Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Introduce Yourself => New Member Introductions => Topic started by: 7 of 9 on February 12, 2005, 16:35:47 PM

Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: 7 of 9 on February 12, 2005, 16:35:47 PM
Hi All
Glad I found this Forum, although I think it was found a few weeks ago. Lots of pertinent info here, trying to paste / copy all the important stuff.
It taken a long time to get to this stage, selling up in UK and renting. The fact is who can retire in the UK at 65 and pay huge bills on a state pension, and have enough left to holiday abroad.
So it seems sensible to start changing ones life style now and take steps for relocating permanently later.
Anyway, coming over this month via Izmir.
Calais has been described in a guide book, as being pummeted by wind which makes the water filthy and where millions of mosi´s breed. So I was going to give the place a miss, but plenty of you seem to enjoy the area, so will most likely visit.
Is Calais going to be part of this new turkish riveria that people are talking about. If so, could be very tempting.
Finally for now, what would the members on this forum do if faced with my property seach which was intended to start at Cesme and then on down to Bodrum along the coast. Is the Turquoise Coast so good that you would head straight to Fethiye.
Regards for now
7 of 9
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Steve (redding43) on February 12, 2005, 16:44:28 PM
Hi 7 of 9 (Star Trek fan? - or just the character 7 of 9 ;o) )

We started like you in the Bodrum area and slowly moved down to Calis. Reason we chose Calis:

1. Dalaman airport will HOPEFULLY begin opening all year
2. Rumours of a ski resort opening nearby
3. The tunnel to the airport being constructed (hopefully!)

By far though, we chose Calis because we loved it!. I'm sure other areas of Turkey may be the same but our experience of Calis (and surrounding areas) was second to none. The people are fantastic, the way of life appears relaxed and the weather is a bonus.

I can assume from your quote from the guide books they were not big fans of the area!. I simply feel it is 'horses for courses'. We don't like the costa del sol but don't try to push our opinion on others. Better they make up their minds for themselves.

We purchased last year and am looking forward to our first full year in our place. We arrived back last week after furnishing it, it is just as good in the winter as it is in the summer (though a little colder and a little more difficult to get to)

You will get all the info you need here...enjoy and let us know how you get on

Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Rimms on February 12, 2005, 16:57:08 PM

Rather than being " pummeted by wind " Calis enjoys a welcome breeze in the summer which is more than welcome when the temperature soars above 35 degrees.

I have stayed in Olu Deniz, Ovacik ( up in the mountains ) and the mosi problem is no better or worse than in Calis, the new drainage system introduced 2 years ago has got rid of a lot of the standing water associated with this problem, they have a lotion called Sin Kov, if you use it properly, you won't get bitten.

The bay of Calis is quite shallow and so certain sea and wind conditions can muddy the water, but filthy is not a word to describe it.

I have not been up the coast as far as Cesme so I would like to hear your views when you have had a look, however, after years of shopping with my wife who spots the shoes she likes in the first shop she visits, but then insists on visiting 30 more shops before retutrning to the first place only to find them sold ! We, like loads more on this site found Fethiye / Calis and recognised a good thing when we see one.

Good luck with your search, keep us informed.

Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: kanga on February 12, 2005, 17:00:48 PM
welcome ,enjoy your retirement,beautiful calis beach awits you
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: canalman on February 12, 2005, 17:18:37 PM
Hi 7 of 9, welcome to this forum; Calis is in Turkey and Calais is in northern France. It is not wind swept as much as having a refreshing breeze in the summer and during the hot weather there are mossie but they are being dealt with. Good luck with what you are going to do and please leave all your 'Borg' implants at home when you come out lol
Pete and Sue
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Anne on February 12, 2005, 18:37:41 PM
Hi Welcome to the forum.
Good luck in your property search.  
The only thing I will say to you about Calis is don't knock it till you've tried it.
We love it but that's only our opinion, others will I'm sure disagree. So pay a visit and decide for yourself.
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: 7 of 9 on February 12, 2005, 19:54:59 PM
Hi Again
Thank you all so much for taking the trouble to post. Admittedly the Airport and skiing centre are at the back or rather front of my mind (those Borg Implants, but lets not get into that).
Will be rearranging my itinerary as the Fethiye region was first choice, but the higher prices put me off.
So its going to be a busy time and thanks again everybody for your warm welcome.

7 of 9 (yes, she does look rather glam)

N.B. Can I be cheeky and ask if there is a good surveyor in town.

Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Steve (redding43) on February 13, 2005, 09:11:23 AM
Not sure about a surveyor but Cenk on the forum is, i believe, a trained structural engineer (and an estate agent)
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Rakimonster on February 13, 2005, 09:57:31 AM
Welcome to the forum. I have got to say, i read a few books about Turkey, prior to coming over, & I can't remember reading a good word about Calis, particularly in The Rough Guide, it did initially put me off a bit, however, having stayed there, I have found it to be a fab. place, with great people, & came back feeling more relaxed than ever.
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: 7 of 9 on February 13, 2005, 15:23:08 PM
Thank you all again for the Input. Have actually found a ´cheaper´car rental agency, what a difference from Alicante, but hopefully it will be a one off.
Some thoughts went though my head last night (great small hours thinker)which I should like to bounce off you all please.
(a)Is bankers draft the best way to transfer from UK sterling account to Turkish sterling account.
(b)For older properties how hard do you haggle, if at all much.
(c)Do you all swear by the Kusemder logo regarding estate agents.
(d)Am I right in assuming that different agents have different prices for the same property.
(e)Can you ride a scooter in turkey up to 125cc on a car license?
(f)Is it true that due to heavy rain last summer in calis there is now a lot of subsidence, due to many builds on ínfill sites?

Better to be informed if possible, excuse me if any of the above points offend.

7 of 9

N.B. Incidentally, just for the record i will not be retiring for a few years yet. Wish I could though!
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: number2 on February 13, 2005, 18:19:50 PM
Welcome 7 of 9, you are right in assuming different estate agents have different prices, read it somewhere on here, the rest I don't know, I bought my place off an old fella who just wanted to leave, so no estate agents involved. Alan
Title: Guess wot - another new member
Post by: Orange on February 14, 2005, 10:35:23 AM
Welcome 7 of 9 - Good luck with your visit - you will love Calis.  I hope you find what you are looking for where ever that mind up being.