trip Advisor. I wonder if this is the same man?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Liz 101 on July 01, 2012, 12:29:41 PM
I am a bit confused. Was this Lee/Merlin chap copying DVD's or was he copying Digital cards for tv? :-[ ???

He has nothing to do with fake DVDs that I know of.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on July 01, 2012, 15:30:41 PM
So we are all feeling it is OK buying fake DVD’s but draw the line at TV codes?  This stinks of double standards; it is illegal, full stop.   This has nothing to do with member Lynne’s problems with Lee, his actions were just plain nastiness and I can see no chance of her getting any of the debt or compensation repaid, the man has no scruples.

I do not by anyway in my post condone the actions of Lee Gibling, but if the original post was not regarding the abuse of property against a forum member, just how many of the people on here (this topic) would have bothered posting or taken any interest? 

I knew years ago that Lee was capable of hacking into accounts, websites  etc, I did myself back in 2004/5 (ish) ask him for advice re an account, it was not used for sinister reasons, it was a personal problem I was encountering, and I would do it again.

Reading on the web the news stories and blogs regarding Lee Gibling it would appear that his services were widely known by many “high” end companies, website hacking, email hacking, hotel booking info hacking (although not proved) was a norm, and at the time a lucrative business. 

I remember when we first came to live in Turkey, we were offered a card to get Digiturk for free, I would have taken it, but Gordon refused out right, he is out spoken and tells it how it is but will not openly break the law, he is not happy with FAKE DVD’s, I don’t break the law maybe bend it, like many of the forum members with their fake Dvd music etc.   

Many ex-pats for years have spoken of wanting Sky installed, some have still got the dishes that would impress SETI, and each one has tried to get the cards by using the sites like the one used and accused by Lee.

And a foot note to all the members who do not read my entire post
Title: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on July 01, 2012, 15:51:59 PM
Well to be honest I am on friendly terms with all involved parties and I hope a satisfactory conclusion can be found. I have tried to contact Lee (who has been helpful when I have asked) to get him to come and defend himself/give his side, and am disappointed that to date I have heard nothing back.

Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: janmack on July 01, 2012, 23:49:52 PM
"I knew years ago that Lee was capable of hacking into accounts, websites  etc, I did myself back in 2004/5 (ish) ask him for advice re an account, it was not used for sinister reasons, it was a personal problem I was encountering, and I would do it again."

The thought that anyone condones hacking into another account is quite sickening Loz and I do not understand how you or anyone else can justify this type of action. Why on earth would you do that?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on July 02, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
Simple at the time, the person involved was causing trouble and it would have eventually been a police matter (or was). The person was pretending to be me.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: janmack on July 02, 2012, 14:32:04 PM
I know someone whose email account was hacked into and it caused massive problems for her, her friends and family as the person was sending them very nasty emails pretending to be her.  Wouldn't wish that on anyone :(  I can only guess you had a similar problem Loz...horrible situation to find yourself in.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: Scunner on July 02, 2012, 15:16:43 PM
To further explain if I may, Loz became a victim/target of a vicious and sustained campaign to discredit her from one of the same people I did. In Loz's case it also involved this person setting up an email address in her name and using it to contact people (as Loz) with emails that caused no end of trouble, not least for poor Loz who obviously at first knew nothing about it - but also for other people dragged in to the mess by the contents of the emails supposedly sent by Loz.

In these (rare) situations it is very difficult to work out who is doing it as they are snake belly low and ultra sneaky. The only evidence available is the email account that the hateful correspondence is coming from - hence the importance of the information held therein. Had it been me, I would have done anything to find out who was behind the campaign, including using someone who could hack that account. I suppose you have to have been the target of such hateful people to fully understand.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: loz on July 02, 2012, 16:37:32 PM
Thank you for putting it so eloquently ;D

But to get back on the topic, Lee would need to explain himself or put right the wrong against Lynne, then maybe we would like to hear the goings of THOIC (the house of ill compute) and NDS, and the matters that had caused the concern regarding the codes. (do we the general public care?)

Yet to see just how an innocent email can be hacked and read by authorities (  (interesting read for a wet Monday) (  (Will your emails protect you?)
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mary62 on July 12, 2012, 12:03:11 PM
Has Lee/Merlin gone to ground?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: stoop on July 12, 2012, 20:21:37 PM
Has Lee/Merlin gone to ground?

Not on his facebook page he hasn't.
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: JSGH205 on July 14, 2014, 01:31:10 AM
Hope you all read it as it so true,  Lee had the chance to reply, and defend himself on this, but he couldn't as he had done it in my house. And I have all the court documents to prove how much of a drunkard and woman beater he is.......
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: teetee on July 14, 2014, 11:33:47 AM
Hope you all read it as it so true,  Lee had the chance to reply, and defend himself on this, but he couldn't as he had done it in my house. And I have all the court documents to prove how much of a drunkard and woman beater he is.......

Obviously breaking news  ;)
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: BernieTeyze on July 14, 2014, 19:44:18 PM
Strange this is a 2012 topic, is there a reason it's been bought back up?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: KKOB on July 14, 2014, 20:07:10 PM
The World Cup's finished ?
Title: Re: WARNING - Lee of Somine Kebap
Post by: mercury on July 14, 2014, 22:32:35 PM
She just wants to remind everyone what a low life he is... Barrie James keeps cropping up and the change man so why not him?