Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => The Debating Chamber => Topic started by: Toky on January 14, 2010, 23:10:56 PM

Title: P'd off
Post by: Toky on January 14, 2010, 23:10:56 PM
I get miffed when I log on, scroll down and see how many members are logged on and then only one or two make posts. We have loads of "lurkers" on here. One forum I am a member of kicks you out if you don't make a post within a 4 week period unless Admin are advised of a reason you are unable to post. There are loads of logged on members whom I have never/rarely seen make a post.
Rant over!
Title: P'd off
Post by: Scunner on January 14, 2010, 23:20:40 PM
Like I know most of the main posters, I also know many of the rare or non-contributors. They tell me they enjoy CBF as much as you or I (well they didn't mention you specifically lol) so why would we kick them out? I have no idea why this would make you rant!

There are talkers and listeners in life; if we make it compulsory that everyone had to post once every 4 weeks or whatever, people will post any old rubbish.
Title: P'd off
Post by: Toky on January 15, 2010, 00:31:02 AM
But Scunner they must have joined for a reason. Surely they have something to contribute to the forum. Come on you lot, get posting and give us your patter!!! You know who you are :D
Title: P'd off
Post by: Scunner on January 15, 2010, 00:38:18 AM
Not all areas are open to all, you need to be a member to view some. That might be why non-contributors join. Or maybe they like to be a silent partner of CBF :D

To bore you a little with stats, well over half of CBF members have made a contribution or contributions. That is pretty respectable for a forum. I agree it would be nice if more people were to contribute more but it's entirely their choice  :)
Title: P'd off
Post by: incir on January 15, 2010, 10:30:10 AM
I would love to contribute more, but often it's a question of too little time.  I have a little read everyday and when I can add something to a thread.  But often I think 'oh I must respond to that post later.'  And later never happens!
Title: P'd off
Post by: Eric on January 15, 2010, 10:39:48 AM
We we 1st joined we were a 'looker' as we were gleaning info for our move over here.  In that time we were a sponge, soaking up all the useful information.  When we wanted more we started asking questions and got excellent answers which helped us a great deal.

Now we are relatively experienced members of the forum, and know a little about Turkey , we contribute more.

The moral of this is that there is no problems, as far as I am concerned, with just looking and reading.  People are gleaning all sorts of info that way, good or bad  ;) and for various reasons, good or bad :D:-\
Title: P'd off
Post by: Jacqui Harvey on January 15, 2010, 10:56:45 AM
A few years ago when I was new to the Forum, we where over in Calis.  I was speaking to an English couple who have a place there.  I was telling them about Yaka Park, which they had never heard of, even though they had been coming to Calis longer than us.  I then said  "Have you ever seen the Calis Beach Forum? you can get lots of information from that".  The guy then said to me. "Yes, I have looked at it, have you seen some of the nut cases on there and what they write?, I would never join something like that". At this stage I decided not to tell him I was a member, but accepted I must be a nut case.
Title: P'd off
Post by: Scunner on January 15, 2010, 11:09:13 AM
I sat at a bar one lunchtime, quietly having my wee snack - listening to some expats discussing something that was on CBF at that time. Another expat woman, sitting at the opposite end of the bar was shouted to, asked if she had read it. "Calis Beach forum? Nooooo I never go on there, it's a load of CRAP!"

Charming :D
Title: P'd off
Post by: KKOB on January 15, 2010, 11:51:11 AM
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. Groucho Marx
Title: P'd off
Post by: Scunner on January 15, 2010, 12:03:15 PM
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like KKOB as members.  Groucho Scunner
Title: P'd off
Post by: Highlander on January 15, 2010, 13:53:54 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

...people will post any old rubbish.

I'm hurt.
Title: P'd off
Post by: pookie on January 15, 2010, 13:59:11 PM
oh, well I like your rubbish H.... ;)
Title: P'd off
Post by: dreamon on January 15, 2010, 17:41:38 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

 people will post any old rubbish.

No change there then : :)
Title: P'd off
Post by: Scunner on January 15, 2010, 17:45:47 PM
Yes sorry about that. I can't help it if certain members are obsessed by the current price of vegetables :D
Title: P'd off
Post by: Chinook on January 15, 2010, 22:58:20 PM
I can't help it if certain members are obsessed by the current price of vegetables

I once asked a Turkish friend what they all found to talk about each and every evening as they sat out with their neighbours.Oh the price of vegetables and which stall in the market had the best he replied. So looks as though this Forums become really integrated. ;)
Title: P'd off
Post by: heatherhanum on January 16, 2010, 10:12:32 AM
I love this forum. Like Eric and many others I have learned alot by reading members contributions. I have asked many questions and have always had really good replies. I have also met some members via CBF. It's a while since I wrote on the the forum but that's the beauty of this forum it's full of very useful information.  I never feel far away from Calis when I keep updated with members contributions. There are some people who come onto the forum to moan or bitch but I don't want to be a part of that. I love CBF
Heather xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Title: P'd off
Post by: dreamon on January 16, 2010, 13:06:43 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

Yes sorry about that. I can't help it if certain members are obsessed by the current price of vegetables :D

Guilty m'lord. :D
Title: P'd off
Post by: tonyb on January 18, 2010, 15:08:04 PM
The answer to all this is very simple.Not all people talk the hind leg off a donkey,but most are exremely grateful for the info they can glean from this forum. It well run & whats'll get more info about this lovely resort in half an hour on here than you if you questioned half a dozen travel agents in a room all day. Another plus,the sarcasm on this forum is second to nonw !!!
Title: P'd off
Post by: Mazza09 on January 23, 2010, 21:16:04 PM
I resemble the remark about not posting on the forum very often or getting involved. Fortunately i have a very busy life and dont have time to scroll through many many topics and then respond thoughtfully. I do however enjoy reading many of the discussions on here and often learn many useful tips.
Title: P'd off
Post by: bigvic on January 31, 2010, 10:12:05 AM
I'm touched!!!