Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Introduce Yourself => New Member Introductions => Topic started by: Dancer on May 22, 2008, 07:36:14 AM

Title: Another new one!
Post by: Dancer on May 22, 2008, 07:36:14 AM
Greetings to all.  I visited Calis with a small number of friends at the end of April and absolutely fell in love with the place - but it would appear that most of you feel the same, so kindred spirits so to speak.

I am visiting the resort again, hopefully around 9th June, and this time I am bringing the family.

The reason for the visit is because we may be interested in purchasing one of the Sunny Villas in Calis but as we haven't done anything like it before I have around one hundred and one questions!

If it would not be too rude, I would be grateful if I could post a few questions periodically and pick your collective brains?

Bye for now.
Title: Another new one!
Post by: Anne on May 22, 2008, 08:16:51 AM
Hi Debbie
Welcome to CBF.  There's already a mountain of information to keep you right when purchasing your place in the sun, anything you can't find, just ask and someone will know the answer.
Good luck, you won't regret it
Title: Another new one!
Post by: number2 on May 22, 2008, 08:38:35 AM
Good morning and welcome to the forum, as Anne says, there's loads of info, just go to search at top right and start asking, you will find most of what you need to know, when you get stuck on something, fire away someone will give you an answer, that's what this forum is for. Alan
Title: Another new one!
Post by: scot on May 22, 2008, 12:42:44 PM

Hello Debbie welcome to the forum.  Bruce
Title: Another new one!
Post by: puma on May 22, 2008, 17:58:05 PM
hi debbie and welcome good luck in you hunt for a place in the sun
ask anything you need to know
Title: Another new one!
Post by: STEVErx on May 22, 2008, 18:01:06 PM
hi there and welcome
Title: Another new one!
Post by: Dancer on May 22, 2008, 18:45:53 PM
Good evening to all.  What a wonderful surprise to turn on my computer and find that I had 5 people kind enough to welcome me as a new member.  I will certainly be trawling the forum topics but just as a quick 'throw-in' I am told that projected increase in property values are expected to be 15% per annum for the next 3 years - would this be attainable?

Plus, is it feasible that a 3 bed, 3 bathroom villa could be let out for most of the season by an agent?

Now, apologies to all, but I have to confess to being a 'technophobe' and am at home without the technical support of 2 teenage kids, so here's hoping that this will be posted for all to read and then I would like to contact the 5 people who kindly responded to me initially.

Flipping heck - where is an annoying oik when you need one.....
Title: Another new one!
Post by: julesbob0303 on May 22, 2008, 20:12:02 PM
Welcome Debbie - I'm sure you'll love this forum as much as the rest of us.  You appear to be doing very well - your post appeared at least!  Well done - leave the kids out of the way.  It's easier that way!  Have recently bought an apartment in Calis - best thing we ever did.  Out now on Monday - can't wait!

All the best, Julie
Title: Another new one!
Post by: Dancer on May 22, 2008, 20:49:56 PM
Hi Julie, thank you for your welcome.  I have just been browsing the CBF night out topic and wonder whether this bash is still carrying on.  We arrive on Monday 9th June and would love to meet up with as many people as possible - do you know if people still meet up each Wednesday and if so, where it is.
Title: Another new one!
Post by: mike A on May 22, 2008, 21:07:42 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum 8)
Title: Another new one!
Post by: tribalelder on May 23, 2008, 05:48:29 AM
Hi and a very warm welcome to the Forum. :)  I would have thought that your 15% figure was highly optimistic, there is such a surplus of unsold property here at the moment. If a substantial part of this backlog could be cleared then prices could well rise. Who gave you this 15% figure...was it an Agent?  With regard to rental again I fear you have a very optimistic outlook, there are many members of this Forum who rent but do not achieve this.  Be lucky and enjoy this wonderful place. :)
Title: Another new one!
Post by: Dancer on May 23, 2008, 12:19:54 PM
Hi Brian.  Instinctively I feel you are right that these figures may be optimistic - hence my wanting to get an unbiased take from people who have real knowledge of both the area and owning property in Calis.  It was an agent who gave me these figures but I have also been fortunate enough to speak to other owners who have bought from the developer and they all seem very happy with the property.  However, they are in a different stage of their life to us - many bought within a small group and are retired and therefore are not requiring to rent out the property as they are able to take up all the weeks of the season between themselves - we on the other hand would need some kind of return with regard to the investment.

You are quite right of course, although I need to get to grips with the reality of owning property in the area - we must really enjoy our time in Calis and be exposed to the environment rather than the economic climate - crikey, I feel the need for a stiff gin and tonic coming on!
Title: Another new one!
Post by: Scunner on May 23, 2008, 12:56:49 PM
Renting out "all season" is not realistic in my view, although I would say I am quite impressed by the 15% increase in capital value over three years - you should hear some of the figures I've heard quoted when I am on a viewing and overhear other conversations  ;)

I'll take the opportunity to voice my other point about this AGAIN - the people who tend to make impressive claims about increased future values are often the same people who aren't interested in selling resale properties at all. Capital growth is nothing if nobody wants to sell it once it becomes second hand!

The "I'll sell it to you but I won't sell it for you" stance, if adopted by too many, will do more to kill this market than any other factor.
Title: Another new one!
Post by: stoop on May 23, 2008, 16:47:03 PM
Welcome Debbie - another one of us from Leeds!

Listen to the wise words above. We have owned in Calis for the last 5 years and came to a decision not to bother too much about renting out. Luckily we don't need to but the main reason was the hassle that we thought we would get with the taxman both here and in Turkey. On top of that you really only have from the beginning of May to the end of September - 20 - 22 weeks - to rent out. We even found that May didn't really get going until about now - our pool was never open at the sart of the month which is something that many renters want when they go to a hot country - something worth checking before you buy.

My advice is that if you really need to rent out to pay for the place then do your homework. See if you can find similar properties on rental sites and check how much they are asking as well as what weeks they have booked out (most sites will allow you to check availability). You can then work the figures out from there.

Don't forget the tax though - if you make more than about £900 per year then the Turkish taxman will want to know and you will probably pay some income tax. I don't need to tell you that our own taxman will also want to know what you earn abroad (although you will not be taxed twice but might have to pay in the UK even if you don't have to in Turkey).

So do your homework before you buy (especially with regards to which agent you use)and I'm sure you will find it a fairly easy process to go through. I hope it all comes off for you and you enjoy your home in the sun.


ps - don't dismiss the second hand property market - there are some real bargains out there at the moment as Scunner will tell you.