Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Other Local Resorts & Areas => Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum => Topic started by: kevin b on July 31, 2010, 17:18:00 PM

Title: British Consulate
Post by: kevin b on July 31, 2010, 17:18:00 PM
Could someone give me directions to the Consulate office in Fethiye please.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: tribalelder on July 31, 2010, 18:59:02 PM
It is in the Lykia shopping Centre The big office block on the corner of Carsi Street( The one Way system out of Fethiye) just further on from Ziraat Bank on the other side of the road. not sure which floor but there are name boards just inside the entrance. :)
Title: British Consulate
Post by: kevin b on July 31, 2010, 19:58:38 PM
Thanks tribalelder
Title: British Consulate
Post by: KKOB on July 31, 2010, 23:12:37 PM
It's on the 2nd floor.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: tinkerman on August 01, 2010, 07:10:40 AM
Mustapha Shipmann is on the second floor,just follow the signs, really nice guy.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: kevin b on August 02, 2010, 09:45:07 AM
What a waste of time these people are,no help at all.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: yabanci on August 02, 2010, 10:38:36 AM
What a suprise!:D
Title: British Consulate
Post by: simpsons on August 02, 2010, 11:46:11 AM
I totally agree. The British Consulate in Fethiye is as much use as a chocolate teapot. I have contacted them a couple of times for information, not major things just advice only to be met with an I dont know, find out yourself attitude. Dont these people know that,although they are Turkish, their wages are still being paid by the British Government;ie the taxpayer. I have complained about them to the British Embassy in Ankara, but still they are allowed to get away with not bothering about Holiday makers and Ex-pats alike. Sack the lot of them I say, and put people in who care about the people they are supposed to serve.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: Sue T on August 03, 2010, 09:18:57 AM
I think it depends what you want from them.  Their roles in true English fashion are highly prescribed.  A lot of this is of course down to the laws of both countries etc.etc.
They deal with lost passports, arrests, serious accidents, deaths and things like that.  They have few staff, 1 permanent, Ahmet who is very polite, busy and has always been helpful when I have spoken to him and one extra during the summer months to help with the rush of tourists getting into trouble.  They are not an advice centre for perplexed expats.  Don't forget they are the ones who deal with the aftermath of deaths from accidents etc. as well as the out of control Brits who land up here from time to time.
Mustafa Þikman is an Honorary Consulate, which means he does not get paid, so neither does he deal with the day to day work of the consulate.  He has always been extremely helpful when ever I have had to call upon him and has helped me about wider issues to do with the expat community.
Two years ago they ran a training event about what to do in the event of an earthquake, which went well, but so many expats are not registered, in a real event they would have enourmous trouble checking whether everyone is covered, but no doubt even the unregistered expats would be clamouring for a first class service!  And good old UK would have sent its disaster team in any case.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: simpsons on August 03, 2010, 09:38:53 AM
I understand that during the summer months, they have their hands full. However, there was no no need for the remarks I got from them when making a couple of enquires (bordering on the abusive). All they neede to say was " I dont know, but I will find out for you", or " Could you ring back later,I am a little bit tied up at the moment". If you went into your local Police Station in the UK and were met by the abuse I received, you would complain to a higher authority double quick. It is this couldnt care less atitude that gets me, Just because I live in Turkey gives them no excuse to treat me like a second class citizen. Oh and by the way, the enquires I made were in the Winter months.
Title: British Consulate
Post by: Sue T on August 03, 2010, 22:05:30 PM
I still can't believe that Ahmet would be abusive or 'border on abuse' whatever it was, he did have some paternity leave last winter season.  Maybe the person there was having a bad hair day!