Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => The Debating Chamber => Topic started by: Colwyn on May 11, 2009, 17:52:52 PM

Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Colwyn on May 11, 2009, 17:52:52 PM
Not a single grumpy comment posted in the last six days. If you keep this up Scunner will close this forum due to lack of interest and outbreak of banal acceptance of the lunacy of life.

On the other hand, you may be too busy rolling about laughing at the news that Kate Price and Peter Andre's response to their recent split up is to ask that the media respect their privacy! Ho, ho, ho.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: kevin3 on May 11, 2009, 19:43:29 PM
Colwyn.I've been waiting for you to fire us up on the subject of M Ps expenses!
Our 'dearly' elected Troughies are whining that someone has stolen the expenses
data and sold it to the media.
Approx'18 months ago Gordan Brown authorised the UK taxman to pay an employee of
a foreign bank £100,0000 pounds CASH (tax free)to steal his Employers bank data
in order to check on UK citizens accounts.Other EU countries paid him similar or larger
amounts for similar data.He has started a new life with a new identity,as he is now a very 'wanted' man.
Our government has paid this man to break the law whilst at the same time has prosecuted
civil servants and others for breaking the same law.Your views on this,and the expenses outrage are invited!!
PS.Colwyn,katie who??
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 08:58:23 AM
Anyone found to be making false claims for benefit would be prosecuted.Are our politicians above the law? :-\
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on May 12, 2009, 09:07:32 AM

They are probably breaking no rules, it is the rules that need changing.

Baz 8) (ex CS)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 10:06:18 AM
then why are they apologising?[:(!]
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: tinkerman on May 12, 2009, 11:25:41 AM
cos they got found out!
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 11:38:31 AM
The apologies of the three leaders attempt (pathetically) to project the impression that all three are shocked and disappointed by these activities, which of course they are not. They know exactly what the game is and how it is being played.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: pookie on May 12, 2009, 11:39:38 AM
Its been going on for years !  I remember an old boss of mine passing through incredible invoices/receipts for reimbursement - and that goes back almost 20 years.[:(!]
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 13:01:00 PM
If only it was a game, I think a bloke who is struggling with a mortgage and falling house prices, pension funds decimated >30%
Unemployment on the increase etc etc  may think otherwise [:(!]
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: pookie on May 12, 2009, 13:12:33 PM
i agree with you Frank  - i heard this morning and one had put through a claim for the cleaning of his moat, another thousands for swimming pool maintenance......they need to get in touch with what is going on in the world outside of their own little bubbles.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: karaokemark on May 12, 2009, 13:43:58 PM
All they have done is work the system which is in place, like 95% of the population would given half the chance. ( who else is in the 5% with me  ;))
They are apolgising for being found out not for what they did
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 13:45:06 PM
This is the real issue, not many people in any walk of life who have a position to claim expenses have been totally straight and honest (as Stephen Fry points out). It is probably of no surprise to those of us who have that this goes on in parliament. Where the story begins to have relevance is the uncovering of lifestyles that we cannot relate to, let alone wish to fund.

When I became eligible to vote I voted Labour, mainly because I couldn't see how the silver spooned likes of Parkinson, Pym, Lawson etc. could have any real understanding of the day to day struggle and toil of the average British man. Stories of swimming pools, moats etc. highlight this totally detached from the toil life of those who decide what is best for the common man. I'm no Ken Livingtone fan but I'm sure he has more in common with most people than the likes of Boris Johnston.

Sadly, the trappings of parliament increase the gulf. People like John Prescott were examples of what I was looking for in a government. Son of a railwayman, grandson of a miner, and himself a merchant navyman who failed his 11+. Not everyone's favourite politician but to me a man who came from the same world as the rest of us and might just understand a little more than the majority of the opposition looking down to us from their moated homes.

Sadly Prescott later preferred a game of croquet to serving us, and it is reported that Prescott claimed £312 for fitting mock tudor beams to his constituency home.

In the end, it's a long post that resolves to a short and old cliche. They're all as bad as each other, and when all parties are as bad as each other on one issue, there is no relative harm done to any of them.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: stoop on May 12, 2009, 15:31:31 PM
All toerags the lot of 'em.

Off wiv their heads!
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: c1 on May 12, 2009, 15:41:36 PM
All I want is every tax payer to be able to claim and play by the same rules.Accountants will soon be liable for tax returns that they file on behalf of thier clients, and mine has asked several of his clients to take their business elsewhere.Mp's should be able to claim what you or I would be able to claim while carrying out their jobs, many people work in london, Kieth will know the scale of queques of people jumping on to the train at leighton B and places further a field many can't even claim the rail fare and have to do this journey every working day, not part time/or have summer off like Mps, etc.11 years of labour rule and the country is in the worst state than ever, how people fell for blair,was because the back lash as the grey man was rubbish. and I told you before he got the job that brown would be worst.Prescot what a waster never had a good idea in his life, just because a man comes from humble back ground doesn't make him a hero. check out former leader the welsh miners son who not only gets himself a top job in europe but so does his wife and his son runs british council.rant over
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Colwyn on May 12, 2009, 16:07:09 PM
That's better. Cheered me up already
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: kevin3 on May 12, 2009, 18:56:52 PM
See Colwyn,the section is saved.We even got Scunner to post on it,and he's not old : :): :): :) snigger! :)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Highlander on May 12, 2009, 20:35:13 PM
I read that David cameron is leading senior Tories in repaying expenses by repayig £ 680 himself.

I would have appaulded that action if he'd done it a fortnight or a month ago.

The thing that upsets me most is the amount of MPs who are now crawling out of the woodwork to pontificate on how wrong it all is whilst being as guilty as sin themselves:(.

There is of course a simple solution to the problem. Tomorrow morning, Parliament shoud appoint my firm's Finance Director. The problem will be solved in record time. ;)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 21:31:56 PM
The law is for everyone, if it is broken then the breaker should be prosecuted,   simplesss!:D
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 21:34:55 PM
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 21:35:00 PM
If you put in a dubious expense claim at work it is not likely to be dealt with as a criminal offence, it will be seen more as a trust issue. Same for parliament.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 21:37:11 PM
sorry Scunner, we have established its not a game
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 21:39:52 PM
You may have
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 21:43:36 PM
ok, we differ. But watch out for the number of people NOT voting in the forthcoming elections
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 21:47:35 PM
Not voting doesn't address anything - if all parties are guilty of it, they stay relatively unscathed. It won't disappear as if it never happened so it needs to be strictly monitored in future.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 21:51:54 PM
I agree, but people have lost confidence in their (leaders)!
They have lost confidence in the LAW enforcers
They have lost confidence in the LAW.
Sorry to be so serious,but I feel this is serious  8)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 22:02:48 PM
As I said earlier, there are no surprises for me. The only relevant part is that our lives are dictated by a dodgy group who have moats, tennis courts and mock Tudor beams. I'd love to know how they think they understand what is best for someone living on minimum wage.

Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 12, 2009, 22:13:03 PM
Very true, they represent the people, but long ago forgot who we are!
If we are to get out of this economic mess, we need people who know who we are. So that we are all pulling in the same direction  :)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2009, 22:28:07 PM
There was a saying that I can't quite remember - along the lines that people seek office to serve the people, and when they achieve it they expect people to serve them. Silver spoon or not, the intoxicating trappings of power and fame cripple them all.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Eric on May 13, 2009, 11:32:36 AM
The old saying was;

"Of the people, by the people, for the people"

Seems to have been corrupted in recent years.

Of the people - As long as you belong to the respective party and have the right connections.
By the people - First past the post voting system?  I don't think so.
For the people - Don't make me laugh.

Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: c1 on May 13, 2009, 13:24:12 PM
just think Germany around late 1920 when a youngish man who was of the people and who had fought in the first world war etc slowly but surely built a power base!
I would like to see the list of expenses submitted by MPs now and retrospectfily for say last 20 years (name and shame), As government can and do to you or me, via tax and company house. interesting that under brown we can nolonger claim back tax from previous years but exchequer has no time limit in going after you. also if you owe them through no ovious fault they can claim interest at a high rate but if they owe you much lower rate applied, also if you run a car and charge you company they/you can only claim back 40p per mile (not changed for years) for the first 10000 miles then down to 25p, Mps can charge/claim at a much higher rate per mile.Mother of all parliments my ar**.How we doing mike, good here ain't it 8)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: mike A on May 13, 2009, 14:58:17 PM
What I cant understand is why the corruption of Parliament has come as a big surprise to anybody, power corrupts and  and absolute power corrupts absolutely, has it not always been so. As a young man I was involved in a labour dispute and the T.G.W.U was called in to settle it, I was told to make sure I got to the union man before the boss took him out to lunch, unfortunately I was to late. I trust no one in power, I vote for the party or person who I think will be best for me and mine, as Scunner says, their all at it, it's a given that what ever improvements they make for me, they make for themselves times ten.
They may get my vote but they never get my trust.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Eric on May 13, 2009, 15:43:34 PM
mikeA, how right you are about Unions also.  Many years back I was elected as branch secretary.  When I attended my first regional meeting I was handed an expenses form to fill out in PENCIL!  I filled mine out in PEN.  I only claimed my petrol costs to attend the meeting which was £2.  At the end of the meeting the regional secretary gave me another form to fill out in PENCIL as I was told earlier and to claim £5.  I refused saying I only spent £2 and that is all I would claim and that all expenses should be filled out in PEN to avoid someone 'fiddling the expenses later'.  An argument then ensued where I was accused of being a trouble maker, but I stuck to my guns.  A few weeks later I was transferred to another department which already had its Union officials in place, what a coincidence!  especially as I had asked for that posting shortly before to be told there would be no vacancies for some time.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: tinkerman on May 13, 2009, 15:48:06 PM
what is the point in voting for someone you don't trust? if you dont trust any of them don't vote for any of them or is there accepted levels of mis trust?
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 13, 2009, 15:59:56 PM
You can vote for someone you don't trust, but mistrust less than you do the alternatives  :)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: mike A on May 13, 2009, 16:32:03 PM
When I visit my mum I have two choices where to park my car, one is in the estate where there is a good chance I will lose my  hubcaps, or in the street where there is a good chance i'll lose the car. I choose to risk the hubcaps.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: geordieboy on May 13, 2009, 18:35:34 PM
The lot of them have been first class passengers on the gravy train for years,and I think a lot of us,if we were totally honest with ourselves,and given half the chance, would be with them.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: Scunner on May 13, 2009, 18:39:50 PM
Is there anyone that thought it didn't go on, before it became the "big story"? It's a non-story.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: FrankStanley on May 13, 2009, 23:08:22 PM
If belonging to The Best Club in Town means you have to be a hypocrite, thief and bully, Thank god I did not go in for politics.This is not a rehearsal or game
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: kevin3 on May 14, 2009, 10:14:24 AM
They have shafted us for years.This is a rare chance for us to shaft them back.3 months ago Brown was fighting to stop the MPs expenses being published.Today he's "leading the way for reform",calling for all MPs to publish their expenses online.(Individual blame shifts the blame from him!).Iv'e been a lifelong Labour voter until Blair stood for his second term.By then i'd seen enough.I would'nt vote Tory or Liberal so at the last local and general elections I voted BNP. 1.As a Protest,and 2.They were the only party I could relate to over my concerns on uncontrolled immigration,nothing more.Todays political climate gives the chance for a complete overhaul of the political system.But,dont hold your breath!!!.On another note,I think voting should be compulsary.It cost our forefathers many deaths and hardships,to win the right to vote so it should not be squandered.If everyone voted,MPs would HAVE to listen.   :)
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: kevin3 on May 14, 2009, 10:25:32 AM
PS.On a lighter note,when my father(a labour voter)died I notified all the authorities of his passing.But at election times they kept sending him voting cards,which used to upset my mom.So I used to go and vote for him(labour)which used to cheer her up again,and me dad still had his say!!Problem yok!!
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: mike A on May 14, 2009, 10:37:52 AM
On another note,I think voting should be compulsary.It cost our forefathers many deaths and hardships,to win the right to vote so it should not be squandered.

Not if your forced to squander it on the B.N.P. :(
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: c1 on May 14, 2009, 10:41:30 AM
And today we hear that ex labour minister has claimed for a morgage that he had paid off. either these people are 1)crooks and need to be arrested or 2) incompident so those who blindly vote them in have only themselves to blame, none of the two major parties come out of this with any honour. the only guy I currently like is vince cable who speaks well and with some knowledge.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: kevin3 on May 14, 2009, 10:56:58 AM
I stand by MY decisions,for MY reasons.Not voting wasn't an option for me!
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: tonyb on May 14, 2009, 15:40:15 PM
My opinion is- if you don't vote don't moan. Getting back to the original point ,it's pretty damn difficult to break the "RULES" when the cretins who have allegedly broken them, made them in the first place.
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: laffa on May 14, 2009, 20:24:43 PM
 :) I would'nt know who to vote for anymore, they're all shysters,got no faith in any of them,
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: puma on May 14, 2009, 22:22:11 PM
i have'nt voted for years thay are all con merchants anyway,and i don't moan about them either
Title: What's Wrong With You People?
Post by: scorcher on May 15, 2009, 08:54:21 AM
Guy Fawkes - dontcha miss him ....?