Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => The Debating Chamber => Topic started by: Scunner on June 08, 2010, 21:57:41 PM

Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 08, 2010, 21:57:41 PM
I cannot stand watching tv when someone is sitting eating, and we have to listen to them chomping on their cornflakes or whatever, while someone else competes to deliver their line over it. Worse than that, when they take a huge spoonful then deliver one of their lines through it.

Another thing that really makes my skin crawl is people having a snog on tv. It always seems to be the same sort of repeating kiss, each one accompanied by an odd, unnatural clicking sound. Revolting.

Ban eating and kissing from tv PLEASE!
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Crabbit on June 08, 2010, 22:03:02 PM
Ban tv,  it`s killed the art of Forum chat  :D

Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: heather07 on June 08, 2010, 22:04:50 PM
Yeah ban the kissing!!!!!!!!!! sound resembles a sink plunger
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 08, 2010, 22:11:13 PM
The thing about the eating is, it's generally only a short scene, I don't have to see someone eat to realise they are having their breakfast. Holding a spoon or a box of frosties would be more than enough for me to work out it is breakfast time. In the early days breakfast time was always portrayed by use of a toast rack and a big jug of fresh orange juice. I have seen neither in a house at breakfast time in decades. In fact, I've never seen a big jug of fresh orange juice in a domestic breakfast situation in my life. In any case, great actors can do a breakfast scene for 20 seconds without having to fill their gob.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Bluwise on June 08, 2010, 22:24:07 PM
I hate it when traffic bulletins invite drivers to call in with any problems "when it's safe and legal to do so"... Get Lost....stop patronising me!!![:(!][:(!]
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Bluwise on June 08, 2010, 22:29:12 PM
and whilst I'm at it - road signs in a 4 mile traffic jam saying "slow down accident" - I know, I know

Weather people on TV saying "and if you must venture out in this snow, drive safely"
Are they professional drivers then and I must be an absolute plonk that I can't cope if they don't tell me how to drive??
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 08, 2010, 22:30:37 PM
Yes, and another one..."a child, who cannot be named for legal reasons" - are those legal reasons actually that it is a child? Stop using that phrase, please.

And another (I'm on a roll now)

"He was sent off for two bookable offences" - no he wasn't, he was sent off for getting two yellow cards or being booked twice if you must. A murderer isn't sent to prison for two sentancable murders.

Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Gorgeous_bird on June 08, 2010, 22:35:31 PM
Originally posted by Scunner

 In the early days breakfast time was always portrayed by use of a toast rack and a big jug of fresh orange juice. I have seen neither in a house at breakfast time in decades. In fact, I've never seen a big jug of fresh orange juice in a domestic breakfast situation in my life.

PMSL you have just described breakfast in my house last weekend:D
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Bluwise on June 08, 2010, 22:43:21 PM
You buy one you get one free - I said, you buy one you get one free NOW!

I can hear everyone screaming already :D
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: tribalelder on June 09, 2010, 05:48:20 AM
So it is true then?.....I didn't steal nothing Miss....Are you sure you havn't got your skirt on upside down?....Seriously. And all the other inane clips that advertise BBC Entertainment that are shown on Digiturk dozens of times a day 24/7....Da de da de dum I am even singing the music now!!!!!!!:(:(:(:(
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Eric on June 09, 2010, 13:14:32 PM
When the presenters say "welcome back" after a commercial break.  I have not been anywhere YOU HAVE!
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: tinkerman on June 09, 2010, 15:07:10 PM
the crystal bucket, the haunted fish bowl, the gogglebox, whats all that about?
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 09, 2010, 15:11:28 PM
What about "ahead of", as in England have arrived in South Africa, ahead of the World Cup finals. It isn't "ahead of" it at all, idiots.

Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Colwyn on June 09, 2010, 15:14:37 PM
I hope they have arrived after it. So we have missed it all. So what was the result? Did Brazil win again?
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: nuttybird on June 09, 2010, 15:23:22 PM
oooh I like this thread I cannot stand hearing people eat, its like running nails down a blackboard to me, I sit here in the office at lunchtime and all I can here is my boss's jaw clicking together when she eats! ah! I also can not stand being spoken over, of course I mean when I am talking and I have not finished, even when ive not finished a sentence and someone butts in, grr....
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 09, 2010, 16:16:36 PM
Ah yes...

People who talk over you are without doubt the rudest of all. As a close example when you are mid way through telling a story and the person you are telling has obviously lost all interest and you know has no idea whether you are talking or not, let alone what you are telling them - and maybe other people are there who realise and you have no idea whether to carry on with the story or not [:o] In the end they walk away and start talking to someone else leaving you to finish your story alone. That is without doubt evidence of a totally ignorant git.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: nuttybird on June 09, 2010, 16:47:43 PM
here here!!  :)
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: pasha on June 09, 2010, 17:59:23 PM
People who stop in the middle of an aisle in the market/supermarket completely blocking your progress, and are completely oblivious to the fact that you are there. [:(!]

Thinking about it, they do the same in their cars, blocking the road, and get peeved and shoot you a look if you hoot for them to move.  [:(!]
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on June 09, 2010, 18:26:44 PM
I would like there to be a public information film, like the ones of days gone by which informs drivers. It should tell them that if you can't see a car ahead of you for miles and can see loads in the rear view mirror, you're driving too slowly, dickhead! I would advise that it be shown twice as often on a saturday night and sunday morning, in an attempt to get all the sunday drivers to do weeding instead.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: simpsons on July 03, 2010, 09:46:12 AM
Commercial breaks on Turkish tv channels which are 10-15 minutes long and show the same advert 3 or 4 times in that break. I dont suffer with alzeimers and havent forgotton what I saw 2 minutes ago.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Scunner on July 03, 2010, 11:03:13 AM
Every time this topic reappears I think of another one!!!

I REALLY hate it when actors play a part in a new film and when doing the interview circuit truly believe they are the character and talk like they are convinced they are now a fully qualified doctor/astronaut/spy.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Jacqui Harvey on July 03, 2010, 18:40:02 PM
Stupid question on the ITV programme quizzes.. Example today.. What was the name of the lead singer in the group "Police" was it A. Cut. B.Bite or C. Sting..  Then they say... If you think you know the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drives me mad.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Highlander on July 03, 2010, 18:43:54 PM
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: maximumtom on July 03, 2010, 19:20:02 PM
I get annoyed by grockles who stand in large groups gassing and blocking the pavement, forcing other pedestrians into the roas to get by. Say "excuse me" to them and some of the looks you get would suggest that you have just offered a shilling for their daughter.
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: Eric on July 03, 2010, 20:54:39 PM
Originally posted by maximumtom

I get annoyed by grockles who stand in large groups gassing and blocking the pavement, forcing other pedestrians into the roas to get by. Say "excuse me" to them and some of the looks you get would suggest that you have just offered a shilling for their daughter.

A shilling??? Hope you want change ;)
Title: Pet Hates (Again)
Post by: maximumtom on July 03, 2010, 21:30:15 PM
Comes from a rugby song: " My uncle's a slum missionary, saving young ladies from sin; he'll save you a blonde for a shilling..."