Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => The Debating Chamber => Topic started by: Highlander on July 04, 2009, 20:57:51 PM

Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Highlander on July 04, 2009, 20:57:51 PM
(And to the end of this post)

It's much the same every year, shortly after entering the airport, Brenda sets off to buy things she doesn't need, and I embark on my favourite past-time to while away the hours until take off - benefit family spotting.

You must have seen them, whole families on the brew setting off for their fortnight of full English breakfasts, bingo, karaoke and all-night binges, consuming copious amounts of cheap vodka in one of the more exotic resorts in Spain - all inclusive of course.

There's the father, as small withered guy  - old way beyond his 45 years, bedecked in a green and white shell suit with the logo European Champions 1967 YA BASS.
He positively drips gold - chains, bracelets, rings on every finger - all purchased in the latest Argos sale. He is of course ladened to overflowing with four of the largest duty-free bottles of vodka you have ever seen.

Then there's the wife - a fine looking woman - well maybe once - but the years have not been kind to her.

Her role model is now Venessa Phellps.

A fine choice had she not been two sizes bigger than the tv celeb. Unfortunately, what with hubby being on the brew for the last twenty years, her funds do not run to Miss Phellps designer gear which hides a multitude of ills.

Her 2008 wardrobe, a mixture of QVC, Primark and New Look  - doesn't quite have the same effect however.

New Look was suggested by her 15 year old daughter, who thought it would be a good idea to bring her maw up-to-date.

Quite why she thought the white flared mini skirt was a good look for her 16 stone mother is somewhat of a mystery.

But not to worry - she's knows that maw is happy and thinks she looks the berries, by the way.

Close by is the youngest of the brood - 5 year old Danny, named after the legendary Celtic right back or was it left -I forget.

Danny had joined the welfare estate some 9 months after a particularly emphatic Celtic win over "the old enemy."
The little brat, appropriately dressed as he is in combat t-shirt and trousers, seems intent on causing more damage to the airport than any Alkedia diehard.

But of course he goes unchecked by mother or father, both of whom have disappeared outside for their fifty woodbine of the day.

Next up, the teenage son - Darren. a spotted youth sporting a variety of tattoos most of which have a reference to "the glorious Celtic" or "Emma" his first love with whom of ci=ourse he fathered a welfare state child.

He has of course no idea where Emma or the child are today.

As if physically attached to his "injection potted arm", he is carrying the biggest ghetto blaster ever invented with which he is going to terrorise the whole 2 star resort by blasting out "every sectarian song ever written" for a fortnight.

He is of course a good boy who has just got "in" with the wrong crowd. aye right

Then there's his 15 year old sister. - Charlene

A stunning looking girl with blond hair complete with fluorescent purple streaks which only partially covers her natural dark roots.

Her hair goes all the way down her back - unfortunately not much of it starts on her head.

She cuts a fine dash, turning every male head in the place --- unfortunately for her in the totally opposite direction to which she is travelling.

She is immaculately dressed in shimmering white.

A Primark velour zipped top which exposes a tantalising glimpse 7 " of flabby midriff, teamed up with a snazzy pair of white velour hipsters resting somewhere south of her 40"hips and with "bench" emblazoned across the seat.

At least i think it said "bench" - it was difficult to tell as the letters were stretched over such a wide area.

Unfortunately, these hipsters afford fellow travellers with far too much of a view of a thin strip of fluorescent purple material, stretched, as it is, to the absolute maximum of its design.

I had assume this to be  some type of catapult with which to ward off unsolicited suitors -- but Brenda assures me that was in fact a thong, whatever that is

Charlene is of course hopeful of finding true love with a Spanish waiter. Sadly, i fear that the only Spanish waiter she will snare is one hailing from Barcelona, who knows nothing, and answers to the name of Manuel.

She is of course pushing the latest high-tech push chair, which you and i paid for, and in which reclines  the latest money-spinning addition to the family - little kylie - father unknown but believed to be a choice of 5 - all ardent Celtic supporters of course and sporting an impressive 14 asbos between them

Unsurprisingly perhaps, Kylie is dressed exactly like her mother save for the fact that her top has "I'm a little dancer by the way" in red sequins splashed across the front.

And of course you just know that kylie is going to howl, unchecked, from the time the family board the aircraft, mum, dad and underage Darren smashed out of their skulls, until the time they disembark, having consumed even more alcohol on the flight.

All of the family are of course wearing gleaming white trainers, purchased the previous week from the barras especially for the holidays

I allowed myself a few minutes contemplation as to exactly how they are going to get the four pieces of hand luggage (each of which are larger than any of Brenda's three suitcases) and the buggy, into the overhead lockers before setting of to find Emelda Marcos.

Eventually Brenda re-appears, and I am pleasantly surprised that she is carrying only six designer bags, none of which is from La Senza as I had requested.

I'm assuming that all of the ladies on the Forum are familiar with La Senza.

For any male members who are not La Senza is a fine womans' dress shop which occasionally carries some nice underwear ranges.

Well to tell the truth they only sells underwear - the skimpy sexy kind.

The present Mrs Stephen however had obviously decided to stick with her fine and varied selection of Bridget Jones pants for the holidays again !!!!!

Ah well, there's always next year.
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: lynne on July 04, 2009, 21:53:20 PM
Thank you for making me smile!
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Scunner on July 04, 2009, 21:55:46 PM
Don't worry H, they're generally left turners
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: mike A on July 04, 2009, 21:59:47 PM
I thank god I fly from Gatwick ;)
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Anne on July 04, 2009, 23:22:50 PM
brilliant post mr H, you got them down to a T
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: scorcher on July 05, 2009, 00:23:20 AM
Irn Bru-dontcha just love it? It's got a lot to answer for.... ps it's Feltz x
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: janmack on July 05, 2009, 00:55:53 AM
Wonder what they all thought of you???
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: laffa on July 05, 2009, 01:43:08 AM
 :) Hope you & Brenda called them over for a drink,
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Jim Fraser on July 05, 2009, 10:37:41 AM
Sounds like Inverness Airport hasn't changed much then.
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: turkeytim on July 05, 2009, 12:20:01 PM
I know this crowd,they were not in Spain this year,but spotted in a Gold Center near Fethiye.(Mum says in strong Cockney accent "what a load of rubbish,could ave got better down the maarket".
Dad was lovely in his West Ham top,with "Dad" tatooed on his neck ,just so he didnt forget who he was when looking in the mirror in the morning.
The pregnant daughter was a picture, with a black string vest covering her bump.
Perhaps you all will be lucky enough to spot them passing through many of our UK airports this year.??
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Highlander on July 05, 2009, 13:21:37 PM
Originally posted by janmack

Wonder what they all thought of you???

"Would you just look at that grey-haired, overweight old git, trying desperately to look trendy in his grandad shirt and linen trousers and failing miserable", springs to mind:(.

Mrs H would have fared much better of course :).
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: janmack on July 05, 2009, 13:57:17 PM
lol ;)
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Liz 101 on July 05, 2009, 14:10:55 PM
Sounds like a similar crowd to those spotted passing Nefis Pide the other Friday at just before 1pm - 2 shirtless men, 2 women wearing bikini tops & skirts that flashed their knickers as they walked, all swigging efes from the can & conversing in F-plan language. A lovely sight for anyone attending Friday prayers at the mosque. Make you proud to be British!
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: laffa on July 05, 2009, 19:40:24 PM
 :) sounds similar to a group who were on our plane a few years ago, even made me cringe,and they were (though I hate to say it)scousers, I even followed them out to the rep to find out where and what hotel they were going to,I stood next to the dad and son when they were told they were gong to Marmaris, I gave Kenny the thumbs up,what a relief.but god help the people in that hotel,
oh and though not reflective in any way, they were evertonians,:P
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: wickwilly on July 05, 2009, 21:03:32 PM
Funniest post I have seen for a long time. Thanks Mr H :D[:(!][:(!]
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: sugarybaba on July 06, 2009, 00:15:55 AM
That was brilliant - wish I had your wit and observation skills H
You made me PMSL Little Britain or what ! Do miss that programme   Su x
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Twin Bee on July 06, 2009, 09:39:56 AM
H - that's almost as bad as saying all people with depression are mad. Some of the behaviour you describe can be seen in people who have paid employment and some of these come from Scotland and Wales as well as England. Best not to label all people on benefits as wasters - some are in genuine  need and are entitled to holiday!
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: mike A on July 06, 2009, 09:55:40 AM
Well said
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: stoop on July 06, 2009, 09:56:23 AM
Good point Bee but I have to agree that it's an eye opener watching some of the people who get on the flights from Manchester. Unemployed or not you just know which ones are turning left.

Then you see them on your return leg - usually with a big dodgy watch on, new tattoo, leather cowboy hat and looking like they have stayed awake for two weeks drinking none stop. The only good thing is that they sleep all the way home.

God that sounds so snobbish from a lad brought up in one of the roughest areas of Leeds.  How times change ;-)
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: turkeytim on July 06, 2009, 11:20:27 AM
I am sure Mr H was trying to be funny,and he was.
But can you have holiday from NOT working?
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Highlander on July 06, 2009, 13:29:32 PM

I apologise for not considering that it was necessary to qualifying my post as "this is meant to be amusing and is not a comment on the social fabric of Britain today."

That aside, where in my post did I say the people described were English. I would have thought that the repeated references to Celtic would have led the reader to assume that they were in fact Scottish.

Nor do I think I labeled all people on benefits as wasters. As a matter of fact, I don't consider that to be the case, but we all know that such people exist.

If you want to start a new thread on this subject, I'd be more that happy to give you my views on the subject, but I'd rather that this thread was left as is, if that's ok with you guys.



PS Scunner and Stoop - can you explain the term left turners. I don't have the first idea what means or refers to.
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Scunner on July 06, 2009, 13:34:07 PM
We leave the airport, get to the main road and turn right H...
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Highlander on July 06, 2009, 15:06:30 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

We leave the airport, get to the main road and turn right H...

Nope, still none the wiser:(
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Scunner on July 06, 2009, 15:09:32 PM

FETHIYE<-------   --------> MARMARIS
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: stoop on July 06, 2009, 15:16:15 PM
PMSL - come on H - take more water with it ;-)
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Gavos999 on July 06, 2009, 15:17:32 PM
Ha Ha excellent :D
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Scunner on July 06, 2009, 15:36:53 PM
Left turners H, left turners

Has anyone detected a pulse yet?
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: mike A on July 06, 2009, 15:56:03 PM
No need to apologize, the post was read in the spirit it was written. 8)
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Colwyn on July 06, 2009, 16:58:03 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

Don't worry H, they're generally left turners

Inventing a new term of disdain into the English language. Pretty impressive that. Although I there are also those who go to the Bozburun and Datca and elsewhere who would be of a different ilk.

P.S. I have emailed Lance 12 times about this using the nickname "Anne".
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Twin Bee on July 06, 2009, 16:58:26 PM
And no need to apoligise to me either. I also thought the post was well written.
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: stoop on July 06, 2009, 17:03:51 PM
Me too ....
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Scunner on July 06, 2009, 17:20:12 PM
Originally posted by Colwyn

there are also those who go to the Bozburun and Datca and elsewhere who would be of a different ilk.

Never let a minority spoil a good stereotype Colwyn
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Highlander on July 06, 2009, 18:07:33 PM
FETHIYE<-------   --------> MARMARIS

Scunner - Geography never was one of my strong subjects :)

"PMSL - come on H - take more water with it".

Stoop - I'll leave that up to certain bar owners ;)

MikeA/TwinBeee - no worries.
Title: The long wait at the airport
Post by: Colwyn on July 06, 2009, 21:20:13 PM
Never let a minority spoil a good stereotype Colwyn

Absolutely. I am sure this one is a go-er. You should patent it before ir catches on.