Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum => Topic started by: dulux on June 06, 2010, 21:28:57 PM

Title: Cittlembik
Post by: dulux on June 06, 2010, 21:28:57 PM
Hi All. We went to this great shop in Fethiye a while back and got some really nice items to bring back home.We are coming out again but forget where exactly this shop is in Fethiye.Does anyone have directions say from the water taxis in Fethiye.Many thanks in advance.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: tinkerman on June 06, 2010, 21:51:55 PM
Yes! its almost opposite the cinema, get off the boat and turn left along the front, walk in a straight line going passed the Culture Centre and down through the shops to the second crossroads and turn left its on the next corner. I think:D ;)
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Rindaloo on June 07, 2010, 00:24:07 AM
I really like the shop.   But one of the assistants really annoyed me by shadowing my while I browsed.  She was blocking my way too (actually leaning on the display while grinning at me).  It was very weird.  She had such a look on her face I felt she was being aggressive, like she felt sure I was a shoplifter.  I know assistants in Turkey seem to over assist, LOL, but this was more than that and it has put me off of the place.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: tribalelder on June 07, 2010, 05:13:33 AM
If you are with really bu**ers them up:D
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: peecee on June 07, 2010, 05:22:58 AM
What kind of things does it sell?
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on June 07, 2010, 06:25:29 AM
it is the weirdest mixture but it's a great shop. Kitchen bits, jigsaws, games,plastic flowers, handbags, cosmetics,a fine collection of clocks and more odd but great.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Rindaloo on June 07, 2010, 07:54:29 AM
Originally posted by tribalelder

If you are with really bu**ers them up:D

LOL!  There were 4 of us and we HAD split!  : :)
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: tinkerman on June 07, 2010, 08:33:29 AM
How strange they decided to stick with the ringleader:D
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Scunner on June 07, 2010, 08:49:58 AM
I had this when in Ramazan in Fethiye with Mrs Scunner a few years back. I went off for a look and the second I was alone I attracted the attention of a sales assistant who followed my every move from about 1" away. I went upstairs, even did the pedestrial equivalent of 3 times round a roundabout a few times and she didn't lose any distance. It was odd but a little funny but quickly became quite unnerving and certainly uncomfortable. Although she would quickly change to a particularly false smile if you turned and looked at her, she hadn't spoken a word, even when she came across into my personal space she hadn't offered a hos geldeniz or even a merhaba, just adopted the initial shadowing position.

I didn't buy anything. In fact, I didn't pick anything up or show any level of interest in any item at all. This would only have been seen as encouragement. That was my first ever visit to Ramazan and needless to say perhaps my last.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Rindaloo on June 07, 2010, 09:23:00 AM
Sounds like the same 'assistant'.  They should realise their anti shoplifting policy is actually alienating customers.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: scorcher on June 07, 2010, 09:54:57 AM
The trick here is to take them by surprise when they start "shadowing " you and take them by their hand and take them round with you ! They soon get the message....! Works a treat !
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: pookie on June 07, 2010, 10:44:24 AM
There is a lady's clothes shop opposite carrefour that has an assistant that follows on your heels.  Lottie loves the shop, but i always feel like I've done something wrong and certainly don't feel comfortable looking around the rails...[:(!]
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: scouser2 on June 07, 2010, 11:01:57 AM
The wife hates Migros, because she feels she is always being watched by the security men. I told her she was paranoid, but when my dad was here for a month he commented that he thought Marie was being followed.(Must have heard her scouse accent  ;))
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: stuart on June 08, 2010, 10:31:37 AM
i think this is just a cultural thing... some naionalities including some turks like to have a assistant shadowing them ready to assist at any momment. most brits feel it as a space invasion.
if you learn the turkish for ....just looking! they normally leave you alone and let you get on with it.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: HappyMonday on June 08, 2010, 21:16:51 PM
I was in a clothes shop last week with my three teenage sons and it was really funny as we all got individually man-marked by sales staff!  Strangely, my wife got left alone!
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: Scunner on June 08, 2010, 21:46:23 PM
It isn't just a Turkish thing. I was followed round Morrisons by a woman who never left my trolley from beginning to end. It was really unnerving, till I remembered I'd brought the wife with me.
Title: Cittlembik
Post by: mikrik on June 10, 2010, 20:10:27 PM
It's really great. There's one on the main street where the assistant thinks if she can flirt with the man he'll buy something for his wife. I never buy anything but the flirting is nice since I'm over 60 : :):D