Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Hisaronu Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Sleuth on June 28, 2008, 13:59:32 PM

Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Sleuth on June 28, 2008, 13:59:32 PM
The talk was... It will be  busier  in 2008..We  came back at the end of May this year and I cant say its any busier than 2007  at that stage.. we go again in September and will have a better judge of it by then ...  hope it does pick up this year as  next year with airline fuel price hikes  etc   2009  might be a `rocky ride` as far as visiting  brits are concerned...  anyone got any comments  on this ?
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: mercury on June 28, 2008, 17:45:30 PM
No it is definatly not busier. Everyone is saying how quiet it is. We know a restaurant owner who says that it it her worst season for years. Airline prices and the home economy have put a real damper on holidays abroad in general.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Crabbit on June 28, 2008, 18:19:46 PM
Originally posted by mercury

 Airline prices and the home economy have put a real damper on holidays abroad in general.

Or could it be the prices being charged in Calis.  [?]
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: davidzz on June 28, 2008, 20:00:44 PM
I think Hisaronu is not as busy as last year but Ovacik is. We had a late meal one night and couple of drinks, bars were not as busy but decided to walk back up to our place in Ovacik. Walking up we found a lot of places still had people in them were as in the past they would be empty or closed. It seems that more people staying in Ovacik are using the local restaurants and bars and do not venture into hisaronu like they used to.

Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Glenn66 on June 28, 2008, 20:05:16 PM
Reading the Telegraph's Travel supplement last weekend it said that the most popular destinations for late bookings this year (due to the "credit-crunch"),are Turkey and Egypt. Perhaps not then?
Glenn :)
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: mercury on June 28, 2008, 20:48:46 PM
Just been reading in Wednesdays Daily Mail (yes a little late). that Turkey is a popular destination with holiday makers for 2009 as the Euro is a poor option. Where are they going in Turkey then? Certainly not this area.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Scunner on June 28, 2008, 20:51:58 PM
As with every year, there is an excuse why people don't come. As with every year, those looking for value for money come to Turkish 5* AI resorts - so they know exactly what their spend will be. Once again, Belek (and that is just one example) is packed to bursting point - as it was last year, the year before etc etc
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Rindaloo on June 28, 2008, 21:20:16 PM
Originally posted by davidzz

I think Hisaronu is not as busy as last year but Ovacik is. We had a late meal one night and couple of drinks, bars were not as busy but decided to walk back up to our place in Ovacik. Walking up we found a lot of places still had people in them were as in the past they would be empty or closed. It seems that more people staying in Ovacik are using the local restaurants and bars and do not venture into hisaronu like they used to.


Could it be that people are voting with their feet.  Voting NOT to be surrounded by noise?  If that's the case, hopefully the noisy places in Hisaronu will take the hint.....
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on June 28, 2008, 22:10:35 PM
Originally posted by mercury

Just been reading in Wednesdays Daily Mail (yes a little late). that Turkey is a popular destination with holiday makers for 2009 as the Euro is a poor option. Where are they going in Turkey then? Certainly not this area.

Perhaps thy are still at home waiting for 2009:D
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Sleuth on June 28, 2008, 22:57:22 PM
Could part of the reason for less people seen around be due to the spread in popularity of `all inclusives` ?  Most holiday  programmes on TV  these days  seem to push `all inclusives`  for Turkey ...  Why ??? I can understand going`all inclusive` in areas like the Carribean, where you dont feel safe at night walking around. Well we didnt :-\  But `all inclusives` in Turkey ??  with lovely restaurants everywhere,for all tastes, and no fear about where you walk at night ?
Ive heard that many who prefer `all inclusives`  hardly leave the premises . To me... if thats the case, you could be anywhere around the  med.  Each to their own.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Crabbit on June 28, 2008, 23:21:27 PM
Originally posted by Sleuth

Could part of the reason for less people seen around be due to the spread in popularity of `all inclusives` ?  Most holiday  programmes on TV  these days  seem to push `all inclusives`  for Turkey ...  Why ??? I can understand going`all inclusive` in areas like the Carribean, where you dont feel safe at night walking around. Well we didnt :-\  But `all inclusives` in Turkey ??  with lovely restaurants everywhere,for all tastes, and no fear about where you walk at night ?

Maybe it`s because they don`t have to go in those "lovely restaurants" and be ripped off.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Scunner on June 28, 2008, 23:30:07 PM
Why people go to all inclusives is irrelevant in the debate. The fact is they do. It's quite important in business to sell what people are buying.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: milliemars on June 28, 2008, 23:34:52 PM
It seems that Antalya has had all hotel room full for June according to some reports I have been reading.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Harley on June 29, 2008, 07:50:09 AM
I don't think it's the case of fewer people are travelling to Turkey, just that the majority of tourist tend to go to else where.  
Calis is more of a residential area.  Realistically there aren't that many Hotels here (especially nice ones) to attract the general tourist.    
I'm no expert, but if they really want to expand and become a "tourist resort" they need to revamp all the hotels and maybe build some new ones then advertise like crazy.  People book holidays from brochures (well most do ) and if Calis isn't in there then nobody is going to come.  
Having said that I hope Calis stays as it is.  
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: fredam on June 29, 2008, 09:21:42 AM
ewwwww...I know people have to make a living, but the thought of the Calis promenade packed with a stream of tourists in each direction and not being able to see the sea for the umbrellas makes me shudder.  That is why we *liked* it there - not the normal pandemonium and crowds of a beach resort.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: julesbob0303 on June 29, 2008, 12:42:06 PM
A work colleague has just returned from an All Inclusive week in Antalya.  The actual holiday was a bargain.  But they didn't leave the hotel, saying that any trips were extortionate!  When I mentioned boat trips etc in Calis at about £10-£15 per person, including transfers and lunch, she said there was nothing at all at that price.  So they just stayed at the same hotel all week, using their facilities, eating and drinking the "included" food/drink!  What a shame to travel all that way and not see anything of the country!  (She also said it was too hot - so maybe Turkey is not the place for her anyway!!!)

There are so many lovely, reasonably priced restaurants, and so many beautiful places to visit, that I wouldn't want to be in Turkey on an all-inclusive basis.  I think a lot of people don't like to explore (different foods/culture/places), and go "abroad" needing their hand held the whole time.  
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: tony on June 29, 2008, 15:15:04 PM
When money`s tight people have to cut back. Luxuries first, and lets face it a holiday isn`t essential.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: milliemars on June 29, 2008, 17:49:06 PM
When we first camt to turkey,we were All Inclusive,after looking around and trips out we decided never again All Inclusive there are to many good bars and excellent places to eat.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Twin Bee on June 29, 2008, 18:13:08 PM
It may be that some people are spending less rather than cutting down on the number of hoidaysthey have. This will effect bars and restaurants especially.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: minimoo on June 30, 2008, 08:35:13 AM
I think another problem is that so many people now own holiday homes, and rather than eating out and going to bars everynight, they are doing this in their own homes, for at least part of the time they are here.

I know that the first time I came to the area with my family, we had 3 small children with us, and were in a rented villa. We would eat out every night, but tried to keep to the restaurants close to the villa, and never went in a bar once in the whole 2 weeks, instead we would buy drinks at the shop, get the kids to bed, then sit o the balcony and enjoy a drink in peace.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Sleuth on June 30, 2008, 13:00:00 PM
I think,at least in the case of Hisaronu,its not so much `less people about` more a case of `far too many restaurants and bars` built.About 30% of them virtually empty throughout May,June,late September ,and October.Giving the appearance everywhere of being `not busy`.
Not sure what its like during late July and August as we are never there then.
Also, lately, we are hearing  stories of the growing popularity of the russian tourist coming to Turkey in large numbers, and we were told that unlike the brits,the only ones who splash their cash around on holiday, the russians stay in their hotels, and their all inclusives the whole time.Not out and about spending money.
But back to Hisaronu.. the problem is the turks who own or lease the establishments in Hisaronu got excited  a few years back, thinking more and more brits would come each year, so lets keep building and expanding the village. But now, we just might be on the brink of a reversal with holidays abroad, and less people travelling abroad for obvious reasons..and although I am a pessimist and I really hope it doesn`t happen...  Hisaronu could be heading towards the `ghost town` that  it is in the winter, during the summer months :o
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: jo b on June 30, 2008, 14:05:53 PM
When we in Hisaronu a few weeks ago I thought there were a few more people around than in June previous years and they seemed to me to be older people rather than the short skirts and lager brigade.

Mind you that was earlier in the evening I suspect they don't arrive until a bit later perhaps.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: stoop on June 30, 2008, 14:31:35 PM
It was pretty quiet over the last two weeks in Calis but I think it was busier than the same time last year when we went. A case of too many restaurants and not enough tourists willing to eat out every night. We had a couple of Barbecues, ate locally in Koca Calis about 5 times, Fethiye once and Hisaronu once so thats 9 nights that Calis Beach 'lost' our custom.

Calis can't have it all ways - build loads and loads of properties to sell to foreigners and then expect them to eat out every night.

I know it's been covered in another thread but 'running the gauntlet' on the promenade is getting a pain and too many of the restaurants provide similar food.

Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: amanda bullock on June 30, 2008, 17:37:38 PM
With the cost of things rising all the time(here as well as Turkey) I think a lot more of us will be having more bbq's at the apartments .I know we will be.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on June 30, 2008, 19:02:25 PM
Originally posted by amanda bullock

With the cost of things rising all the time(here as well as Turkey) I think a lot more of us will be having more bbq's at the apartments .I know we will be.

Sounds good- what time do you want us round?:D
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: amanda bullock on June 30, 2008, 20:18:59 PM
will sort it out nearer the time then!lol
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Sleuth on June 30, 2008, 21:02:59 PM
We love eating out in Turkey,  and eating in... what gets us is the price some restaurants want for a bottle of house wine ( not all )     A popular asking price now seems to be  between  25 and 30 lira  !!!  we usually haggle with them and bring them down, but lots of them wont budge, we wont pay more than 20 ish lira  , which is still a decent profit for them for house wine, If they wont accept our offer of that we  usually say  " ok  two beers please " and they lose out....  and we dont get our bottle of wine so we are all disappointed. I accept they have to make a profit on the wine ,  but when you can buy it in Azda in Hisaronu for  eleven ish ytl you do wonder. Incidentally  there are few places we know tucked away in Hisaronu where wine is at an acceptable price so why cant there be many more ?
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: jo b on July 01, 2008, 10:05:30 AM
I quite agree...meals in Turkey are very reasonable it the booze that bumps the price up.

My husband negotiated a better price for the wine in the Megri in the centre of the Paspatur he told the waiter at the price on the menu we would only drink one bottle but at a better price we would drink more-so he took off ten lira just like that!

Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: milliemars on July 10, 2008, 06:22:04 AM
I was in the Hisaronu last night all the Restaurants were busy,emptied out about 11pm and the bars started filling up,loads of people walking about so maybe things are picking up.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: chewyturk on August 17, 2008, 13:52:59 PM
Let's face it, it's been a terrible year and it's been getting worse every year for the past 3 years or more.
Prices are high here, it's not the cheap destination it used to be, and the flight prices are ridiculous. As the number of tourists declines, the prices go up to compensate which in turn drives people away. It's a vicious circle.
Hisaronu has been virtually dead all year. The UK school holidays has seen a recent influx of Brits arriving but 6 weeks of good trade is not going to pay the bills.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Twin Bee on August 17, 2008, 20:58:16 PM
Yet all the tourists stats say Turkey is doing very well this year and has over taken Spain. I hope Turkish citizens can still make a decent living. That is in everyones interest.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: stoop on August 17, 2008, 21:20:15 PM
I guess Marmaris is doing well then judging by the people that were on our very full 767 in June!
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: laffa on August 17, 2008, 23:27:05 PM
 :) My niece and fambo just came back and said Marmaris is buzzin, ;)
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Jukebox on August 18, 2008, 09:23:00 AM
A colleague of mine has just come back to work this morning from a two week holiday in Calis.
This is the third holiday she has had and she said she couldn't believe how quiet it was. One day they went to Fethiye and it was like a ghost town, even the Aqua park was empty when they went.
Thankfully they all still had a great time but it's worrying all the same.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: telsoo on August 18, 2008, 11:01:40 AM
Originally posted by Jukebox

A colleague of mine has just come back to work this morning from a two week holiday in Calis.
This is the third holiday she has had and she said she couldn't believe how quiet it was. One day they went to Fethiye and it was like a ghost town, even the Aqua park was empty when they went.
Thankfully they all still had a great time but it's worrying all the same.

Everybody you speak to here in the UK and ask about holidays in 2008,it all Turkey or Greece for 90% of them and the media says that they are the two top destinations this year. I think though, if you look at the UK brochures for Turkey,it all seems to be the very touristy places like Marmaris,Altinkum and Bodrum that are featured as opposed to Fethiye and Calis so people only know those places as a tourist.
In a way its keeps our area relatively unspoilt I guess but a certain amount of tourism income is needed.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Jukebox on August 18, 2008, 11:05:32 AM


I think if you look at the UK brochures for Turkey,it all seems to be the very touristy places like Marmaris,Altinkum and Bodrum that are featured as opposed to Fethiye and Calis so people only know those places as a tourist.
In a way its keeps our area relatively unspoilt I guess but a certain amount of tourism income is needed.

Exactly, I feel sorry for al the people we know ( and those we don't) who are  struggling to make a liveing .
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: saoirse on August 18, 2008, 12:45:07 PM
Surely Calis would also be considered a "touristy area"?
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: laffa on August 18, 2008, 15:27:50 PM
 :) Dont know about the rest of you, but I did'nt like Calis as much, when Direct Holidays moved in , glad they've gone. ;)
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: stoop on August 18, 2008, 15:35:01 PM
I think it's all about balance. Whilst none of us appear to want to see Calis and Fethiye become ghost towns we also do not want them to become the next Marmaris.

Maybe the planned (big word in Turkey I know)cruise liner dock will bring in some new people with money to spend - if it ever happens.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: Jukebox on August 18, 2008, 17:21:48 PM
Originally posted by saoirse

Surely Calis would also be considered a "touristy area"?

Yes it should be but it seems to be lacking tourists at the moment.
Title: Well ? is it looking busier than last season ?
Post by: stoop on August 18, 2008, 17:31:53 PM
Looking at the Thompson site Calis gets rave reviews. I wondered why more people are'nt going. Then I saw the prices:(*NE&countryDestCode=205%7C818&resortAccomCode=1425&countryCode=205&destinationCode=818&resortCode=1425&accommodationCode=&departure=&accommFeaturesBitValue=0&accommodationType=Any&rating=0&numberOfRooms=1&