Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Expat & Property Owners Q and A Forum => Topic started by: Di and Barry on November 06, 2009, 16:05:01 PM

Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: Di and Barry on November 06, 2009, 16:05:01 PM
Hi Everybody,  This is our first posting on the CBF but thought we'd like to share this with you and maybe you could make savings too.

In April 09 we had timers fitted to our air-con units in our villa. After a 2 hours (maximum) period the unit switches off automatically. The timers are incredibly simple to use.  The savings on electricity have been better than anticipated. The electricity cost saving has paid for the supply and installation of the timers already.  We are very very happy!  Contact details if you are interested is

Kind regards Barry and Di x
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: batman on November 06, 2009, 16:34:27 PM
Hi You must have used the same person we did, have found them very useful as guests can leave the A/C on this avoids big bills and wear and tear on the units, certinaly worth contacting them for a quote.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: slartibartfast on November 06, 2009, 17:26:05 PM
That's the best news I've had in ages as I have been trying to find a unit for a while  which someone can say can be fitted without causing problems (most timers are built for lighting etc and aren't man enough for the power drawn by ACUs)

I have sent a PM



Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: antonia1966 on November 06, 2009, 18:47:05 PM
Will definately email them, after having guests at out villa last year and picking up a bill for £300 for the 4 weeks, timers will be a great help, Thanks
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: bewva on November 06, 2009, 19:03:45 PM
Where are the timers fitted?
Do you have a make/model?
Can they be overidden when you use the villa yourself?

Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: Scunner on November 06, 2009, 20:50:55 PM
Originally posted by Di and Barry

This is our first posting on the CBF

Actually not, this is your 13th posting on the CBF

Sounds like a product that will be very popular, what with these pesky renters putting the AC on to -50 and buggering off to Olu Deniz for the day.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: Scunner on November 06, 2009, 20:52:18 PM
Originally posted by bewva

Where are the timers fitted?
Do you have a make/model?
Can they be overidden when you use the villa yourself?


They had them fitted that's all! An email address was given if you need more info.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: tribalelder on November 07, 2009, 06:24:14 AM
May be not any good for renters  but all our aircon remotes have a sleep facility which you can set to shut down from 1-10 hours so no need to buy anything. :)
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: iankirk on November 09, 2009, 20:24:40 PM
I've also had these timers fitted and the good thing is that you have to set the timer for the A/C to actually come on. Relying on people to set them to switch off after a preset time may not always work. I'll try and upload a picture
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: slartibartfast on November 09, 2009, 20:50:44 PM
Quick update.   I emailed the contact Barry & Di supplied and received a very quick reply giving comprehensive information along with a photograph of a finished installation.      

I have been looking at options to achieve this end result over the last year, but I didn't find any "delay timers" I thought were suitable ... and some were pretty expensive.  These are very reasonably priced as is the fitting, and some sensible thought has been given to this..    We are going ahead with getting them fitted.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: tonysue on November 09, 2009, 22:49:36 PM
I was quoted £30 plus £10 fitting cost total £40 per unit for these timers- how does this price compare with yours as a matter of interest.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: slartibartfast on November 09, 2009, 23:29:26 PM
TonySue, if that question was for me, I am going to get my timers and have them fitted by the contact Barry & Di have posted.   The timers I was looking at in the UK ranged from £30 - £50 each, and I was far from confident I could get anyone to understand how to fit them correctly in Turkey.    I probably could have fitted them myself but didn't really want to !

Yes it's still a fair bit of money to get them fitted to each ACU.  Some people would rather charge guests more money and just accept the rental will cover the electricity bill.  We decided we wanted try and conserve energy without making life difficult for guests.  We think it's a good middle ground.   I can't say we have worked out the cost/payback timescale .... but when you factor in further savage electricity increases, pale "greenness", and extended ACU life-span, it just "feels" the right thing to do.

We did look at a different system which had a movement sensor and would turn off ACU's if there was no movement in the room, but They were £50 per unit, ran on batteries and looked like the COULD be more problematic.    The idea was good if only they weren't so expensive.

I haven't been able to find a better option
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: milorni on November 10, 2009, 08:05:43 AM
We have these fitted and have had complaints from one lot of tenants who said that when they booked the villa and it said it had air-con they expected it to be on all the time not that they had to keep turning it back on every couple of hours :D
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: normbosh on November 10, 2009, 11:12:25 AM
we have got electric key card fitted and the front door and patio door keys welded together,so when our renters go out the electric
gos of in 30 seconds, and if they thing they can lay around the pool
with the AC on and the door not locked, that would be VERY stupid thin to do, I have heard of 3 cases of people laying round pool
with the patio door open and getting robed :o
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: slartibartfast on November 10, 2009, 11:26:13 AM
No much I can say to that :-)
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: ezza37 on November 10, 2009, 18:24:06 PM
Yes, we have also had these air-con timers fitted by the same company and are very pleased with the end result. We were also charged £40 per unit including fitting which we thought was very reasonable. They were fitted within a few days of ordering and the company did a great job. Thoroughly recommended.
If anyone needs anymore info, please do not hesitate to email me.
I have a photo which I will try to download on here but don't hold your breath as I don't really know what I am doing!!!!
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: antonia1966 on November 11, 2009, 16:36:31 PM
We had the timers fitted today.  The guy turned up on time, cleaned up after himself and was very helpful. We paid £120 for 3 timers supplied and fitted. Would recommend him.  Thanks again , timers  :)
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: stoop on November 11, 2009, 16:52:50 PM
We have the electric card option so that when people go out the card has to be rmoved (welded to the keys). We find this does work but they can leave them on if they are in the house. There is a self timer on the aircon remote though and that can be set to switch them off and doesn't cost a penny.
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: slartibartfast on November 11, 2009, 20:12:45 PM
Stoop, we already have a key-fob system like that but it's a bit of a blunt instrument.   They are fine  a hotel room or even a 1 or 2 bedroom place when there is more chance of everyone coming and going at the same time (so only 1 set of keys is needed).      

We often have or 3 couples or families where the oldies or youngies want to come and go at different times.  If you give them 2 sets of keys they both need a key fob (or somebody sits in the dark until the other get home !).  If they have 2 key fobs, they can leave one in the slot permanently and just use the 1 set of keys with the air-con going all the time !  

The key fob system also has other problems .. like when they don't wire up the villa so the right things stay on when the fob is removed !

In hindsight I wouldn't bother with a key fob system at all and just rely on delay timers like these on the ACU's and immersion heater.  The money saved on the key-fob would more than have paid for the timers !  
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: Andrew H on November 16, 2009, 17:50:02 PM
Cant agree with that last comment we had the saver card installed this year villa has been fully occupied all summer with no problems and a 30% electric saving.

We only give 1 set out, guests have to sort themselves out because if you give then 2 someone will want 3 sets.

Absolutly no mess when installed like everything in Turkey use the right people for the right job
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: colinanddenise on November 20, 2009, 08:02:45 AM
Hi all
We have had these timers (3) fitted to the air cons in our apartment for this season. I think the cost from memory was £30 per unit. The fitting was done very promptly and without any mess or disruption.
The apartment use was up by about 30% this season and the electric bill was about the same as that for 2008. Add to this the increased cost of electricity this year and we are more than happy with the result.
You cannot rely on renters being responsible about the use of others electricity (eg electric saver cards, which we also have) and where do you draw the line on what to include in the rental fee?

We feel this has solved one our concerns regarding the letting of the apartment and feel the cost is more than worth it.

Colin and Denise
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: bewva on November 20, 2009, 12:59:03 PM
Is it possible to overide them when you use your apartment?
Title: Cheaper Electric Bills
Post by: colinanddenise on November 20, 2009, 19:36:37 PM
Hi Paul
No you cannot 'overide' the timers, but you can push the button just like anyone else.
But why would you want to run the air con for more than two hours in one go anyway?
If you feel the need to hide up in the apartment/villa and run the air con for hours on end, then Turkey in high season may not be the place for you.

The people who install the timers might be able to help you more

Colin and Denise