Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Ovacik Discussion Forum => Topic started by: sooty on June 09, 2008, 11:59:51 AM

Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: sooty on June 09, 2008, 11:59:51 AM
Someone told me that it is illigal to knock house martins nests off your property, what I would like to find out is if you can report people doing this.  One of my ENGLISH neighbours has for the 2nd year running knocked the nest of his apartment, the first year I think it was just an empty nest but this year he knocked it off and the chicks fell to the ground, I was furious and my husband had to withhold me from going to punch him, two of the chicks survived the fall so his wife put them in some silver paper and left them there (in full sun) the mother kept coming back to the nest obviously distressed looking for them, she eventually found them on the floor and continued to care for them, this lasted a couple of days and then they seemed to disappear, whether a cat got them, who knows but I would appreciate it if you could tell me what sort of fine you are looking at so I can get my facts right before I approach this PIG IGNORANT PERSON and yes that is shouting.
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: cef on June 09, 2008, 12:30:14 PM
Shame your hubby held you back Sooty! It's just a damned mean & rotten thing to destroy an animal's habitat! [:(!]

I do remember an article about birds nesting and people arguing about it a couple of years ago, I think, it was in the land of lights.  Thelma may have written about it?, Good Luck.
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: Anne on June 09, 2008, 12:48:10 PM
What a cruel thing to do.  I'd knock him of the balcony:(
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: c1 on June 09, 2008, 13:46:16 PM
we have up to 5 nests on villa most years and yes I get the maintenance guys to knock down out of season, I like the birds cause they eat the mossies but they do cr*p ever where, susposed to be good luck if you have house martins.
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: puma on June 09, 2008, 14:09:14 PM
we have nests on our villa but for some reason they did not come this year and the old nests are still there
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: Rindaloo on June 09, 2008, 14:30:08 PM
We have house martins and I think the sparrows crap more.  Give me house martins any day.

I hope you manage to get this barsteward in a lot of hot water.  Ignorant thug.
Title: House Martins Nests
Post by: GrantT on June 09, 2008, 14:33:48 PM
Not sure about Turkey, but in the UK it's illegal to knock down the nests when they are inhabited as they are a protected species. We have nests up our road and our neighbour did the same when there were chicks in there. We picked them up and took them to a wonderful lady who hand reared them until they were ready to fly, and then she brought them back to our house to be released back with their own crowd. They are very sociable birds and use each others nests so if it happens again you can put them in another nest (if you can reach one. I always wonder how they survive in Turkey as apparently the heat is their biggest killer which is why they migrate here each year.