Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Introduce Yourself => New Member Introductions => Topic started by: Lythamers on July 04, 2004, 17:21:38 PM

Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Lythamers on July 04, 2004, 17:21:38 PM
Hello all.
we are counting down the days to our 1st visit to Calis (19th July) and it cannot come quickly enough. we have been looking at the pics on the site (which is excellent by the way scunner)and the place looks great. The postings paint a picture of a very friendly atmosphere.
Myself, wife and two kids (8 and 13) will be staying at my brother (Tony Mac)'s house close to Calis, and the only problem we can see is getting around all the bars [:D.

Any hints on kids entertainment would be appreciated (how good is the water park?) - my brother's son is grown up so he hasn't been able to test it out for us.

oh well back to the grind....and ticking off the days on the calendar

Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Anne on July 04, 2004, 19:41:37 PM
We're also going for the first time (20th July) and like you cannot wait. Hopefully we'll bump into each other along the way.
Welcome to the forum  :)
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: valentine on July 04, 2004, 20:24:00 PM

Hi and welcome to the forum!
I used to live in Lytham many years ago! Its certainly a nice place to live :)!I lived on South park when it had just been built!!
My daughters (22 and 16) went to the waterpark last summer and had a great day! Its small but plenty to keep youngsters happy. Too much water for my liking!!!
Hope you have a lovely time in Calis, its very addictive! 8) 8)

Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: heva on July 04, 2004, 20:30:47 PM
hi!! i live in st annes!! welcome to the forum!!
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: CMC on July 04, 2004, 22:19:23 PM
Hi Lythamers,
Welcome to the site, hope you love Calis as much as we all do.
How long are you there for? We go out on the 31st
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Tony Mac on July 05, 2004, 15:14:33 PM
Hi Lythamers

Had a sneaking suspicion Lythamers would be you.  Sure you will enjoy it in Calis.  I hope so or you'll never speak to me and Cath again.  Knowing you as I do I don't see you having any problems getting round all the bars, unless your reputation preceeds you after being in the first couple!!

See you on 9th and just to let you know, I'm back drinking bitter again.  Can't cope with Stella as I end up feeling like somebody has filleted my arm and legs.

Oh, nearly forgot, welcome to the forum.

Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Lythamers on July 05, 2004, 19:20:37 PM
Thanks to all for the warm welcome (although that Tony Mac seems a bit dodgy to me..all that talk of beer and bars..not my scene at all!)So many neighbours calis is an overspill for the Fylde coast?
Thanks for the waterpark review Val, we will give it a whirl.
I think our last day is 2nd August Christine I guess we will still be there when you arrive....although we will probably have run out of money, clean clothes and friends!
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Tony Mac on July 05, 2004, 20:31:47 PM
Beer and bars not your scene (lol).  Remember we know you better.  I have already warned Scunner and Heidi to give you all a wide berth when you get there.  I've told them that the normal end of night for you is to be "poured" into a taxi after having a Kebab.  - Talking of Kebabs,  what a treat you have in store when you have a Kebab in Turkey (the home of Kebabs).

See you soon Gaz.

ps Why haven't we had a few words from Jess and Cameron???  Come on guys don't be shy.

Tony Mac
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: sandgrounder on July 06, 2004, 10:33:44 AM
Good morning Lytham St Annes from Sunny Southport:D If you need any advice on the best bars and restuarants to visit just give us a shout or, better still, pop over to Southport one night and we can all get drunk and chat about paradise 8)

Russ and Jan
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Chris & Patrick on July 06, 2004, 15:03:45 PM
Welcome to the forum, we're arriving for our first time to Calis & Turkey too a little earlier on the 12th, of course to check out the bars and we might even squeeze in looking at a couple of properties while we're there (or should that be the other way round?) Anyway hope you have a great time.

Chris & Patrick
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: Lythamers on July 06, 2004, 20:35:15 PM
Heya, this is Jessica (13), one of the Lytham Kids. Me and my brother are really looking forward to the holiday (No school!) and Calis sounds like a great place to go! Have to make sure to steer clear of that Tony Mac fella though... ;) Can't wait! Thank you for all the lovely comments everyone!
Wish us luck in Turkey! [8]
Jess Lythamer [:X]
Title: New Member - coming to a resort near you
Post by: CMC on July 06, 2004, 22:52:21 PM
Hi Jess, glad you're looking forward to your hols in Calis. I'm sure you'll just love it out there. I go out on the 31st, who knows we might bump in to you before you return.