Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => All things that have nothing to do with Turkey => Topic started by: valleyboy on October 16, 2011, 16:55:08 PM

Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: valleyboy on October 16, 2011, 16:55:08 PM
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: GordonA on October 16, 2011, 17:57:52 PM
Read the rule book, my friend, if a player takes an opponent of his feet, & into the air during a tackle, he has a duty of care to place him back onto the ground, NOT throw him down from a great height. The fact that the French players feet went above the head of the Welsh tackler, only goes to compound the offence. Still harsh, but, it's within the ruling of the sport, & only a bloody game, innit ??  ;): :)
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: tinkerman on October 16, 2011, 18:10:32 PM
yes but he was a frenchman
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: GordonA on October 16, 2011, 18:30:17 PM
No he isn't, he is actually part Irish !!
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Highlander on October 16, 2011, 18:43:31 PM
The player Gordon. Try and keep up. ;)
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: BM06 on October 16, 2011, 19:04:23 PM
Despite being dumped out by the French, I hear that the welsh have taken a leaf out of their book, by planting miles and miles vineyards in South Whales. Unfortunately the type of grape used is very acidic, but they reckon it should provide us with an endless amount of bitter welsh whine for years to come.:D:D
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Eric on October 16, 2011, 19:17:23 PM
Read this;

It explains the refs decision, no argument!
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Highlander on October 16, 2011, 19:44:53 PM
That;s the one I was trying to find in response to JH.

Thanks Eric.
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Ian on October 16, 2011, 20:23:36 PM
Originally posted by GordonA

if a player takes an opponent of his feet, & into the air during a tackle, he has a duty of care to place him back onto the ground........

Is this another European Directive - should have ended with put him on benefits and make him a cup of coffee :D :D
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: tinkerman on October 16, 2011, 20:26:26 PM
That man has rights!
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: maximumtom on October 16, 2011, 20:39:54 PM
Originally posted by GordonA

Read the rule book, my friend, if a player takes an opponent of his feet, & into the air during a tackle, he has a duty of care to place him back onto the ground, NOT throw him down from a great height. The fact that the French players feet went above the head of the Welsh tackler, only goes to compound the offence. Still harsh, but, it's within the ruling of the sport, & only a bloody game, innit ??  ;): :)

The Frenchman wasn't thrown to the ground; the tackler just let him go ( with the rain and the slinky shirt he must have been like a bar of soap:D)
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Colwyn on October 17, 2011, 12:01:32 PM
I'm not sure I understand this.

A directive was also issued to referees before the tournament, relating to such tackles, which stated: "Foul play - high tackles, grabbing and twisting of the head and tip tackles to be emphasised, with referees to start at red and work backwards."

The decision was wrong. Whether this was because the referee's interpretation was erroneous or whether the Law and/or its Directive is faulty doesn't alter that. The deliberate, malicious spiking of a player by driving him downwards must surely be differentiated from the dropping of a player; they should not both receive the same sanction.

Hey BM06, shouldn't you be concentrating on celebrating your own team's performance rather than deriding another team's supporters who are justifiably disappointed with events on Saturday?
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: valleyboy on October 17, 2011, 13:30:20 PM
I only posted this picture for a "bit of a laugh", particularly for the Welsh brethren out there, to maybe help lighten this whole thing, not to help fuel any ongoing controversy.

I have my own personal viewpoint, which to be frank I'm sick of "harping" on about (excuse the pun!), but all that aside, I have nothing but respect for this young man who has throughout this tournament shown exemplary qualities of leadership, skill, courage, and dignity, apart from the "mighty" All Black's, the Wales squad has brought a massive contribution to the tournament with amazing skill and strength on the field and decorum and professionalism off the field.

We as a Nation, and I'm sure the rugby World in general (the serious one's),thank and salute you !  

Originally posted by BM06

Despite being dumped out by the French, I hear that the welsh have taken a leaf out of their book, by planting miles and miles vineyards in South Whales. Unfortunately the type of grape used is very acidic, but they reckon it should provide us with an endless amount of bitter welsh whine for years to come.:D:D

Correct BM06,this will go on for generations, but it could have been worse we could have thrown a few dwarves around in post match drinking binges (but at least they had helmets on !) :) ;)

Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Eric on October 17, 2011, 13:32:24 PM
The 2009 memo in full, it gives 3 different 'scenarios'.  The 2nd is my interpretation of what happened = Red card.


To: Referees
Citing Commissioners
Judicial Officers
Non-legal Judicial Committee Members
From: Paddy O'Brien, IRB Referee Manager
Tim Gresson, IRB Judicial Panel Chairman
Date: 8 June 2009
Subject: Dangerous Tackles

In 2007, the IRB Council approved a Laws Designated Members Ruling which essentially made it clear that tackles involving a player being lifted off the ground and tipped horizontally and were then either forced or dropped to the ground are illegal and constitute dangerous play.

At a subsequent IRB High Performance Referee Seminar at Lensbury referees were advised that for these types of tackles they were to start at red card as a sanction and work backwards.

Unfortunately these types of tackles are still being made and the purpose of this memorandum is to emphasize that they must be dealt with severely by referees and all those involved in the off-field disciplinary process.

Attached is a recent decision of the Judicial Officer Jannie Lubbe SC, in which the differences between the application of the red card test by referees and judicial personnel is highlighted.

In our view, this decision correctly highlights that the lifting of players in the tackle and then either forcing or dropping them to the ground is dangerous and must be dealt with severely.

To summarise, the possible scenarios when a tackler horizontally lifts a player off the ground:

1.  The player is lifted and then forced or "speared" into the ground. A red card should be issued for this type of tackle.

2.  The lifted player is dropped to the ground from a height with no regard to the player's safety. A red card should be issued for this type of tackle.

3.  For all other types of dangerous lifting tackles, it may be considered a penalty or yellow card is sufficient.

Referees and Citing Commissioners should not make their decisions based on what they consider was the intention of the offending player. Their decision should be based on an objective assessment (as per Law 10.4 (e)) of the circumstances of the tackle.
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Colwyn on October 17, 2011, 14:19:51 PM
Valleyboy, I agree with all you say. In respect to stopping "harping on" I have started a couple of forward looking threads for next weekend in the Other Sports section.
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: BM06 on October 17, 2011, 14:24:10 PM
Originally posted by Colwyn

I'm not sure I understand this.

A directive was also issued to referees before the tournament, relating to such tackles, which stated: "Foul play - high tackles, grabbing and twisting of the head and tip tackles to be emphasised, with referees to start at red and work backwards."

The decision was wrong. Whether this was because the referee's interpretation was erroneous or whether the Law and/or its Directive is faulty doesn't alter that. The deliberate, malicious spiking of a player by driving him downwards must surely be differentiated from the dropping of a player; they should not both receive the same sanction.

Hey BM06, shouldn't you be concentrating on celebrating your own team's performance rather than deriding another team's supporters who are justifiably disappointed with events on Saturday?

Hey Colwyn stop whinging, be a man, take it on the chin, you lost, have a glass of acidic whine, or take a chill pill, nothing you can do about it, end of.:P ;)
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Colwyn on October 17, 2011, 14:31:53 PM
Hey BM06, shouldn't you be concentrating on celebrating your own team's performance rather than deriding another team's supporters who are justifiably disappointed with events on Saturday?
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: BM06 on October 17, 2011, 14:37:27 PM
Hey Colwyn, I am we won 4-0 :o ;) you only need to wait 4 years for another go, it will soon pass ;)mean while get the cork screw out:D:D
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Colwyn on October 17, 2011, 14:44:16 PM
Originally posted by BM06

we won 4-0
Oh good, I'm glad your pub has a decent Shove Ha'penny team. It must be a comfort to you in your times of difficulty.
Title: Travesty of Justice !
Post by: Highlander on October 17, 2011, 20:44:13 PM
In case you're not following the other thread.