Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Uzumlu Discussion Forum => Topic started by: saoirse on July 01, 2008, 15:25:57 PM

Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: saoirse on July 01, 2008, 15:25:57 PM

Could you please FORCE people to write more stuff about our wee place, Uzumlu. Theres not many posts about us. Could you make it a condition that posters for all other subjects must also post about Uzumlu.
The last thing I wanna do is take this to Strasborg re discrimination against Uzumluites.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 01, 2008, 15:44:55 PM
OK P, -you start.............  ;)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 01, 2008, 16:08:16 PM
i will follow you Rindaloo
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 01, 2008, 16:12:34 PM
Sshhh !  Saoirse you'll wake them all up.  They are probably by the pool, umpteenth Efes in hand, snoozing away........not a lot happens there in this heat you know  ;):D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: stoop on July 01, 2008, 17:18:44 PM
Break ins, cement factories, vandalism, young girl dumped - are you sure you want more ;)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Twin Bee on July 01, 2008, 17:25:35 PM
A Turkish waiter told me it was too far out of Fethiye, too rurual and too humid. He rather put me of the place as I have always wanted to visit it - so convince I should?
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Crabbit on July 01, 2008, 17:27:46 PM
It`s a dusty place.    8)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: legless on July 01, 2008, 17:45:55 PM
Is it just out the back of Katilarik ?

I know there is a go kart track there
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Highlander on July 01, 2008, 18:45:36 PM
Saoirse - I can ask the authorities if you can "twin" with Dingwall. In fact, I could make a fact-finding visit any time you like.

If you want to post some appealling views of Uzumlu I'll reciprocate with some of Dingwall (if I can find any) :)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: stoop on July 01, 2008, 18:47:33 PM
Actually it's a lovely setting but in my opinion too many villas and apartments are being built there. It is a long way out and every time we have gone on the dolmus it's been very full, very hot and very smelly. I sat next to a bloke with a satellite dish on his lap last time - not a big one fortunately. The dish not the bloke!

We even got 'hijacked' once - a car pulled up in front of us and stopped the dolmus then 4 big women got out and squeezed their way onto an already very full dolmus! Oh such fun - I felt like Benny Hill on bromide:D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 01, 2008, 19:38:49 PM
I hope the villa building slows considerably.  Especially the ones up the hillsides.  But the location is not too far out.  Au contraire, the distance is what appeals to me.  I like the fact we can go to Fethiye as and when, then toddle off to Uzumlu and enjoy the peace.  LIkewise when in the uk we lived away from all the hustle and bustle.  To each their own.

Did anyone see the fantastically clear starry night last night?  I think that was the most stars I have ever seen!!  Lovely.

Meanwhile P, nothing from you.  ~Scunner, can you FORCE P to post something about our wee place???   ;)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 01, 2008, 20:53:13 PM
Twin Bea, maybe this will help convince you...


This is what meets me every morning as I wake up....
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Scunner on July 01, 2008, 20:59:46 PM
You really should get the walls done
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 01, 2008, 21:04:11 PM
Is that a muriel??
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: mike A on July 01, 2008, 21:16:09 PM
Is it morning mist or cement dust. ;)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Scunner on July 01, 2008, 21:24:53 PM

A Crabbit gag from MikeA
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Twin Bee on July 01, 2008, 21:51:56 PM
Like the pic- am nearly tempted. Now what about the places to eat. I don't want a restaurant review more an idea of the setting and options. Also any good walks?
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 02, 2008, 08:43:42 AM
The Wine House - a lovely old stone cottage converted.  New chef, very good food and good value.  Lovely in the winter with the fires roaring.  Not too sure about the others....and Calvin will certainly provide information about walks.....
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: cef on July 02, 2008, 09:32:43 AM
 :) Fab shot Pookie, stunning view  :)
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 02, 2008, 09:48:20 AM
Hi to hot to walk at the moment, Wine house has started to have Bar-b-que every other week great chance to meet up and get to know the faces behind the topic writers!!!!1
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: The Crinklies on July 04, 2008, 17:25:40 PM
Fab photo Pookie.  The scenery is breathtaking!

Re the restaurants, we have lived in Üzümlü for some time and have found that the only place to eat here, where you are always guaranteed a good meal is Mustafa's - Cadianda Restaurant.
The other places have been a bit hit & miss! The wine house is more like a UK pub with its large screen tv & pool table and has lost alot of it's 'turkishness' which is a shame.

Üzümlü is a great place for getting away from the hustle & bustle and embracing village life. There are lots of local walks and Calvin is probably the best person to talk to about these.


Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Firo on July 04, 2008, 23:00:46 PM
The Camlik as you enter Uzumlu does great food especially the Turkish meals. Friendly staff and a lovely outside seating area.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: flying scotsman on July 06, 2008, 17:05:03 PM
Must agree with the Crinkles, we just returned from Uzumlu and the worst meal in the 2 weeks we were there was at the Wine House totally over rated, don't like some young Turkish lad with put on cockney accent and spikie hair trying to con us with 40 lira bottle of wine !! its a shame as could do so much better,first thing would be get dining tables its not easy eating meal off of coffee tables and learn about wine after all its supposed to be a Wine House !!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: sugarybaba on July 07, 2008, 21:46:05 PM
Live in Calis not Uzumlu but have been there lots of times
As you arrive at the Square /Dolmus stop near mosque there is the Uzumlu Cafe - been smartened up with new tables and loos plus has free internet and wireless connection
Wine house - great garden and terrace with as many grapes as you can take away in September   Not sure about food Have not eaten there due to not good reports but good place to chill and have a game of pool and banter with bar staff
Cadianda (Mustafas)- Brilliant and cheap food - do not over order !!
Very welcoming and hospitable people
Uzumhan - not been for a while but think ok
Camlik - My favourite  Great setting , peaceful , lovely food and wine (ask about the local wine) Alec is a perfect host and knows a lot about Turkey and everything in general
There is also another place and I cant remember the name where I went yesterday for turkish breakfast on the way back to Fethiye/Calis
That was lovely and it was in aid of the cement factory fund so good luck and maybe someone Eric/Fi can post the turnout/proceds and feedback on that as I had to leave early to go back to Calis
Sue xx
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 07, 2008, 23:39:41 PM
Hi Sue, I was at the meeting.  Must say I am impressed you bothered to come from Calis.  Good for you!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 08, 2008, 18:59:22 PM
Watch out Mustapha is on the move!!!!!!!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 08, 2008, 19:01:22 PM
oohh,  Calvin,  you can't leave it there........tell us more....whats 'appening ?
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 08, 2008, 19:17:02 PM
its a secret if i tell you you promise you wont tell anyone!!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 08, 2008, 19:20:06 PM
other end of village new resturant called Cadianda 2, still keeping other one spoilt for choice now ,shus dont tell anyone Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 08, 2008, 23:09:20 PM
oooh,   where ?  is this where the hexagon shaped restaurant used to be ? exciting.  Its OK, secret safe with me...
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 09, 2008, 00:11:31 AM
no other side of road in the wooden shed
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 09, 2008, 08:15:03 AM
I was told it was the Çmlik 2.  Yes, that confused me too!  Anyone know??
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 09, 2008, 08:37:49 AM
I believe the old Camlick 2 will now be the new Cadianda 2,Jill says she saw a new sign up yesterday,should be easier to park !! Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 09, 2008, 08:55:25 AM
Ah yes, that makes sense.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: stoop on July 09, 2008, 11:49:46 AM
Is this the New Uzumlu forum then? No wonder it's quiet in the old one:D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 09, 2008, 12:00:54 PM
I think I need a lie down.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: stoop on July 09, 2008, 12:40:52 PM
Seriously - as this is the 'SUGGEST IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CALIS BEACH FORUMS section I think it should be kept for that alone.

Uzumlu has it's own section and you should use that for all Uzumlu gossip etc.

Topic moved to correct area.

Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Rindaloo on July 09, 2008, 12:47:12 PM
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: lmaddy on July 09, 2008, 13:15:26 PM
I loved Uzumlu when we visited in May - beautiful, we stpped off for Pide - best I have had.

Now has anyone actually got to the top of what's it called Kalmydia or something similar - we tried, mum nearly had a fit, aunt was hyper venterlatining, me and hubby arguing (no change there!) We had to turn back...
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 09, 2008, 16:58:59 PM
I think  you mean Cadianda? road up a bit scary at times ,or you can walk through the forest if your fit, well worth it for the veiws Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: lmaddy on July 09, 2008, 17:21:26 PM
How far up is it - it was bad enough in a car not sure I would walk it even if I was a champion hill walker - did I take the wrong turning?
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 09, 2008, 17:27:33 PM
7 killometers by car  but about 1 hour by foot straight up the "HILL"  suggest that you only walk it when the weather is cooler, if you ask in the Wine House they will point you in the right direction Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: peecee on July 09, 2008, 19:17:39 PM
I love this forum and the gossip, 'quips' that go with it!  Mustafa is opening a second Cadianda (good for him!!)
Cadianda is a fabulous walk in Autumn/winter (Calvin, are dogs welcome on your excursions?)
The Wine Bar is over-rated and expensive.
Uzumlu is beautiful, just wish I knew how to add photos, have some great ones of the snow.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: emmast on July 09, 2008, 21:26:45 PM
Mustafa told us in June that the new restaurent he was opening was going to be run by his cousin. Thrilled to bits about this. Mustafa is without doubt the best place to eat in Uzumlu in my opinion.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 10, 2008, 00:34:58 AM
hi peecee ask kay koya old boy he will up load pickies  for you if you talk to him nicely , as for dogs  you will need to ask the rest on the walks,  not organised by myself, only highlight on the forum Regards Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: friar tuck on July 15, 2008, 11:05:43 AM
Originally posted by saoirse


Could you please FORCE people to write more stuff about our wee place, Uzumlu. Theres not many posts about us. Could you make it a condition that posters for all other subjects must also post about Uzumlu.
The last thing I wanna do is take this to Strasborg re discrimination against Uzumluites.

What do you want Üzümlü to become another Calis lets keep quiet about our beautiful village !
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 17, 2008, 10:56:40 AM
Hey Jen  -  we've you been ??!! You've been very quiet - very unlike you  ;):D  Have to say I agree totally with you.  Went to the Camlik and had the worst meal ever and vowed never to go again, have only been disappointed by Wine House once - but now they have a new chef we are looking forward to going again.  Uzum Han was dire last summer, inconsistent ( solid chips, congealed sauce etc) and quite expensive for what we got.  Never tried Mustafa's so can't comment....but sod it, if it saves cooking I'll try anywhere !!! ;)  Hope to see you (and defo Levi) next week xxxx
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: Orange on July 17, 2008, 11:19:06 AM
After a sofa delivery at Uzumlu, we called in to Mustafa s and had some beer and pide...

He told us the restaurant will be up and running next week or so... and he will be moving out of the old one in 2 months of time, because the landlord wants him to move out....

Good luck to him & the team in his new spot..
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: chris tippett on July 17, 2008, 16:46:22 PM
Ate in the 'new' musti's last night. Food same good standard but were not offered seat outside. Only one other table occupied and room too big with little atmosphere. Suggest Musti 1 for the summer and Musti 2 for the winter.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: peecee on July 17, 2008, 17:29:21 PM
Unfortunately, Chris, I don't think there is going to be a Mustafa 1 in few months.  Speaking to him this afternoon and I think he said it will be closing sonra.  Have to admit did wonder about the overheads of running 2 places.  It is, in effect, going to be the same amount of customers (give or take) and we can't be in 2 places at once.  Mind you, could be I've got it all wrong, my Turkish isn't up to much
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: friar tuck on July 18, 2008, 00:48:41 AM
I have been eating in Mustafas for over 3 years now and I HAVE NEVER had a bad meal in there, if you have only tried it once and had an upset tummy how can you blame Mustafa this of course is only a personal opinion !! :D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: emmast on July 18, 2008, 10:56:11 AM
Feeling quite pleased to hear Mustafa is moving over to the new location. Best restaurant in town now in staggering, i mean walking distance.:D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: dycedon on July 18, 2008, 12:59:59 PM
Visited Uzumlu last time over for the first time as friends have just bought a villa there, was quite taken with the tranquillaity of the place, my wife reckons that she had the best pide ever at the Uzumlu cafe bar at the square, think it was cooked across the road, though, will be going to be a regular visitor up them parts when friends move in.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: suec on July 19, 2008, 12:09:37 PM
We have been to the PO station a couple of times since they have had a new chef and the food was good and a big  improvement on the last chef. They have even painted the place, including taking down the christmas decorations and building new toilets. its worth a visit.
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: wickwilly on July 19, 2008, 16:39:12 PM
Used to go to Mustafa's on a weekly basis up until 3 years ago.Stopped going when he tried to charge 75.  YTL for two bottles of wine. That was when the wine in question was 6ytl a bottle in Migros.Would begrudge paying that in an upmarket restaurant let alone a roadside shack.

Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 20, 2008, 10:20:59 AM
Never had a bad tummy at the Wine House ,only a bad HEAD think there is somthing wrong with the efes,or maybe had  to many????? He ! he  Calvin
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 20, 2008, 10:25:52 AM
Back again ,do you think it would be a good idea to reveiw all Uzumlu eateries ,i will volunteer ,so if you can have a collecion ,i will start soon ,love to all Calvin ps plus a taxi to take me round would be great!!!!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: blues on July 20, 2008, 18:58:41 PM
Hi reading all these peoples choices,we have a villa in Uzumla and I cannot think of a better place to relax.The people in the village are so helpfull,cannot do enough for you and regarding eating I think Mustafers will take some beeting for what you pay ,Iknow you have along wait but it's well with it.The caffee facing Mosque is very tidy and they do good sadwitches.I have no complaints regarding Uzumlu I think it's lovely

Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: friar tuck on July 21, 2008, 02:33:19 AM
Originally posted by cockney girl

Friar Tuck, if you are referring to my thread about tummy upset at Mustafas we are not talking about 1 incident we are actually talking about quite a few but i didnt want to say that as i dont want to put anyone off from trying any of the eateries in üzümlü. What agrees with some doesnt agree with others. You also have to consider who actually tries these places all year round NOT just in the summer.To everyone reading this please try ALL of the eateries and come to your own conclusions
Originally posted by friar tuck

I have been eating in Mustafas for over 3 years now and I HAVE NEVER had a bad meal in there, if you have only tried it once and had an upset tummy how can you blame Mustafa this of course is only a personal opinion !! :D

Well I must admit I have not tried it all year round only in January March April May June July August September October November and December must try it in February so does that mean you can only get upset tummy if you eat there all year round ????:D
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: pookie on July 21, 2008, 08:55:59 AM
Originally posted by blues

Hi reading all these peoples choices,we have a villa in Uzumla and I cannot think of a better place to relax.The people in the village are so helpfull,cannot do enough for you and regarding eating I think Mustafers will take some beeting for what you pay ,Iknow you have along wait but it's well with it.The caffee facing Mosque is very tidy and they do good sadwitches.I have no complaints regarding Uzumlu I think it's lovely


Hey Blues  - I can thoroughly recommend the place in the olive groves - they do an excellent BBQ..... ;) ;)  xxx
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: calvin 1949 on July 21, 2008, 14:19:09 PM
Hes a fat monk with a bald head that used to hang about with Robin Hood, no he is realy not a bad chap just likes winding folk up if you know what i mean Cliff!!!
Title: More Uzumlu stuff
Post by: friar tuck on July 21, 2008, 14:23:03 PM
Calvin I resemble that remark wind people up perish the thought !!!!  :) ;)