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General Topics => Computer Problems & Questions, Virus/Scam Warnings => Topic started by: loz on October 31, 2010, 18:12:25 PM

Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: loz on October 31, 2010, 18:12:25 PM
I have O2 package which comes with Mcafee security.  I run a schedule scan twice a week and always comes up with nothing found, however, when I go into reports it show up that I have 'x' amounts of trojans and over 1000 tracking cookies!

How do you access paths through Macafee to see where they are? and why don't the scan show them up?  

I have spent over 3 hours trying to trace the paths one suggestion was DAT 6040, how do I access this one?

I was obviously under the false impression that mcafee dealt with this, can I run another malware alongside Mcafee?
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on October 31, 2010, 18:56:47 PM
I have the same o2 package and have just checked my reports. I can see no mention of trojans or tracking cookies. Which area are you looking at and I'll see if I can have a look again.

Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: GordonA on October 31, 2010, 18:59:48 PM
After running a "scan", click on view report, please.
Gordy, for Loz.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: desmartinson on October 31, 2010, 19:07:12 PM
allready posted a comment on protection software,  norton 360, best firewall, antivirus, you can get, in my opinion of course. ;):D
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on October 31, 2010, 19:18:52 PM
Do that after every scan Loz and nothing to report. Just had a good look around and only thing I can find is a few detections of outsiders trying to access my computer but McAfee has stopped them.

Everything seems to be working - spam filter, virus checker, firewall etc. Might be worth contacting o2 to see if your settings need changing.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on October 31, 2010, 19:33:30 PM
Just a thought but what browser are you using? I use firefox all the time and have it set up under tools/option/privacy (and then security)to track cookies and generally help protect me when I'm browsing.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: loz on October 31, 2010, 19:41:59 PM
I use all browsers, Safari, opera, IE, Firefox and Chrome, I have checked all the browser settings, and file options, but can't find anything.

off out now so it is O2 tomorrow to see what they suggest, I will try to do some screen shots later.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: HappyMonday on October 31, 2010, 20:08:08 PM
Another option is to download and install Avast! This is a free anti-virus software. If you turn off Macafee and run this it will then verify whether Macafee is running correctly and picking up the trojans and tracking cookies. If nothing comes up then dont worry any more.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: loz on November 01, 2010, 00:45:11 AM
I will give Avast a go tomorrow,thanks.
this is the report I get.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on November 01, 2010, 08:53:37 AM
I don't get that screen on mine. I'm just running a custom scan - the same as you have - and I will see what comes up.

Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: tribalelder on November 01, 2010, 09:32:34 AM
Not sure from the print out but does Mcafee actually remove your cookies......if not do you manually remove them?  If not they will keep increasing all the time.  I use Kaspersky and it flags them as a vulnerability and whilst it says it is not necessary to remove them I do as I feel I don't want the clutter in my system. That is not a technical opinion :)
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: simpsons on November 01, 2010, 10:10:31 AM
I use AVG anti-virus, which is free and very "user friendly." It also checks out any website before you click on them. Also it performs regular scans of your system and if it finds any viruses either heals them or moves them to its vault. AVG can be downloaded freee from
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: loz on November 01, 2010, 10:41:41 AM
I have sent a request to Mcafee, see what they have to say.  I used to have AVG Avast and it was great, so many reviews re Mcafee saying that is was all singing all dancing, however, I am finding that it is not quite what it says on the box.
I used to delete all cookies myself, Mcafee state this is done for you, obviously not. I have now added their "shredder" service too. so now for a couple of wasted hours clearing down this poor TOY manually.

Stoop, I did the full scan using custom and ticked all the boxes, after it has finished the scan the front screen shows nothing found, click on the "view report" note from image it states that nothing was found, yet the report states otherwise.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on November 01, 2010, 11:35:44 AM

It seems you might have the new version and I have not. I have updated again today and it's still the old version. I know they are rolling it out in stages so maybe when I get it I will see what you are seeing.

However after my latest scan I have no tracking cookies showing or viruses. I've had a good look at the report and everything seems OK.

Cookie wise I tend to delete via firefox anyway but of course I do allow some to remain - so that the sites I want to remember me are able to do so.

Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: loz on November 01, 2010, 11:45:36 AM
I deleted all cookies, the only one I am having problems with is now the, this one is a pain in the backside, I have gone through the registry and deleted, but it came back again, I had the same problem with Avast AVG and Norton, I may try spybot if all else fails.
I am running another scan to see what results I get this time now that I have been through all browsers, the scan is half way through, showing nothing found nothing fixed, should be interesting to see the report again.
doubleclick is still attached to firefox browser only, goes then returns, this is the one that is causing the tracking cookies. I have gone into the start menu and RUN, regit deleted the registry, rebooted and returned, anyone else have a idea for this one, windows 7.
Title: O2 Mcafee security problem
Post by: stoop on November 01, 2010, 12:01:29 PM
Doubleclick is part of google and is the thing that puts relevant adverts on your screen. It wasn't in my cookie list but I have seen it before. I think you can opt out of it here