Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => All things that have nothing to do with Turkey => Topic started by: laffa on February 18, 2011, 23:22:38 PM

Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: laffa on February 18, 2011, 23:22:38 PM
Just thinking now that Gordan has joined the facebook, (poor Loz) ;)
How many of you men have been called Victor Meldrew and how many women have called their men the same, I thought it was only Kenny, but it appears to be alot more out there, so, come on own up.:P
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: GordonA on February 18, 2011, 23:50:28 PM
Laffa, I've been on Facebook for a while, but used our "joint wall", etc. After my "Deviation from the pathway of truth & Enlightenment", yesterday, she decided it would be safer for her, if I had my own "Wall". : :) ;)

Most times, I am just a normal, easy-going , happy kind of a guy, Honestly, I am, : :) BUT, now and then, some Bug%4r just brushes against the wrong, (or, maybe right) button, and OOOOPS!! There You Go!! [:(!][:(!]: :) ;) ;)
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: laffa on February 19, 2011, 00:25:28 AM
 :) A bit like Kenny then. ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: desmartinson on February 19, 2011, 07:52:05 AM
Originally posted by GordonA

Laffa, I've been on Facebook for a while, but used our "joint wall", etc. After my "Deviation from the pathway of truth & Enlightenment", yesterday, she decided it would be safer for her, if I had my own "Wall". : :) ;)

Most times, I am just a normal, easy-going , happy kind of a guy, Honestly, I am, : :) BUT, now and then, some Bug%4r just brushes against the wrong, (or, maybe right) button, and OOOOPS!! There You Go!! [:(!][:(!]: :) ;) ;)

Normal! Gordy whoever told you that? looked more normal with previous avatar ;) :) lol
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: Highlander on February 19, 2011, 12:53:49 PM
Brenda could write you a book Laffa on how much I am like, or indeed worse than the Richard Wilson character.

Sadly, I'd probably have to agree.
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: loz on February 19, 2011, 13:17:40 PM
Believe me, he is worse than Victor! no shop or tradesman is safe, his latest out burst on facebook using the joint page is his last!
No subject is safe from his wrath, I swear he does not take a breath made worse by his wide stretch of vocabulary (walking dictionary).
When someone knocks on the front door it is thankfully me who gets there first, voting time when callers knock asking for votes, oh hell! he lays in wait for the poor unsuspecting victims, and whilst out shopping steering him away from the canvassers is a full time job. I am so pleased that the TV is not interactive we could be jailed.  
And worse of all is a good TV program I would like to watch, must try to turn it off before the final credits, "See Jew Jew and another Jew, we are soon to be run by Jews"!  news casters politicians no one is safe.  All made worse by too much time on his hands.
His latest, he is waiting for BBC question time to come to anywhere in Hampshire as he would like to get tickets to go.

Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: marina on February 19, 2011, 14:16:55 PM
Thankfully we're not on facebook but my OH couldn't be more like Victor Meldrew if he tried and I frequently refer to him as that, much to his disgust of course  :D
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: Highlander on February 19, 2011, 14:52:35 PM
Hang on a minute here.

Are there any ladies on the Forum who would care to admit to being "Victoria Meldrews" :)
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: loz on February 19, 2011, 14:59:01 PM
NO! far too patient.
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: marina on February 19, 2011, 15:03:39 PM
Originally posted by Highlander

Hang on a minute here.

Are there any ladies on the Forum who would care to admit to being "Victoria Meldrews" :)

Absolutely not!   ;)
Title: Now Be honest.
Post by: laffa on February 19, 2011, 21:22:43 PM
 :)Not guilty, but there must be some.